There are common underlying root causes in Hashimoto’s, including nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, an impaired ability to handle stress, intestinal permeability, chronic infections, and an impaired ability to handle toxins. [1] Many people have more than just one root cause, and addressing all of these elements can help us feel better. For this article, I’d like to focus on a solution that can help with detoxification.
Back in 2014 when I spent a year living in Amsterdam, Netherlands, I experienced a Hashimoto’s flare-up after having been in remission for some time.
I had tingling in my arms and legs, fatigue, hair loss, mood changes, tremors, and brain fog…
My symptoms were very much aligned with toxicity, and though I didn’t have access to test my level of heavy metals, I decided I wanted to do something about it. I found a local gym that had a sauna, and I decided I would do a few sessions.
I came out of the women’s dressing room and opened up the sauna. Much to my surprise, I almost walked into a very tall, and very naked Dutch man, who was standing in the sauna! I turned around and ran back into the women’s dressing room and asked, “Is it customary that the sauna is co-ed, and people go in the nude?”
One of the kind ladies offered, “Yes it is, we just close our eyes if we don’t want to see.” 🙂
I have to admit, I was a bit frazzled! Instead of braving the sauna with the strange, naked men and working to get rid of toxins to heal my body, I decided to just go home!
On my next trip to the United States, I ended up learning that I had arsenic toxicity, so I used liver support supplements (including curcumin, selenium, and NAC), sauna therapy (at a gym where I wore my workout clothes and only sat with other women 🙂), and spent a day swimming in hot springs with my brother in Colorado. This combination helped me recover from my month-long symptoms, in just a few days.
As soon as I came back to the United States and bought my own home, I decided to get my own sauna! I love the convenience of having a sauna right in my home when I want to use it, and as an added bonus, my husband is the only man that I may walk into when I go in to use it. 🙂 We use the sauna on a regular basis for health maintenance and whenever we feel like we’re getting sick, or feel the need to do a little more detoxification (like after a trip to Napa Valley for wine tasting).
Sweating is one of the best ways to get rid of toxins. [2] In fact, certain toxins, like cadmium and nickel, will be more concentrated in our sweat than in our urine. You can increase your sweating through numerous ways, such as exercise, hot yoga, and hot baths. I actually like doing all of the above, but saunas tend to carry additional health benefits not found in the other therapies.
I love using saunas for detoxification, as they offer a more gentle alternative to forceful detoxification methods like chelation. In fact, saunas are recommended by integrative doctors for people who are not able to tolerate chelation.
In my survey of over 2000 people with Hashimoto’s, 57 percent of people who used a sauna reported that this made them feel significantly better; about 52 percent of the sauna users said they had more energy, about 41 percent reported improvements in skin health and pain levels, and additional improvements were seen in mood and even weight!
Some of the benefits may be noticeable immediately – saunas raise our core body temperature, and thus our thyroid gland doesn’t have to work as hard to manage our metabolism and warmth.
But there are numerous other long-term benefits that can be seen with using saunas on a regular basis…
In the following article, you’ll discover:
- The difference between a traditional sauna and an infrared sauna
- The various types of infrared saunas
- How saunas can help with detoxification, pain relief, circulation, weight loss, aging, cardiac function, and wound healing
- How to use infrared saunas
- Who shouldn’t use saunas
What’s the Difference Between a Traditional Sauna and an Infrared Sauna?
Many of you may be familiar with traditional saunas, also known as Finnish saunas. You may have seen one at your gym, your local spa, or at a hotel – or you may have even toured an authentic Roman bath on a trip abroad. During the days of the Roman Empire, it was commonplace to take the time to sweat out the day’s worth of toxins, and they used it as a way to de-stress and unwind. It was just as much a social occasion as it was a way to improve one’s health.
The ancient Romans might have been onto something, although they might not have realized just how beneficial saunas can be for your health, as they could not have predicted the innovations that would come.
Over the centuries, various forms of heat therapy have been employed to treat a large range of ailments. In the past 20 years, infrared sauna therapy has become popular and more widely available.
Until recently, few studies had been done to find out exactly how heat therapy can benefit symptoms such as pain, fatigue, depression, high blood pressure, and wound healing – all of which are often present in cases of Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. It was simply accepted anecdotally as something that might work. However, as the infrared sauna has gained in popularity, the demand to understand how it can help those of us with autoimmune disease has increased as well.
To understand the benefits of infrared heat and how it works in the body, we must first understand the difference between the traditional sauna and the infrared sauna, as well as the various types of infrared light.
