Before my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, I had always been very polite, and described myself as a “diplomat.”
People knew me as someone who maintained patience and composure in almost any situation.
But for me, one of the reasons I suspected something was off with my health, was that I started experiencing mood swings in combination with starting to feel as though I was on an emotional roller coaster… yet felt numb…!
This was all completely out of character for me — but when I started addressing the root causes of my Hashimoto’s, I got better.
Some of the other symptoms I experienced early on included hair loss, exhaustion, anxiety, feeling physically cold, and brain fog. One of the main physical symptoms that alarmed me was pain and numbness in both of my arms.
For others, Hashimoto’s may mean recurrent miscarriages, an inability to lose weight, depression, fatigue, constipation, and years of frustration.
One participant in my Facebook community reported her feelings as:
“An out-of-body experience, where I don’t know who I am anymore, nor how I got this way. When I’m tired, I feel like there’s a weight on my body preventing me from moving.”
And another person shared:
“I had no energy to work any later than I had to. In summary, I missed out on life.”
I suspect my journey with Hashimoto’s, like for many of you, began many years before diagnosis.
Through my research and client work, I’ve learned that almost everyone feels emotional changes along with physical symptoms associated with thyroid disease.
Knowing that many others experience the emotional roller coaster that comes with Hashimoto’s, I wanted to write an article that describes what it feels like to have thyroid disease.
In this article, I’ll share:
- My experience with Hashimoto’s
- Other experiences of people with thyroid disease
- How to receive emotional support on your health journey
- Where to start with Hashimoto’s
How Hashimoto’s Can Affect Emotions
To me, the scariest experience after my thyroid diagnosis and starting to take thyroid medication, was the dissociation from myself. I became numb and apathetic to life, unable to feel any emotion, good or bad. I no longer had a desire for the things that made me human, such as being close to others, making friendships, following my passions, and loving the people in my life. It was as though my inner “love” switch was turned off or dimmed and I was living in a cold, dark world… and all but a very small part of me didn’t care.
Like the Pink Floyd song, I had become comfortably numb.
People who have thyroid disease can experience a myriad of emotional and physical symptoms.
Aside from the stress that they may feel, there’s plenty of evidence showing that thyroid disease and Hashimoto’s are also positively correlated to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and alexithymia (an inability to describe emotions). [1]
Here are some examples of the findings:
- Most people with Hashimoto’s reported feeling drained, even though, when tested, their thyroid hormones were within a range considered “normal” and healthy. [2]
- Some had an altered sense of time; others felt like “observers watching the world pass.”
- Often, they would blame themselves for their lack of energy, feeling guilty and telling themselves to “pull it together.”
- People with Hashimoto’s may feel a lack of control over their bodies. One person commented: “We used to be able to control our bodies, but now, our bodies have begun controlling us. Mind over matter seems much more difficult.” [3]
- On the other hand, people with hyperthyroidism felt like they had a restless mind and a loss of emotional control. They felt like their intention was separated from their mind, and that they could not control their feelings of impatience, anger, and irritability, which then led to involuntary and out-of-proportion emotional outbursts! [4]
These studies shed light on the patient experience. Many people with Hashimoto’s will still experience struggles like those listed above, even while taking thyroid medications – I know I did! The severity of symptoms can vary considerably. Some don’t have any symptoms, while others have physical and emotional symptoms.
Years ago, I asked my Facebook community of Root Cause Rebels what it feels like to live with Hashimoto’s, or how living with Hashimoto’s affects them — here are some of the responses (some are edited for clarity):*
“Confusing, exasperating, numbing, exhausting. It’s so incredibly hard on those that have it, as it is hard on those that love us. It’s hard to explain the feelings, the desperation, the weight gain, and the lack of intimacy, to those that have not experienced it first hand, it’s just hard.”
“Sleeping in thick socks and a sweater because even if I have the AC set to 70 degrees in my house at night, I feel it’s 40 degrees.”
“Like you don’t recognize yourself… you keep trying to find the old ‘me,’ but she’s long gone. I miss the girl I was before Hashimoto’s.”
“I feel like a completely different person… What is worse is no one gets it, your friends, family, doctors. Kind of breaks the spirit.”
“I’ve spent 8 years being treated for debilitating headaches and fatigue, and all throughout those years, I missed out on life. I missed seeing my oldest play in her last state basketball game. I missed the last 6 years of driving my kids to school. I missed out on going to lunch with friends and ate at my desk because I had no energy to work any later than I had to. In summary, I missed out on life. I ended up burning out and quit the job I loved because I just couldn’t get up anymore/work at day/headache at night. Took all kinds of preventative meds, which took care of the pain but not the other symptoms, all to find out that I had Hashimoto’s and by treating that and adrenal fatigue, I didn’t need to take the anti-seizure/antidepressant meds (the preventatives). I had memory problems when I used to have a slightly photographic memory. All because my general physician based his diagnosis on TSH, which is still low but normal, even though I don’t spit out any T4/T3 and my antibodies are off the chart.”
“Husband: ‘I figured out why the tub is backed up!’ as he holds up a huge wad of my hair. Again.” (Hair loss)
“Walking against the current of a raging river, on a good day.” (Fatigue)
“Like piranhas are gnawing on every joint of your body.” (Joint pain)
“Like you are standing in a dense fog, not knowing where to go.” (Brain fog/short-term memory loss)
“An out-of-body experience… when I’m tired, I feel like there’s a weight on my body preventing me from moving.”
“Like wading through chin-deep mud or quicksand with a load of bricks on your back, the day after the most grueling workout imaginable, after pulling several all-nighters in a row. Sometimes hungover on top of that, except without the fun part. You think ‘if I could only rest for 5 minutes’ and wake up 13 hours later.” (Fatigue)
As you can see, one person’s Hashimoto’s is not the same as another person’s Hashimoto’s! If you’ve been feeling anything similar to what’s described above, or even something different, know that you’re not alone.
Common Symptoms in Hashimoto’s
People with Hashimoto’s may experience symptoms of both hyper- and hypothyroidism — the symptoms themselves as well as the severity of symptoms can shift over time, which is why Hashimoto’s can have so many different faces.
This is part of why it’s so important to get the right set of tests. I also recommend keeping track of your symptoms using a health app or journal.