Traditional saunas have either wood stoves or electric heaters that heat the air to approximately 160-210°F (70–100°C). The humidity is usually 10-20 percent. Most people who participate in a Finnish sauna bath will stay for approximately 5-20 minutes. The warmed air that is created in the sauna is what heats the skin, but the heat only penetrates the skin by a couple of millimeters.
Infrared saunas, on the other hand, are only heated to 104-140°F (40-60°C). They heat the body directly instead of using air as a means to create heat. The resulting heat penetrates much deeper and also stimulates a much more vigorous sweat than the traditional sauna. [3] Unlike traditional saunas, which essentially only reach the skin, the heat from infrared saunas reaches several centimeters into the body, reaching fat tissue and the neuromuscular system. Infrared saunas also use less heat than traditional saunas, providing a much more relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Furthermore, the demand on the cardiovascular system is significantly less, so the body does not have to do more work to get the added benefits.
Are There Different Types of Infrared?
Infrared light is an invisible form of electromagnetic energy, and its wavelength is longer than that of visible light. You may have heard of other terms associated with infrared such as far-infrared, middle-infrared, or near-infrared. These different terms correspond with the varying wavelengths of infrared radiation. What is most important for you to take away from this is that the different wavelengths of infrared radiation serve different purposes in regards to Hashimoto’s.
In this article, I am describing eight key benefits of infrared saunas, but keep in mind the benefits mentioned correspond with differing wavelengths in the infrared spectrum. For instance, far-infrared, which is the most widely-known term, is responsible for the deep detoxification and weight loss benefits of the infrared sauna. [4] Middle-infrared light helps reduce pain and addresses inflammation. [5] Near-infrared is most often associated with skin renewal and wound healing. [6]
Different goals call for different types of infrared saunas, so try to remember this as you search for the appropriate sauna for your personal needs.
Are Infrared Rays Bad for Me?
Before we go any further, let’s clear up any myths or confusion about infrared rays. Infrared light is experienced as heat. It’s invisible and part of the sun’s spectrum that penetrates cell tissue, and the reaction from that penetration results in multiple health benefits. [7] The studies I cite in this article repeatedly confirm that there are no known side effects to infrared heat.
However, a note of warning: as with any detoxification treatment, it is best to start gradually and work your way up to a longer length of time in the sauna. Just as you have heard me suggest you do when starting a workout program, keep in mind that after sitting in the infrared sauna, you are supposed to feel better, not worse. If you feel worse after your sauna sessions, it is likely that you stayed in for too long and should adjust your treatment plan accordingly. There can be too much of a good thing!
Did You Know That Infrared Saunas Can Help with All of the Following?
- Relaxation and stress relief
- Detoxification and cellular health
- Pain relief
- Circulation improvement
- Weight loss
- Skin cleansing/anti-aging
- Improvements to cardiac function and blood pressure
- Wound healing
As you can see, this is a very expansive list. And the best news about it? It’s all scientifically proven! You can get all these benefits from doing just one thing: using an infrared sauna regularly.
1. Relaxation and Stress Relief
If you’ve followed my work, you’re familiar with the importance of addressing stress in a healthy way in order to keep the adrenal glands functioning at their optimal level. Most of us probably know that sitting in an infrared sauna is a relaxing experience. As it turns out, there is a scientific explanation for why.
When the body is stressed, the sympathetic nervous system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (which sends out hormones in response to stress) respond by raising the body’s temperature. When a person is in the infrared sauna, their levels of norepinephrine (a type of stress hormone) rise, but the body’s other stress hormones, epinephrine, and cortisol, do not. [8]
Growth hormone, beta-endorphins, and prolactin also increase. Beta-endorphins account for the reason a sauna session feels so pleasurable. The muscles also relax, allowing the body to release any tension and be free of physical stress. [9]
During this time, the body’s parasympathetic nervous system has taken over, putting the body into a state of complete relaxation. When your body is in a state of complete relaxation, you are able to tap into your body’s inner healing mechanism, which is an important part of treating any autoimmune disease.
Infrared sauna use may also come with a bonus benefit: in my 2012 survey of 2332 readers with Hashimoto’s, 74 percent of people reported that using a sauna boosted their overall mood.
To learn more about supporting your adrenals, download the free guide below!
2. Saunas Aid in the Detoxification Process
Whenever possible, I like to start my clients on gentle liver support because of the way it positions the body for optimal success. When our bodies are under stress from something like Hashimoto’s, we’re unable to handle an extensive detox, so I prefer a more gentle detox to start out. The infrared sauna is a great way to do this because it promotes the clearing of toxins without overstressing our already strained bodies.
Unfortunately, we all have some toxins in our bodies from substances in groundwater, air, soil, food, and household items. These include plastics, gasoline additives, household chemicals, paints, Styrofoam, vehicle exhaust, glues, detergents, pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. People with thyroid problems and overburdened livers can have more of a buildup of these substances. I recently learned about the TOXDETECT test from Mosaic Diagnostics (formerly GPL-TOX from Great Plain Labs) which measures 19 metabolites to identify exposure to problematic toxins through a simple urine test.
I was very pleased that many toxins have been found to clear quicker from the body with the use of sauna therapy.
Here are a few sauna-responsive toxins that the lab tests for (the lab also provides additional toxins and ways to get rid of each one):
- 2-hydroxyisobutyric acid (from exposure to gasoline additives that may leach into groundwater): may cause hepatic, kidney, and central nervous system toxicity, peripheral neural toxicity, and cancer
- Monoethyl phthalate (from exposure to phthalates that make plastics flexible, and are found in countless household products): may cause reproductive damage, depressed leukocyte function, and cancer; may also impede blood coagulation, lower testosterone, and alter sexual development in children
- Methylhippuric acid (from exposure to the solvent xylene, found in paints, lacquers, cleaning agents, pesticides, and gasoline): may cause an increase in oxidative stress with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, central nervous system depression, and death
- Phenylglyoxylic acid (from exposure to styrene, found in plastic and styrofoam containers used for food and beverages): may adversely impact the central nervous system and cause concentration problems, muscle weakness, fatigue, and nausea; may irritate the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, and throat
- N-acetyl phenyl cysteine (from exposure to the solvent benzene in cigarette smoke, gasoline, and vehicle exhaust; it also out-gasses from synthetic fabrics, glues, and detergents): may cause symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lack of coordination, central nervous system depression, and death
- 2-hydroxyethyl mercapturic (due to exposure to vinyl chloride, used in the synthesis of major commercial chemicals): leads to an increased incidence of breast cancer and leukemia
- Dimethyl phosphate (which indicates exposure to an organophosphate insecticide): may lead to overstimulation of nerve cells, causing sweating, salivation, diarrhea, aggressive behavior, depression, and autism spectrum disorder
- 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (which can result from exposure to common herbicides used in agriculture and residential properties, and is used as a part of the chemical mixture called Agent Orange!): is an endocrine disruptor that can block hormone distribution and cause glandular breakdown; can also cause neuritis, weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, peripheral neuropathy, stupor, seizures, brain damages, and impaired reflexes
- 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (from exposure to pyrethroid insecticides, commonly found in pet shampoos): may affect neurological development, disrupt hormones, induce cancer, suppress the immune system, and double the likelihood of autism in an exposed fetus
The infrared sauna’s role in detoxification involves our body’s sweat mechanism. Our skin is our largest organ, and when we sweat, it expels the toxins that have been building up in our bodies. [10] This includes cellular waste from what we may eat or drink, heavy metals, and any other toxins our body may have absorbed, including pesticides, herbicides, fluoride, and chemicals in body products.
Toxins tend to reside deep inside our tissues (especially heavy metals), and when sitting in the infrared sauna, the infrared light heats us from the inside out, which enables us to release these toxins with ease. [11] Removing the toxic burden makes room for us to receive the right nutrients, regenerate correctly, and have more energy.
If you have Hashimoto’s, you have probably noticed that you’re not sweating as much as you did when you were healthier. Hypothyroidism results in a decreased ability to sweat. [12] Unfortunately, this causes a buildup of toxins that our body is unable to release. But, the infrared sauna takes the pressure off of the thyroid to heat the body. If you’ve read my book, Hashimoto’s Protocol, I have a whole section dedicated to the importance of ridding the body of heavy metals.
The use of a sauna could potentially really help you with this – especially if you have reached a roadblock in your healing journey.
3. Pain Relief and Hashimoto’s
Like many of you, I experienced joint pain before I put my Hashimoto’s into remission. Pain can make us feel years older than we actually are – and while our diet plays a vital role in joint health, saunas are known to help in this as well!
Infrared saunas are known for natural pain relief, and the natural medicine community widely accepts them. They warm up aching muscles and joints, and soothe the pain that many of us struggle with from Hashimoto’s. [13]
A Japanese study showed that chronic pain patients experienced a significant reduction in pain levels (nearly 70 percent) after the first session of infrared sauna therapy. [14] Pain scores also decreased significantly and remained low throughout the observation period. Researchers concluded that infrared heat therapy is effective for chronic pain treatment.