The most common symptoms in Hashimoto’s are: [5]
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Weight gain
- Weight loss
- Constipation or other GI disturbances
- Enlarged thyroid
- Heat or cold intolerance
- Depression and/or anxiety
- Muscle aches
- Rapid or slow heartbeat
- Sweating
- Hair loss
- Infertility
Often in the early stages of Hashimoto’s, a person may swing into a hyperthyroid state, or symptoms may even be considered subclinical. For those with Hashimoto’s, as the thyroid is destroyed, stored hormones can be released, causing sudden high levels of thyroid hormone. Then, as that is depleted and the thyroid becomes further damaged, thyroid levels can become low, with hypothyroidism redeveloping. [6]
It is also possible to have Hashimoto’s and have a single thyrotoxic nodule (this means it produces too much thyroid hormone), which results in hypo- and hyperthyroid swings. [7]
Symptoms may also vary as they are related to different systems such as the liver, the gut, and the adrenals.
Even when TSH levels appear to be in a normal range, elevated thyroid antibodies can contribute to symptoms such as pain, anxiety, distress, fatigue, weight gain, and depression. [8]
Furthermore, many of us don’t fully understand the impact of our condition, because the non-specific symptoms of autoimmune thyroid disease are often brushed off as being part of everyday life…
I wish I could tell you that most people with thyroid disease see a disappearance of their symptoms as soon as their thyroid hormones are addressed with medications.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Some people may continue to have a persistent reduction in their health-related quality of life, even while taking thyroid medications. This is why I am so passionate about taking charge of your own health and recommend a root cause approach to Hashimoto’s.
In conventional medicine, there is still very little awareness about all of the implications of how Hashimoto’s can make us feel. This may be one of the reasons why it may be difficult for loved ones and other people in our lives to understand what we’re going through.
Why Hashimoto’s May Be Difficult for Others to Understand
Looking back at my thyroid journey, I can see times when I was clearly on a hyperthyroid-induced emotional roller coaster.
One night, I found myself “wearing my heart on my sleeve.” My husband and I got into an argument before meeting friends for dinner, and I spent the entire evening sulking and sobbing, making our friends super uncomfortable. Normally, I would have put on a big smile and pretended like everything was fine.
Another time, when I started taking thyroid medications but was overdosed, I was driving with my mom in the car and following her directions. She wasn’t paying attention and forgot to have me turn somewhere, then tried to tell me to turn suddenly.
I got so mad that I started yelling at her and speeding! This was completely out of character for me. My poor mom was shocked and held onto her seatbelt for dear life! I completely blew the situation out of proportion. It was like I had no fuse! So what if we missed a turn? We were going on a leisurely shopping trip and had the whole day ahead of us… Of course, I felt horrible and embarrassed for treating my mom this way. (Sorry, Mom!)
Outbursts are just one of the many possible “side effects” of a thyroid condition.
When we have an invisible illness, some of us have found it difficult to validate the effects of our illness, because our symptoms are virtually invisible to others.
We might try to pretend that there’s nothing wrong with us.
But because autoimmunity is a silent disease, our friends and family might see us looking just as good as we normally would, and not realize we need help and support.
They don’t realize we feel sick or are just struggling to get by.
Sometimes we need to see our lab tests to understand how “sick” we are. I remember one client telling me it took seeing a TSH test result of 100 IU/mL and a trip to the doctor to admit that she was exhausted. (A TSH reading of 100 IU/mL is extremely high; the American College of Clinical Endocrinologists recommends that TSH levels be between 0.3 and 3.0 μIU/mL, and I recommend an even narrower optional range of 1 to 2 μIU/mL for adults.)
For many of us, even the lab tests don’t tell the whole story, since “normal levels” of thyroid hormones in labs are not the same as optimal levels that help us feel our best (learn more about different tests and optimal levels in this article).
It doesn’t help the situation that most of us are brushed off by doctors and loved ones. The lack of obvious “physical” features with Hashimoto’s often makes it difficult for loved ones, as well as patients themselves, to understand the deeper impact Hashimoto’s can have on our minds, bodies, and souls.
A person who is sniffling, coughing, and has a fever is expected to sleep all day, but a person who has hypothyroidism, “an invisible disease,” often feels unjustified for wanting to sleep all day, and others may not understand that fatigue is indeed a symptom of thyroid issues.
What We Often Hear…
Significant others, friends, colleagues, and family members often do not acknowledge or understand the effect the condition has on their loved one’s daily functioning.
I remember trying to tell my husband how awful and tired I felt when I was first diagnosed, and all he could say was, “I think it’s in your head. You look just fine to me.” Family members told me that if I just tried a little harder, woke up earlier, and stopped feeling sorry for myself, all would be well.
Have you ever heard one or more of the following?
- “It’s all in your head.”
- “You don’t look sick!”
- “You’re just stressed.”
- “You’re just getting older.”
- “Everyone’s tired.”
- “You must be depressed.”
- “You’re eating too much.”
- “You’re not trying hard enough.”
You may also hear, “I know another person with thyroid disease, and they function just fine. Why can’t you be more like them?” But they do not realize that because the symptoms of Hashimoto’s are so variable, two individuals with Hashimoto’s may have a completely different experience!
While I experienced fatigue and mood imbalances, another individual’s experience may be more focused on weight gain and cold intolerance. This variability makes it difficult for some to understand or empathize, as someone with Hashimoto’s could “look” completely different than what is expected for those with autoimmune conditions.
What We Long to Hear from Loved Ones
Whenever I’ve had minor surgeries, like a wisdom tooth extraction that left me with chipmunk cheeks, or a deviated septum surgery that left me with a bandage on my nose, everyone felt bad for me!
My family and friends went out of their way to take care of me, encouraged me to rest, and made special food for me. Of course, the irony was that the pain from the surgeries was negligible compared to the pain I felt from Hashimoto’s.
The difference? Those around me saw those bandages and chipmunk cheeks as “proof” of pain.
Those with Hashimoto’s long to have the same support with their autoimmune condition experience as they do with “visible” injuries or illnesses.
When others express real empathy and compassion, even if they cannot fully see or understand what people with Hashimoto’s are going through, it can make an incredible difference on the healing journey.
Some people with Hashimoto’s will try to act like superheroes and minimize their symptoms while hurting inside; others may exaggerate symptoms to gain some sympathy from their loved ones.
Either way, I believe that most people long for acknowledgement from friends and loved ones.