Many of my clients and readers with Hashimoto’s can attest to this. When I surveyed them in 2015, 41 percent of them found that saunas helped reduce their pain!
4. Circulation Improvement
A lot of us have experienced intense coldness in our extremities as a symptom of hypothyroidism. Before I was in remission, I was always turning up the thermostat in our house… and my husband, Michael, was always turning it down. It was a thermostat duel!
In a 2005 study at the University of Missouri in Kansas City, 25 men that had coronary risk factors were compared to a control group of 10 men, before and after infrared sauna therapy. [15] They did 15-minute sauna sessions followed by 30 minutes of relaxation under warm blankets, daily for two weeks. Other than this sauna therapy, they maintained their normal daily routine.
Blood flow increased by a remarkable 68 percent after 15 minutes of sauna therapy. This is awesome news for those of us with Hashimoto’s! I was always cold when I was sick, and the sauna is like a warm hug.
Sauna therapy can help to increase our internal body temperature, giving our thyroid a much-needed break from trying to increase it for us.
5. Weight Loss
It’s really quite incredible how the sauna can encourage weight loss. Essentially, as you heat up and sweat, toxins leave and you burn calories, thus triggering weight loss. In fact, the Journal of the American Medical Association found that one infrared sauna weight loss session burned up to 600 calories.
A 2010 study led by Dr. Richard Beever and published in the Canadian Journal of Diabetes examined the effects of the infrared sauna on patients with diabetes. [16] Subjects were asked to attend 20-minute sauna sessions, three times a week, over a three-month period – and to not make any other lifestyle changes. Waist and hip circumference were measured within one-to-three days of the final sauna session. There was a trend toward 2.33 centimeters lost in waist circumference. This was after only three months!
Consistent sauna use is the key to achieving weight loss benefits, gradually working up to longer and more frequent sessions.
While not a magic bullet, 20 percent of people with Hashimoto’s in my survey of 2332 readers reported improved weight after using a sauna!
6. Anti-Aging Benefits to the Skin
When we’re sick and our bodies are not detoxing well, our skin is more at risk of aging. While aging is a very natural and beautiful process, it’s important to take care of ourselves both inside and out! Saunas penetrate the tissue underneath the skin and produce an anti-aging benefit that is safe and effective.
A study out of Seoul, Korea, analyzed infrared radiation’s effect on the skin, specifically on collagen and elastin production. Twenty females with facial wrinkles and hyperpigmented lesions were enrolled and received 15-20 minute daily treatments of far-infrared radiation for six months. After this period, the skin biopsies that were taken prior to the start of the study and also one month after treatment, were compared.
Once again, the results showed yet another benefit to infrared radiation. The content of both collagen and elastin in the skin increased after infrared radiation. The patients reported (51-75 percent) improvements in skin texture and roughness, and fair (25-50 percent) improvement in the color tone of their skin. [17] Furthermore, the improvements to collagen and elastin levels increased as the amount of time the skin was exposed to infrared treatment increased.
Overall, 42 percent of people with Hashimoto’s that I surveyed, saw improvements in their skin with sauna therapy.
I love that saunas offer us a non-invasive way to keep our skin glowing and youthful!
7. Improvements to Cardiac Function and Blood Pressure
Cardiac issues can often co-occur in people with thyroid issues. A 2008 study from The Journal of Cardiology reports that far-infrared sauna therapy improves clinical symptoms and cardiac function. It also found that infrared light decreased the heart size in patients with chronic heart failure, and that repeated exposure to sauna treatments improved patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. [18] Researchers concluded that saunas play a preventative role for arteriosclerosis (thickening and hardening of artery walls).
The researchers in this study also suggested that there might be multiple mechanisms at play that allow the infrared sauna to lower oxidative stress, but more research needs to be done in this area.
Additionally, many people with Hashimoto’s have low blood pressure. Saunas are reported to lower blood pressure, at least temporarily. If you tend to have low blood pressure, be sure to monitor for lightheadedness and other signs that your blood pressure may be getting too low.
8. Wound Healing and Cell Regeneration
Inflammation, hypothyroidism and autoimmune disease can be associated with poor wound and skin healing. While the role of thyroid hormone in wound healing is currently controversial in scientific literature, one thing can be certain: infrared technology has been proven to be incredibly helpful in promoting speedy skin recovery.