For me, when I was deep in it, admitting to my symptoms felt like defeat and self-pity; a part of me was ashamed of the feelings I had. But I can tell you that self-care and self-compassion are a big part of healing, and that is what ultimately brought me out of the dark, cold, secret place I once found myself.
It’s okay to admit that you don’t have everything figured out and that you’re not the superman or superwoman you are pretending to be! It’s okay to let loved ones know that you are going to need their support and understanding during this time.
And it’s understandable if you are afraid that you will feel like this forever — but please believe me when I say you won’t.
How to Ask for Support from Our Loved Ones
As you know by now, Hashimoto’s is an “invisible illness.” This means your loved one may look at you the same way they always have, thinking that there’s nothing ”wrong” with you.
Meanwhile, here you are struggling with heavy symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, pain, and depression!
Here are some simple ways you can ask for support:
- Ask them to listen without judgment
- Make sure that they validate your experience
- Suggest meals that are compliant with your diet
- Ask if they can take care of a chore you might be too tired to do
- Let them know that you need to rest when possible
- Plan low-key activities for when you spend time together… probably no 10-mile hikes, but some yoga, sauna, or swimming time could be perfect!
Let them know that these kinds of small actions can mean the world to someone who’s struggling with Hashimoto’s.
For more support, there’s a wonderful Facebook Group specifically devoted to Hashimoto’s Support For Spouses & Family, that they may wish to join as well.
You Can Get Better!
Today, I encourage you to connect with what you’re going through, and show yourself the same compassion you would show to a child or pet going through a difficult time.
The first step in overcoming any challenge, health-related or otherwise, is to acknowledge and accept that Hashimoto’s is a reality in your life.
Learning to accept myself “as is” and letting go of wanting to be “perfect” were important parts of my healing journey. My book, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: The Root Cause, is a testament of my own self-acceptance.
Writing that book was certainly healing for me and allowed space for me to self-reflect and accept what I was going through.
I recommend that you do an honest inventory of what you’re going through, and give yourself permission to show yourself some serious love and compassion.
This is a crucial step to awakening to the clarity of where you are in your health journey and where to go next.
Here are three questions to guide you towards acceptance and help you have honest conversations with yourself and loved ones:
- Be honest: How does thyroid disease make you feel? Consider journaling your feelings.
- What are some things you could do to show yourself more compassion?
- How can you ask for and find support from people who truly understand what you are going through?
The next few steps consist of having a strong support system — this can include connecting with other individuals who have Hashimoto’s, finding the right healthcare practitioner who truly understands Hashimoto’s, or simply having your loved ones better understand what you are going through.
I can’t stress the importance of having a sense of community, support, and simply a person to talk to when going through your life, and especially through your health journey.
Simply expressing how you feel to a person or group who truly “gets it” can go a long way towards acceptance and feeling more positive about Hashimoto’s, and our whole lives.
And a positive side effect of feeling this way is that we can feel more empowered to share what’s really going on with our loved ones.
Recommendations for Support with Your Hashimoto’s Journey
If you are interested in finding or cultivating a support system for Hashimoto’s beyond your circle of friends and loved ones, here are my recommendations:
Find a Hashimoto’s Support Group
Finding a support group of individuals who are going through a similar journey can be an incredibly validating experience. Because Hashimoto’s shows up as an invisible illness, sometimes those who look “fine” but are feeling the effects of this condition, make us feel most heard.
I recommend searching for support groups on Facebook — here is one example, the Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Support Group — as well as searching for online wellness communities that do (virtual or in-person) meetups.
If you have not joined us already, consider following my Thyroid Pharmacist Facebook Page! It’s a place where I share daily tips and inspiration, AND where you can get a bit of guidance on the next steps of your journey from me and other community members.
I try to check in regularly to answer questions, and occasionally pop in for a Facebook chat to connect with everyone!
I’m proud to say that we are now over 400,000 members strong, and I love seeing comments from community members who have taken back their health after discovering new information.
Different communities will have a different atmosphere or tone — I recommend joining a community that makes you feel heard and brings out those feel-good endorphins.
Search for Dr. Right
Having a supportive healthcare provider can make all the difference on your health journey. You want to work with someone who supports you, who treats you like you’re more than just a number, and who understands that the condition of your thyroid cannot be summed up by lab results alone. Your symptoms are real and it’s important that your healthcare provider is committed to your well-being, so you can get back to feeling your best!
Finding a dedicated practitioner who understands the root cause approach is crucial for long-term improvement (and remission) of Hashimoto’s. Many do not know where to start searching for Dr. Right, and some have had not-so-great experiences with practitioners that make them hesitant to try a new doctor.
As such, I developed a database of recommended practitioners…
You may also want to consider adding more professionals to build a supportive care team — for instance, a therapist, holistic dentist, and/or naturopath.
Share Hashimoto’s Knowledge with Your Loved Ones
Sharing your knowledge of your condition, with loved ones, can also be helpful. You could:
- Share this article
- Share the book, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: The Root Cause
- Have real conversations
Sharing this article with your loved ones can help them understand the “invisible” side of this illness. Others may have a difficult time visualizing how mood swings can affect those with Hashimoto’s, or how flare-ups can prevent many from completing daily tasks with ease. As your loved ones read the experiences shared in this article, they may gain some insight, and the next section specifically shares some ways for them to support you.
Where to Start With Healing Hashimoto’s
Being a Root Cause Rebel, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I was curious to learn more about how Hashimoto’s develops and what effective long-term solutions for this autoimmune condition are.
Getting on the right medication is definitely an important first step… but what happens after that?
What diet is right for you? Should you do a liver cleanse? Balance your adrenals?
Hashimoto’s is complex, and in my experience, some people with Hashimoto’s need to focus on many layers of healing in order to discover how much better they really can feel!
Conventional medicine tends to look at each symptom as separate, and tends to focus only on thyroid hormones directly. But functional practitioners look at the big picture, and consider all the moving pieces that could be triggers for Hashimoto’s.
Through working to get my own Hashimoto’s under control, I developed the “DIG AT IT” approach. Each letter represents a different area that should be addressed to uncover your root causes.
The acronym stands for:
- Depletions, Digestion
- Iodine, Inflammation, Infection, Immune Imbalance
- Gut, Gluten
- Adrenals, Alkaline Phosphatase
- Triggers
- Intolerances
- Toxins
I know this can sound overwhelming! That’s why I suggest that you start with “cutting down and trimming branches” to remove the obvious triggers and make the simplest modifications. Then later, you can work to repair the other broken systems.
If you’re curious to learn more about Hashimoto’s, I encourage you to read the following articles:
- For a general overview of Hashimoto’s and how to get started with the root cause approach, read more About Hashimoto’s.
- Where Do I Start With Hashimoto’s? will give you a more thorough look into getting a diagnosis, lab testing, and the root cause approach.
- How Hashimoto’s Develops and What’s Really Going On with Hashimoto’s will give you a deeper understanding of the thyroid gland and how Hashimoto’s develops.
- Consider picking up one or more of my books: Hashimoto’s Protocol, Hashimoto’s: The Root Cause, or Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology.
- Finally, please take a look at my resources page, where you can find more information about finding a practitioner, thyroid-friendly products, and other helpful information.
- Investigate your adrenal health as a possible factor (in one survey, some 90 percent of my Hashimoto’s clients reported having adrenal dysfunction). Check out my article on adrenal health to learn more, and consider getting a copy of my book, Adrenal Transformation Protocol.
No matter where you start, just know that there are people out there who have found their root cause and are living their best lives… and you can too!
Next Steps – How to Feel Better
I hope that you show this article and your reflections to your loved ones, so that they too can get a glimpse of what you’re going through.
My hope is that they will be able to see past the invisible illness, the superhero mask you’re wearing, and your struggles, and give you the support, acknowledgment, and validation that you deserve.
If you’re like me, you probably had placed high hopes on thyroid medications after your diagnosis, only to be disappointed that they only helped a few things, while you were left with dozens of residual symptoms. This is because there’s much more to autoimmune thyroid disease than just thyroid hormone levels.
I truly believe that we need to take a whole-person approach to become our best selves again.
And right now, even if you feel like you will never get better, I want to let you know that you can get your life back. I’ve done it, and thousands of my clients and readers have, too.
My life’s work is dedicated to sharing success stories and strategies for health recovery so that more success stories and strategies can be created and uncovered.
Want to stay in touch? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok! And sign up for my weekly newsletter to get a free Thyroid Diet Guide, 10 thyroid-friendly recipes, and the Nutrient Depletions and Digestion chapter of my first book! You’ll also get occasional email updates about new research, resources, giveaways, and helpful information.
[1] Siegmann EM, Müller HHO, Luecke C, Philipsen A, Kornhuber J, Grömer TW. Association of Depression and Anxiety Disorders With Autoimmune Thyroiditis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [published correction appears in JAMA Psychiatry. 2019 Jun 19. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018;75(6):577-584. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.0190; Gorkhali, Binu et al. Anxiety and Depression among Patients with Thyroid Function Disorders. J Nepal Health Res Counc. 2020 Nov 13;18(3):373-378; Ayhan, Medine Giynas et al. The prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders in patients with euthyroid Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: a comparative study. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. Jan-Feb 2014;36(1):95-8; Martino, Gabriella et al. Alexithymia, Emotional Distress, and Perceived Quality of Life in Patients With Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Front Psychol. 2021; 12: 667237; Giynas Ayhan M, Uguz F, Askin R, Gonen M. The prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders in patients with euthyroid Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: a comparative study. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2014;36(1):95-98; Yalcin MM, Altinova AE, Cavnar B, et al. Is thyroid autoimmunity itself associated with psychological well-being in euthyroid Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?. Endocr J. 2017;64(4):425-429. doi:10.1507/endocrj.EJ16-0418
[2] Groenewegen KL, Mooij CF, van Trotsenburg ASP. Persisting symptoms in patients with Hashimoto’s disease despite normal thyroid hormone levels: Does thyroid autoimmunity play a role? A systematic review. J Transl Autoimmun. 2021;4:100101. Published 2021 Apr 15. doi:10.1016/j.jtauto.2021.100101
[3] Nexø MA, Watt T, Cleal B, et al. Exploring the experiences of people with hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Qual Health Res. 2015;25(7):945-953. doi:10.1177/1049732314554093
[4] Marian G, Nica EA, Ionescu BE, Ghinea D. Hyperthyroidism–cause of depression and psychosis: a case report. J Med Life. 2009;2(4):440-442.
[5] Ragusa F, Fallahi P, Elia G, et al. Hashimotos’ thyroiditis: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic and therapy. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;33(6):101367. doi:10.1016/j.beem.2019.101367
[6] Mincer DL, Jialal I. Hashimoto Thyroiditis. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; June 21, 2022
[7] Thyroid Nodules. American Thyroid Association. Accessed September 2, 2022.
[8] Carta MG, Loviselli A, Hardoy MC, et al. The link between thyroid autoimmunity (antithyroid peroxidase autoantibodies) with anxiety and mood disorders in the community: a field of interest for public health in the future. BMC Psychiatry. 2004;4:25. Published 2004 Aug 18. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-4-25
Note: Originally published in August 2016, this article has been revised and updated for accuracy and thoroughness.
I want to thank you so much for the message you have given to me. My wife has been battling hashimoto disease for over 4 years now. This article has opened my mind to what she has been going through. It really helps me know that I can be a better support to her through all of this. Again thank you so much.
Ben Cunningham
Ben- You are so very welcome! Thank you so much for your support!! I look forward to hearing about your wife’s progress on this page! I hope you guys also check out my book! Here’s the link in case you’re interested. 🙂
I removed my thyroid since then I am gaining 30 pounds my dr say my labs not ok I try nature Thyroid was worse one hormone really high the another really low back to levotiroxin just don’t understand what happened to my body why’s my body don’t go back to normal really scary very high colesterol
Cremilde – thank you for following this page.
Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically, is ‘dead,’ or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target. We need to re-balance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well). The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
My doctor say hyprothroism..they say i have a mass with a nodule.. Im laying in bed i have not slept cant sleep..i feel like death is waiting for head hurts i cant stop puking after i eat my ears are cold..sleepy what is going on tremors?? Came next..and my doctor acts like im crazy…
Holly – thank you so much for reaching out and sharing. I am so sorry you are struggling with all of this. My heart goes out to you <3 I believe that everyone needs to find a practitioner that will let him/her be a part of the healthcare team. You want someone that can guide you, that will also listen to you and your concerns. You want someone that’s open to thinking outside of the box and who understands that you may not fit in with the standard of care. It's a good idea to ask some standard questions when contacting a new doctor for the first time. Something else to consider is you can work with a functional doctor remotely, via Skype. You could also contact your local pharmacist or compounding pharmacy, who may be able to point you to a local doctor who has a natural functional approach. But I encourage you to keep looking for the right one for you! Here are some resources you might find helpful.