A study by NASA involving light-emitting diodes (LEDs) found that near-infrared light therapy can significantly improve human tissue growth, as well as promote faster cell regeneration and wound healing, by delivering light deep into tissues of the body. [19] In fact, in some cases, human cell growth increased by 155 to 171 percent, and wound size decreased by up to 36 percent in the study’s rat models.
This finding shows that near-infrared light therapy may help with significantly enhancing the wound healing process of those with Hashimoto’s, leading to healthier looking skin and a stronger barrier to protect your body from harmful toxins.
Tips for Using an Infrared Sauna
As you can see, there are so many benefits to using infrared saunas. I love using my sauna time as an excuse to unwind and relax. The sauna is a great place to meditate, read, journal, and listen to music.
I recommend starting 5-10 minutes once per week at a temperature of 105°F, then slowly working your way up to 20-minute sessions. After one month of safely doing a 20-minute session and feeling great afterwards, you can go up to two sessions per week.
Some people ask me what to do after a sauna session, since there is the potential for toxins to be reabsorbed if the sweat sits on the skin for too long. Ideally, we want to shower after a sauna session, which will rinse sweat away and prevent it from sitting on the skin. If you’re not able to shower, some people advocate for wiping your sweat off with a towel, to prevent any toxins from being reabsorbed.
Ideally, you will want to use the infrared sauna daily to get the most benefit. Over time, if you feel comfortable, you can slowly increase the temperature to as high as 140°F. (If the high temperature is not comfortable for you, don’t worry about it – do what is comfortable for your body.)
The goal is to work up a good sweat without feeling faint, fatigued, dizzy, weak, or dehydrated. If you feel light-headed or unwell, get out. Just like a good workout, as I mentioned, you are supposed to feel better after using the infrared sauna, not worse. I do not recommend pushing through and struggling in the name of detoxification! Slow and steady wins the race!
Also, remember to stay hydrated. You’re going to be sweating quite a bit, so it’s easy to get dehydrated. I recommend drinking purified water, so you know you’re not putting toxins back in through water. Adding in some electrolytes, such as Rootcology Electrolyte Blend, can also help ensure your body is well hydrated after a good sweat session.
Do NOT use a sauna if you…
- Are taking medications that may impact your heart, your ability to sweat, or your level of alertness – such as diuretics, some heart medications, opiates, or sedatives (check with your doctor or pharmacist)
- Have a heart condition that includes unstable angina pectoris, recent myocardial infarction, or severe aortic stenosis
- Are someone who’s prone to bleeding
- Have a fever
- Are menstruating
- Have breast implants
- Are pregnant
Sauna use may not be recommended in other specific circumstances as well. You can learn more about infrared sauna contraindications on Sunlighten’s website.
Who should NOT use a sauna:
- Children
- Elderly people
- Pregnant mothers
You might find that the infrared sauna helps one symptom or a myriad of symptoms. It’s going to be different for every person. The important thing to remember is this: do what’s beneficial for you and your body. Be safe, talk to your functional medicine practitioner, and keep your chin up. You’re on a great path toward remission, and though it might not be easy, it’s definitely worth it!
My Sauna of Choice
The more I’ve researched saunas, the more I’ve realized that not all infrared saunas are created the same. I’m a lover of research, case studies, and facts, which is one reason why I like Sunlighten saunas. Their products are based on extensive research combined with personal experience.
Healthy lifestyle interventions are not a one-size-fits-all approach. Sunlighten totally understands that and works to find the best fit for you. They have the following options available:
- Far-infrared saunas
- 3-in-1 saunas (which have all three spectrums of infrared light)
- Low EMF technology (you can see the third-party test results here)
- ADA compliant saunas
- Portable saunas
Sunlighten saunas have a timer you can set ahead of time – that way, you don’t have to wait for yours to heat up. If you’re a planner or busy like me, then this feature is going to be a favorite. There are even options to play music, so you have the best experience possible, catered to your exact needs. You can save up to $1,400 on your Sunlighten purchase by using my special link!
A few years ago, my family and I moved away from beautiful Boulder, CO, into a smaller home in sunny Southern California, and I no longer had extra space for my beloved Sunlighten sauna cabin. This prompted me to research alternative options for those who have smaller spaces (and I know many of you have been asking!).
Portable saunas are not as luxurious and beautiful as the big wooden sauna cabins, but they still offer health benefits and are a great option for smaller homes and budgets.