Hi, Dr. Wentz. I’m reading this article on Christmas day 2016, way past the deadline, but I wanted to say thank you for bringing this disease to the forefront. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 1995, and have suffered despite taking thyroid medication for 20 years. I’ve become somewhat of a hermit, lost touch with every friend I’ve ever had, stopped singing, (which was my life’s passion), and basically become someone that I don’t like very much. I have not been diagnosed with Hashimotos yet, but have a very strong suspicion that I will. I have pre-ordered your new book, and am sooooo looking forward to finding myself again…and hopefully my hair, too!
Thanks again, for your hard work and dedication to all of us!
Susan- Thank you so much for your support. I’m looking forward to hearing your progress on this page. Make sure to take the book slow, take notes, highlight, and establish a baseline when making changes. Hair loss is a distressing symptom experienced by women with Hashimoto’s. For women, our hair represents our femininity, and losing our hair is a constant reminder that something is off and that we are not well. Have you read these articles?
I have had an under active thyroid for 13 years now. i take 175 mg thyroxine. I used to feel cold but have menopause now for 4 years and i am cold then sweat. i am on citalopram too helps me cope with it all.
Diane- People with Hashimoto’s may experience BOTH hypothyroid and hyperthyroid symptoms because as the thyroid cells are destroyed, stored hormones are released into the circulation causing a toxic level of thyroid hormone in the body, also known as thyrotoxicosis or Hashitoxicosis. Eventually, the stored thyroid may become depleted and due to thyroid cell damage, the person is no longer able to produce enough hormones. At this time, hypothyroidism develops.
I have hypothyroidism. When I was diagnosed 10 years ago, my tsh level was 222!
Nina- Did you know that if you live in the United States, the UK, Australia, Europe and most developed countries that add iodine to the salt supply and take thyroid medications, there’s a higher probability that you do have Hashimoto’s?
Depending on the source, estimates are that between 90-95% of those with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s.
But most doctors will never tell people that they have Hashimoto’s, or that their own immune system is attacking their thyroid. People are told that their “thyroid is sluggish”, and that these things happen with age and “Just take this pill, you’ll be fine.” I hope you check out these articles that I wrote.
Here are the tests you need for diagnosis. Most endocrinologists don’t run them all so you will have to request them. Make sure to request a copy of your labs as well.
Thank you so much for this article. I sit here crying as I read it because I RELATE TO it and at the same time it VALIDATES me!! SOMEONE ELSE IS LIKE ME, I’M NOT CRAZY!!! I wish family, friends, loved ones got this…. its so dang hard. I don’t think Dr’s even get it! I’m so sick of feeling like crap & only hearing, your tsh is “within normal limits”… yeah, well it was with that mass on my thyroid and when I had thyroidectomy too!! Ughhhh. .
Thank you for the validation of this article.
Tracey- Thank you so much for sharing. I know that feeling. When I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I felt so alone. My doctor didn’t think it was a big deal, and none of my friends or co-workers had it. It wasn’t until I started to research online that I found others who were going through the same thing.
A couple of years after my diagnosis, I found Hashimoto’s 411, a closed Facebook group run by Alice Berry McDonnell. This group is amazing! It is comprised of an army of highly motivated, smart, supportive women and men (now 45,000+ strong), and each of them sharing ideas of what worked for them, things they were planning to try, and offering support to one another. The comfort I received from knowing that there were others going through the same challenges as I, was enormous.
Ask questions. Post your thoughts. Scan the files. It is an absolutely amazing resource. Best of all it’s kept private from spammers.
I’ve struggled with hypothyroidism and hashimoto’s for the past five years. I’ve already had half of my thyroid taken out with the other half going down the same path. I can’t tell you how relived I felt after reading this post. Though I knew crushing fatigue, brain fog, and depression are symptoms of the disease, I’ve always had a struggle with myself whenever I felt them. I would feel ashamed for it. My mind would tell me that I was just exaggerating my illness just for attention. I would hate myself for laying down and always tell myself that I could be motivated that I wanted to. But after reading this, I feel so much better knowing that I’m not alone. I’m not going to use it as an excuse to not try, but perhaps it could help me to feel less guilty the next time I feel the need to take a nap.
Lexi – Thank you for following this page, and my heart goes out to you. <3
Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically, is ‘dead,' or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target. We need to re-balance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well). The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
I was diagnosed with “graves disease”, about 19yrs. ago. I take 175mcg every day and when my son was like a year old, i goy diagnosed, plus they burned my thyroid with the radioactive iodine pill. Ever since that, i have gained weight, if i diet, i only loose like 10 pounds. I hurt every where, my joints, my hands, my toes, but my back is the worse. My mood changes, i lost my interest in being intimate with my husband and it’s bad, i wasn’t like that. My Dr. just gives me the pill and that’s it. I just need you Dr. to help me with something, what can i do? I know theirs no cure, but their must be something, i’m turning 50 in July and sometimes i feel like i’m 80, i’m always tired. Please help me. Thank you.
Birna – thank you for following this page.
Graves and Hashimoto’s are both autoimmune conditions that affect the thyroid. They are thought to be closely related. Sometimes one turns into the other. The difference is the site of the antibody attack. In Hashimoto’s, the antibodies are found to thyroglobulin (in 80%) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme (in 95% of people)-Hashimoto’s results in hypothyroidism and is usually treated with Synthroid and replacement hormone.
The same antibodies may be present in a smaller percentage of people who have Graves, but the main antibody is to the TSH Receptor (TSHR-Ab). Usually, people with Graves have hyperthyroidism, and they are treated conventionally with thyroid suppressing drugs (methimazole) or radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid. At that point, the thyroid will no longer produce hormones on its own, and these people end up on Synthroid as well.
Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target.