There are many different options available, such as sauna blankets, suits, and various brands of portable saunas (infrared and steam). However, they are not all created equally, and many do not offer the same health benefits, safety, or research to support their use. I wanted to share two options for portable saunas that I feel comfortable recommending and using.
Sunlighten Solo System Portable Sauna includes Sunlighten’s SoloCarbon infrared technology, which helps to improve circulation, support the body’s detoxification process, and boost the immune system – I highly recommend this option for smaller spaces.
The Solo System features:
- Zone-based heating so you can target specific areas
- Variable temperature settings for your level of comfort
- A bamboo carbon dome, pad and pillow with a celliant/cotton cover and curtain
Therasage’s Portable Infrared Saunas are tent-like boxes that you can sit in, with openings for your head and arms. (Note: for safe and proper use, your head should remain outside of the unit while in use.) Their saunas are made with non-toxic materials and have nearly zero EMFs, which have been shown to alter thyroid hormone levels. Plus, you’ll receive the same health benefits as full room saunas, such as improved circulation and blood flow.
They have two portable infrared models, the Thera360 and the Thera360 Plus, both utilizing:
- Full spectrum infrared frequencies
- Advanced EMF remediation
- Non-toxic bamboo materials
In addition, the 360 Plus has dual light panels, as well as advanced ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) electromagnetic field remediation. You can learn more about that here. Therasage has also set up a generous 10% discount for my readers, using code DRWENTZ at checkout. 🙂
Once again, we all have different root causes and differing levels of inflammation, and we are at different places in our healing journey. Remember… every protocol you decide to follow must be as unique and special as you are!
I know an infrared sauna is a large purchase and may not be possible for everyone. Many local spas have infrared saunas available, and they are often Sunlighten saunas. They usually charge by the minute or have discount session packages available. A simple Google search will help you find one.
The Takeaway
Sweating can be a powerful tool for health, and an infrared sauna offers many benefits to people with Hashimoto’s, including stress relief, detoxification, pain relief, improved circulation, weight loss, clearer skin, lowered blood pressure, and wound healing.
It’s important to know the benefits and contraindications of the various types of saunas, so that you can find the one that helps you the most on your healing journey. Though purchasing a sauna can be a big investment, I can personally attest to the many benefits I have received from using an infrared sauna on a regular basis, and feel that it is well worth the money spent for my well-being.
Have you tried the infrared sauna yet? If so, what have been your results? If not, do any of the above benefits speak to you?
To learn more about other helpful interventions for thyroid disease, please consider picking up a copy of Hashimoto’s Protocol and Hashimoto’s: The Root Cause.
For continued updates and interaction, please become a part of our Facebook and Instagram communities, and sign up for my newsletter. You can also find us on TikTok and Pinterest. I love interacting with my readers!
[1] Ralli M, Angeletti D, Fiore M, et al. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: An update on pathogenic mechanisms, diagnostic protocols, therapeutic strategies, and potential malignant transformation. Autoimmun Rev. 2020;19(10):102649. doi:10.1016/j.autrev.2020.102649
[2] Sears ME, Kerr KJ, Bray RI. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: a systematic review. J Environ Public Health. 2012;2012:184745. doi:10.1155/2012/184745
[3] Sunlighten. Infrared Sauna Health Benefits – Sauna Benefits. Sunlighten. infrared-sauna-health-benefits. Accessed May 16, 2017.
[4] Shui S, Wang X, Chiang J, Zheng L. Far-Infrared Therapy For Cardiovascular, Autoimmune, And Other Chronic Health Problems: A Systematic Review. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2015;240(10):1257-1265. doi: 10.1177/1535370215573391.
[5] Oosterveld F, Rasker J, Floors M, Landkroon R, van Rennes B, Zwijnenberg J, et al.. Infrared Sauna In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis And Ankylosing Spondylitis. Clinical Rheumatology. 2008;28(1):29-34. doi: 10.1007/s10067-008-0977-y.
[6] Whelan H, Smits R, Buchman E, Whelan N, Turner S, Margolis D, et al. Effect of NASA Light Emitting Diode Irradiation and Wound Healing. Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery. 2001;19(6):305-314.
[7] Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017;170:197-207. doi:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2017.04.014
[8] Kukkonen-Harjula K, Kauppinen K. How the sauna affects the endocrine system. Ann Clin Res. 1988;20(4):262-266.
[9] Hussain J, Cohen M. Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A Systematic Review. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018;2018:1857413. Published 2018 Apr 24. doi:10.1155/2018/1857413
[10] Mahlouji M, Alizadeh Vaghasloo M, Dadmehr M, Rezaeizadeh H, Nazem E, Tajadini H. Sweating as a Preventive Care and Treatment Strategy in Traditional Persian Medicine. Galen Med J. 2020;9:e2003. Published 2020 Dec 25. doi:10.31661/gmj.v9i0.2003
[11] Sears ME, Kerr KJ, Bray RI. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: a systematic review. J Environ Public Health. 2012;2012:184745. doi:10.1155/2012/184745
[12] Safer JD. Thyroid hormone action on skin. Dermatoendocrinol. 2011;3(3):211-215. doi:10.4161/derm.3.3.17027
[13] Mero A, Tornberg J, Mäntykoski M, Puurtinen R. Effects Of Far-Infrared Sauna Bathing On Recovery From Strength And Endurance Training Sessions In Men. SpringerPlus. 2015;4(1):321. doi: 10.1186/s40064-015-1093-5.
[14] Matsushita K, Masuda A, Tei C. Efficacy of Waon therapy for fibromyalgia. Internal medicine. 2008;47(16):1473-1476.
[15] Edwards B, Kort H. A study of the health benefits of far infrared sauna therapy. Published 2001. Accessed November 14, 2022.
[16] Beever R. Do Far-Infrared Saunas Have Cardiovascular Benefits In People With Type 2 Diabetes?. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 2010;34(2):113-118. DOI: (10)42007-9
[17] Lee J, Roh M, Lee K. Effects of Infrared Radiation on Skin Photo-Aging and Pigmentation. Yonsei Medical Journal. 2006;47(4):485-490.
[18] Miyata M, Kihara T, Kubozono T, Ikeda Y, Shinsato T, Izumi T, et al. Beneficial effects of Waon therapy on patients with chronic heart failure: results of a prospective multicenter study. Journal of Cardiology. 2008;52(2):79-85.
[19] Whelan H, Smits R, Buchman E, Whelan N, Turner S, Margolis D, et al. Effect of NASA Light Emitting Diode Irradiation and Wound Healing. Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery. 2001;19(6):305-314.
Originally published in February 2018, this article has been revised and updated for accuracy and thoroughness.
Hello, I’ve been using my own infrared sauna for severeal years now on an almost daily basis, 30 min at 140°. Why do you say those of us who have breast implants should NOT use it?
Laurie – thank you for reaching out. I would recommend you consult with you doctor to confirm whether your implants could react to heat and pressure.
I would have never thought of this being an issue. I’m so glad that I read this post and this question. What type of reaction to heat can they have? Sauna uses creates pressure?
I was also surprised about the implants being a problem in a sauna. I wonder what kind of reaction to heat they have.
Sharon – Silicon absorbs infrared so implants may expand when using an infrared sauna. I recommend that you consult your doctor whose care you are under to confirm whether your implants may react to heat and pressure.
Is the infrared sauna good for Graves’ disease and hyperthyroid
May – thank you for following. Sweating can be a powerful tool for health, and an infrared sauna offers many benefits, including stress relief, detoxification, pain relief, improved circulation, weight loss, clearer skin, lowered blood pressure, and wound healing. I do recommend always taking it slow and working your way up in temperature and time as well as discussing with your practitioner to be sure it is a good option for you.
I love my infrared sauna for many reasons but especially when I’m feeling sensory overload and just need to quiet my senses. Soft music, no lights, essential oil diffusing and 20 minutes of sauna time calms everything inside me down.
Lisa – thank you for sharing! 🙂
Great Article Dr Wentz! My husband purchased a Sunlighten Far Infared Sauna 3 years ago. It has helped me feel better with aches and energy. It also provides a great emotional release as I listen to music and have time for myself. I had Chelation Treatments and I couldn’t tell they helped. Sauna relaxes and I feel good after use just knowing I’ve done something good for myself. Your research helps to know all the benefits of Sauna. I only wish my bathroom was large enough to have it next to the shower. I was told to keep toweling your sweat so those toxins aren’t re-absorbed. So great to get your research. It keeps me on track and feeling connected.
Cheryl – thank you so much for sharing what has worked for you! <3 I'm looking forward to seeing your progress here.
I checked Sunlighten’s website and didn’t see the portable sauna product. Could you specify a little more?