We need to rebalance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well! The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
Hi if you don’t mind me asking could you tell me how high your thyroid levels when you were diagnosed Graves’ disease do you remember ? I was diagnosed Graves’ disease suddenly one hand was shaking I went to doctor after blood test results he said I got Graves’ disease (freet3:19.39pmol/L (3.6-6.5)freet4: 30.9(9-19.1) TPOwas 269u/ml (05-6)30 mg carbimazole a day second test was 06.10.2008 :t3:10.67 t4: 22.7 TSH was0.01, December 2008 : TSH still was 0.01 (0.35-4.94)freet3 was 5.77(3.6-6.5) freet4 was 11.6 (9-19.1) I think I was overmedicated that’s why my TSH was 0.01 ?
Tekin – thank you for following this page and sharing your journey. <3 Graves and Hashimoto's are both autoimmune conditions that affect the thyroid. They are thought to be closely related. Sometimes one turns into the other. The difference is the site of the antibody attack. In Hashimoto's, the antibodies are found to thyroglobulin (in 80%) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme (in 95% of people) Hashimoto's results in hypothyroidism and is usually treated with Synthroid and replacement hormone. The same antibodies may be present in a smaller percentage of people who have Graves, but the main antibody is to the TSH Receptor (TSHR-Ab). Usually, people with Graves have hyperthyroidism, and they are treated conventionally with thyroid suppressing drugs (methimazole) or radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid. At that point, the thyroid will no longer produce hormones on its own, and these people end up on Synthroid as well. Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target. We need to rebalance the immune system to prevent this. Sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well! The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition. Here are the links to my books:
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology
Thank you for your article. I don’t have thyroid disease, but apparently caught a virus that killed off my thyroid completely. Although I take medication, it doesn’t stop everything. I suffer from acute anxiety, depression and fatigue. My husband cannot understand my need to sleep – that I’m not being lazy or avoiding him, I’m just shattered. I’m so glad to read here that I’m not all my own.
Victoria – thank you for following this page. My heart goes out to you. 🙁
Did you know that if you live in the United States, Australia, Europe and most developed countries that add iodine to the salt supply and take thyroid medications, there’s a higher probability that you do have Hashimoto’s?
Depending on the source, estimates are that between 90-95% of those with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s.
But most doctors will never tell people that they have Hashimoto’s, or that their own immune system is attacking their thyroid. People are told that their “thyroid is sluggish”, and that these things happen with age and “Just take this pill, you’ll be fine.” I hope you check out these articles that I wrote.
Here are the tests you need for diagnosis. Most endocrinologists don’t run them all so you will have to request them. Make sure to request a copy of your labs as well.
Thank you for this amazing article. I have recently been having issues with my thyroid, swelling, soreness, weight gain, hair loss all of the “normal” symptoms. I actually had blood work done last week and according to the results I’m in normal range. The doctor even agreed that my thyroid was swollen and a goiter was present. I haven’t gone back for results I looked them up online and they haven’t called with results. After seeing the results my question is if the doctor doesn’t recommend the T3 and 4 test do I just ask them to do it? Thanks again
Jeannette – thank you for following this page.
I highly recommend that you work with a functional medicine clinician. It’s a whole medical specialty dedicated to finding and treating underlying causes and prevention of serious chronic disease rather than disease symptoms.
I had Graves disease until my endo doc gave me radiation. Now I’m hypo and been putting on weight for the past 12 years. My numbers are “normal”, and I take Synthroid 112mcg. It’s so frustrating to continually gain weight, even though I eat healthy. Doctor won’t help. Says I’m not eating correctly. Ugh!!!! Exercise is not an option. Arthritis has set in, and it’s very painful.
Pam – thank you for following this page. I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling. 🙁
Graves and Hashimoto’s are both autoimmune conditions that affect the thyroid. They are thought to be closely related. Sometimes one turns into the other. The difference is the site of the antibody attack. In Hashimoto’s, the antibodies are found to thyroglobulin (in 80%) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme (in 95% of people)-Hashimoto’s results in hypothyroidism and is usually treated with Synthroid and replacement hormone.
The same antibodies may be present in a smaller percentage of people who have Graves, but the main antibody is to the TSH Receptor (TSHR-Ab). Usually, people with Graves have hyperthyroidism, and they are treated conventionally with thyroid suppressing drugs (methimazole) or radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid. At that point, the thyroid will no longer produce hormones on its own, and these people end up on Synthroid as well.
Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target.
We need to rebalance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well! The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
Unfortunately my mother’s side of the family all females were diagnosed with Hashimoto’s around the age of 40+
I’m turning 42 this year and have my thyroid test every 6 months as it’s a “waiting game” for me. This past year all the symptoms are in EXACT correlation with the symptoms of hypothyroidism, that it’s even becoming worse. But I’m always told, “you’re thin” you’re face isn’t swollen” bla bla bla… I’m pretty sure not (everyone) shows the symptoms in the same matter.
My blood pressure is very low lately, which I contribute to feeling even worse. I have an appointment to get checked again next month. The question I have is, does the thyroid sometimes go HYPER before it goes HYPO? And when it’s doing this in-between mode, is it hard to diagnosis because it bounces back and forth to normal? Some days I feel like myself, most anymore I feel like, “wth am I doing? Or wth I’m I thinking?” I really scares me, because I use to have a very sharp memory. Btw, my TSH is always around 1.30 or 1.60..
Lori – thank you for following this page. Graves and Hashimoto’s are both autoimmune conditions that affect the thyroid. They are thought to be closely related. Sometimes one turns into the other. The difference is the site of the antibody attack. In Hashimoto’s, the antibodies are found to thyroglobulin (in 80%) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme (in 95% of people) – Hashimoto’s results in hypothyroidism and is usually treated with Synthroid and replacement hormone.
The same antibodies may be present in a smaller percentage of people who have Graves, but the main antibody is to the TSH Receptor (TSHR-Ab). Usually people with Graves have hyperthyroidism and they are treated conventionally with thyroid suppressing drugs (methimazole) or radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid. At that point, the thyroid will no longer produce hormones on its own and these people end up on Synthroid as well.
Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically or treated with radioactive iodine, the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target. We need to rebalance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well). The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The information I present is based on my own research, in my journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Protocol
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hi everyone, really at a week point and feel helpless with this disease… just not the same person I used to be and at the verge of losing hope. If someone knows of a good doctor that cares about their patients with Hashimotos disease please let me know. I live in Atlanta.
Thank you and god bless all of you
Vee – thank you for following this page. I understand how frustrating all this is please don’t lose heart! I highly recommend that you work with a functional medicine clinician. It’s an entire medical specialty dedicated to finding and treating underlying causes and prevention of serious chronic disease rather than disease symptoms.
Holtorf Medical Group. They have a location in Atlanta!
I am going to the one in PA
I have a Thyoid problem. Had half removed…I feel dreadful. ..I am always crying.feel very a black hole most days…my blood results are always normal my doc says….don’t cry…I am not the same lady…sometimes I don’t even want to go out…I have never been like this….when does it all end…is there a cure…apart from the levothyroxine tabs what can I do to feel better..I’m falling apart….
Angela – thank you for following this page. Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically, is ‘dead’, or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target. We need to re-balance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well). The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Protocol
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
I have had this diagnosis for almost 2 years and knowing what it is for 4 months now. My partner also suffers from autoimmune disease and still don’t understand what I deal with. I try to give him things to read but don’t seem interested. I just dunno any more
CJ – thank you for following this page. Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically, is ‘dead’, or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target. We need to re-balance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well). The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Protocol
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
I was told I was told I qwas born with an under active thyroid. I know I have had many problems over my 70 plus years but I still dont understand a lot
Susan – thank you for following this page.
Hashimoto’s is a complicated condition with many layers that need to be unraveled. While conventional medicine only looks at each body system as a separate category and is only concerned with the thyroid’s ability to produce thyroid hormone, Hashimoto’s is more than just hypothyroidism. I wanted to pass along these articles that I wrote. I hope they help 🙂
I followed steps in your book. I dreaded the blended drinks every day but prevailed through them. When I went back to check thyroid levels for once I was slightly over the norm range but I felt great. I was taking lupus meds as well but I’m sure your plan was why. Due to some changes I stopped following the diet and lupus meds. I have deteriorated back to thyroid aches and pains. Is that diet or lifestyle something I always have to do to feel my best? I really hated the drinks, but goes to show what goes in your body makes a difference.
Jessica – thank you for following this page. For questions pertaining to the protocols please contact my team at and they will be happy to help you. <3
the weight i gained from hashimoto’s was life altering to say at the least. i learned to hate myself because of what i looked like and became ashamed of who i was. stretch marks instantly covered every inch of my body and within a few months there was no skin that wasn’t red, pink, purple or silver. being a 15 year old girl who despised her body was tough enough, but the depression and anxiety attached made everything a million times worse. i couldn’t go out, wear certain things or spend time with family over fear that they were secretly embarrassed to even know me. doctors trips were the worse as it often meant stepping on the scales, and not to mention the constant silent harassment over my appearance. hashimoto’s is not easy, especially as an invisible disease i am told i only have myself to blame. thank you for this article, i know i am not alone.
Ebony – thank you so much for following. You are not alone and I am so sorry you had to go through that. When I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I felt so alone. My doctor didn’t think it was a big deal, and none of my friends or co-workers had it. It wasn’t until I started to research online that I found others who were going through the same thing.
A couple of years after my diagnosis, I found Hashimoto’s 411, a closed Facebook group run by Alice Berry McDonnell. This group is amazing! It is comprised of an army of highly motivated, smart, supportive women and men (now 45,000+ strong), and each of them sharing ideas of what worked for them, things they were planning to try, and offering support to one another. The comfort I received from knowing that there were others going through the same challenges as I, was enormous. Here is the link to this group:
Dear Dr. Wentz,
Thank you for always having our backs. Most days it feels like no doctor will listen. I wrote this about how it feels for me:
Shelley – thank you so much for sharing your journey! When I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I felt so alone. My doctor didn’t think it was a big deal, and none of my friends or co-workers had it. It wasn’t until I started to research online that I found others who were going through the same thing.
A couple of years after my diagnosis, I found Hashimoto’s 411, a closed Facebook group run by Alice Berry McDonnell. This group is amazing! It is comprised of an army of highly motivated, smart, supportive women and men (now 45,000+ strong), and each of them sharing ideas of what worked for them, things they were planning to try, and offering support to one another. The comfort I received from knowing that there were others going through the same challenges as I, was enormous. Here is the link to this group:
They need to stop using the TSH since the pituitary may also be hurt and not making TSH. TSH shows how the brain is working. MS people may not get thyroid medicine when they need it. Women may not get enough thyroid medicine. People may get Statin drugs/antidepression medicine/cooling suits/air conditioning//water pill etc instead of thyroid medicine. The range of normal is not ok for thyroid medicine. Mitochondria maybe hurt and heavy metals/Br/Cl/F/cruciferous family of vegetables/soy and more may hurt and thyroid tests don’t take into account these factors. People can learn to eat no gluten/avoid foods that block thyroid and detox, but still they need thyroid support until they are better. Chemicals/heavy metals may hurt mitochondria which may never heal due to DNA damage. Thyroid medicine being withheld due to TSH only being checked and giving on Synthroid which may not help if Zn/Se/enough iron/probiotic are missing to help convert T4 to T3. I had 30 years of no sleep due to getting Synthroid which is like putting the key in the car, but not turning it on. It did not help much since it didn’t convert from T4 to T3. Low oxygen in the brain due to gluten/low thyroid can cause depression/anxiety/no sleep/obsessing/panic/suicidal thoughts. Gluten may make antibodies to the thyroid and hurt other glands. Gluten may hurt intestines so less nutrients absorb and hurt the stomach so HCl and intrinsic factor to carry Vit B12 into the intestines, Vit B12/Vit A/Zn/Se/enough iron/probiotic and more may help thyroid. Iodine may help make thyroid hormone along with Se/tyrosine. Hair test show good minerals/heavy metals/iodine. Zyto scan shows infections/how glands/organs are working. Genova test shows allergies/vitamins/hormones. Progesterone may help the thyroid hormone work longer and help the adrenals make cortisol/help bones/blood pressure/blood sugar/myelin and more. My thyroid medicine didn’t work hardly without progesterone. At premenopause/menopause progesterone goes down. Herbs may help hormones or bioidentical hormones. Low thyroid feels like no energy to even lift my arms or get up out of a chair. My temperature went down to 90,9 when I stopped my thyroid medicine and my chin shook with hypothermia/I was shaky on Fridays when my thyroid was low and periods were painful. Low thyroid causes Factor V Leiden clotting disorder to kick in. I get clots/varicose veins due to low thyroid. I had to have my electric fireplace on nonstop and sweater due to low thyroid. When I had enough thyroid hormone I did not need this extra heat. I felt like frost bite out in the winter due to my fingers being to cold due to low thyroid. Brain/body/enzymes/sex don’t work as well due to low thyroid. I slouch due to low thyroid. Taking Lugol’s iodine 4 drops helps me sit up straight and it lasts for about 4 days. I went up 1 pound in weight due to low thyroid. My legs/face/body swelled and I had 100% constipation due to low thyroid that nothing could help except the correct thyroid dose. Low thyroid is hell…not fun. Millions of people may be suffering low thyroid. I pray they get help.
Antibiotics/chemicals/heavy metals/gluten etc may hurt mitochondria. Once hurt mitochondria may not heal since DNA is hurt and hard to heal. Lyme may also hurt mitochondria. Doctors may not take this into consideration and to me the people who died from Lyme/MS taking antibiotics didn’t have a high enough thyroid dose. Thanks for your awesome help and God bless you and your husband/baby to come. I am very impressed you learned enough to help you get pregnant/stay pregnant and continue to learn and help us get help from doctors.
My hair loss almost stopped when I took iodine in addition to thyroid medicine. I gained one pound a day due to low thyroid and had much swelling. I was very sad. Synthroid seems to get me though the night and Amour is instant energy. I take both Synthroid and Amour in the morning instead of taking Amour only twice a day. If I chew Stevia gum which kills bacteria it wipes out the good bacteria in my large intestines that helps convert T4 to T3.
I had my thyroid removed when I was 23 from severe Graves’ disease . My doctor kept telling me it was stress! I lost weight , severe sweating, heart palpitations, bulging eyes and was teaching full time! I prayed to die but kelt going! Then my neck swelled up and was rushed to IU medical center in Indianapolis Indiana! They told me I had one of the worse cases of Graves’ disease and didn’t know how I got out of bed let alone taught first graders all day long! I had my thyroid removed and now my thyroid levels swing back and forth ! I went hypothyroid and had : extreme tiredness, pheripal neuropathy, anger, mood swings, hated everything in my life, anxiety, depression and I am now 66! Can you tell me why low thyroid causes neuropathy and I have tingling in my legs and arms and it os very annoying? I am going to an endocrinologist now and she took me off the generic form of Synthroid and put me on synthyroid and I also take Armour Thyroid for t3. Now my Tsh is at .16 and I am slightly hyperthyroid but feel good better! How long does it take for he tingling to get better? I kept thinking I had a serious neurological disease but I have less parenthesis now! It is improving! I need your advice! I don’t like getting angry over things that should not bother me. I was told that low thyroid causes a loss of feel good neurotransmitters in your brain! Please give me your advice!
Peggy – thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your journey with me. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with this. I understand how hard it is. <3 Graves and Hashimoto's are both autoimmune conditions that affect the thyroid. They are thought to be closely related. Sometimes one turns into the other. The difference is the site of the antibody attack. In Hashimoto's, the antibodies are found to thyroglobulin (in 80%) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme (in 95% of people) Hashimoto's results in hypothyroidism and is usually treated with Synthroid and replacement hormone.
The same antibodies may be present in a smaller percentage of people who have Graves, but the main antibody is to the TSH Receptor (TSHR-Ab). Usually, people with Graves have hyperthyroidism, and they are treated conventionally with thyroid suppressing drugs (methimazole) or radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid. At that point, the thyroid will no longer produce hormones on its own, and these people end up on Synthroid as well.
Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target.
We need to rebalance the immune system to prevent this. Sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well! The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition. Here are the links to my books:
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
Hello my name is Gloria I have hypothyroid disease and I have this bad fatigued to where I feel like I’m out of space I’ll be so drained and tired some days I feel okay and some days I feel bad and when I’m sitting down it feels like I’ll be nodding off to sleep I’ve been to every doctor did MRI and nobody can find anything that’s wrong with me I’m taking Levothyroxine 125mg and I just started 5mg Cytomel on November 13th 2018 and I was wondering how long does it take for the cytomel to get in my system and to start help me to feel better. I also have weird feelings in my head my body be tingling I’m constipated my hair falling out by the way I forgot to tell you I had my thyroid removed 5 years ago and I have not been right ever since. Some nights I can go to sleep but when I wake up in the morning it feel like I have not been to sleep. I’m having really bad gerd symptoms I can’t concentrate brain fog can’t pronounce my words right get mixed on up. I just wants to feel normal again I have a 9 year old daughter that I really can’t interact with because of my symptoms. I have really bad mood swings I keep catching sinus infections I gain weight my eyes bee stinging and burning I went to my doctor and he told me I had dry eyes they feel very heavy but it feel like it’s more than dry eyes I think my thyroid disease have something to do with it. My body go through some weird feelings and I’m lost for words and don’t know what to do it makes me feel like I am dying slowly. But it seems like my doctor can’t get my dosage right it been 5 years it should be right by now I would love to hear from you soon.
Gloria – thank you for reaching out and sharing your journey. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with all of this. I understand how frustarting this can be. <3 There are quite a few options for thyroid medications. In my experience, what works for one person may not work for another. If your doctor will not prescribe the medication which you are looking for, ask your local pharmacist for doctors in your area who prescribe the medication you are looking to try. I highly recommend that you work with a functional medicine clinician if possible, to be a part of your own health care team. It’s an entire medical specialty dedicated to finding and treating underlying root causes and prevent serious chronic disease rather than treating individual disease symptoms. Have you read these articles?
I was just diagnosed with Graves’ disease about two months ago and have been dealing with such bad brain fog and all the really bad things that come with it. I feel like I may need to even quit my job or change my career with how bad things have been. Did you ever feel that way or did you have to do that at any point when working on your thyroid disease?
Sylvia – thank you so much for reaching out and sharing. I am so sorry you are struggling this. <3 Yes! Brain fog is a very common symptom of Hashimoto's. Often we are told that being confused and forgetful is part of normal aging or that we need less stress. Really, much of our symptoms including brain fog can be attributed to low thyroid hormones and food sensitivities. Going gluten and dairy free seem to be some of the most helpful interventions to help decrease or often get rid of brain fog. Here are some links to get started:
My Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism journey