Jenny – thank you for following this page. You may like to get in contact with the Sunlighten company:
Can you discuss any reasons why I reacted with 48 hours of insomnia after my sauna session? It was my first time and I was working on recovering from adrenal dysregulation. My session was for 20 minutes at the lowest heat setting, with my head exposed. I’m curious what physiologically took place – why this reaction would occur? Thanks for any insight you can offer
Amy – thank you for following this page. I recommend starting 5-10 minutes once per week at a temperature of 105°F and slowly work your way up to 20-minute sessions. After one month of safely doing a 20-minute session and feeling great afterward, you can go up to two sessions per week. Ideally, you will want to use the infrared sauna daily to get the most benefit. Over time, if you feel comfortable, you can slowly increase the temperature to as high as 140°F. If the high temperature is not comfortable for you, don’t worry about it—do what is comfortable for your body. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress here. ♥
Thank you for the great info on saunas. It’s important that the wood used to make the sauna be untreated. That’s why I chose the SaunaRay. Maybe this goes without saying.? And it’s an affordable home unit.
Mds – thank you for sharing what has worked for you. 🙂
That actually makes a lot of sense. Because treating wood involves adding toxins to it. Why would we want to sit atop wood that contains toxins in order to detox through the use of infrared sauna? Thanks for pointing this out. Taking note.
I live in Colorado Springs, which Hot Springs did you visit? ?? Thanks For the great article
I have been looking ot purchase Sunlighten, I ma torn btw the 3 in 1 model that seems best for hoshimotos, but the EMF level is higher than the signature model which has the lowest EMF of their models but does not have the benefits of the 3 in 1. In your opinion best to go with the signature with lowest EMF’s or the 3 in 1 with higher than signature emfs because of the autoimmune benefits? thanks
Judy – thank you for following this page. Infrared light is an invisible form of electromagnetic energy, and its wavelength is longer than that of visible light. You may have heard of other terms associated with infrared such as far-infrared, middle-infrared, or near-infrared. These different terms correspond with the varying wavelengths of infrared radiation. What is most important for you to take away from this is that the different wavelengths of infrared radiation serve different purposes in regards to Hashimoto’s. In the article above, I am describing eight key benefits of infrared saunas, but keep in mind the benefits mentioned correspond with differing wavelengths in the infrared spectrum.
For instance, far-infrared, which is the most widely-known term, is responsible for the deep detoxification and weight loss benefits of the infrared sauna. Middle-infrared light helps reduce pain and addresses inflammation. Near-infrared is most often associated with skin renewal and wound healing. Different goals call for different types of infrared saunas, so try to remember this as you search for the appropriate sauna for your personal needs. ?
So if I understand you Dr Izabella, your article is about the 3 different wave lengths and then the 3 in 1 MPulse…would help with hoshimotos more, and even though higher EMF’s than the signature , here are the differences in EMF’s according to Sunlighten…
modelMpulse will be 9 to 12 MG while the Signature at its highest is .06 MG
did I understand your article and your response correctly?
Thank you for your time, Judy
Hello Izabella!
My doctor is always talking to me about using a Far infrared sauna, and I’d really like to add that to my efforts of healing my Thyroid…BUT, buying one brings up two obstacles: 1) High Cost; 2) No place to put one in my home.
With that in mind, how can the average person take advantage of the benefits of using a Far Infrared Sauna when cost and storage are the issues?
Thanks so much!
Maria – thank you for following this page and reaching out. I know an infrared sauna is a large purchase and may not be possible for everyone. Many local spas have infrared saunas available, and they are often Sunlighten saunas. They usually charge by the minute or have discount session packages available. A simple Google search will help you find one!
I have been thinking about getting an infrared sauna for a while now. Is it safe to use with a total hip replacement? Also, in this article you mention a study that showed it to be helpful for heart failure, but later on give heart disease as a contraindication. Could you elaborate, please? Is one wave length safe and not another for mild heart failure, or are there other considerations?
Thank you for the great article!
Dorine – Thank you for following this page. I wish I could give you more direct advice but, each person will react differently. I recommend that you consult your doctor whose care you are under to confirm whether an Infrared Sauna would be safe for you. I am not able to respond directly to these types of questions here. <3
My wife has had chronic fatigue issues for 18 months. After having a fat biopsy in the UK we discovered she had a high toxic burden of an industrial pesticide. We bought a portable far infra red sauna which goes into our spare room nicely and can be lifted and put to one side when required. My wife started on the lowest setting for 10mins and had to stay in bed for two days due to the toxins being released. It took her 50 sessions before she was able to really sweat. A session was initially 10mins and after about 25 sessions she was up to and remains at 30mins at a middle range setting.
So persevere and as Dr Wentz advises start low and short and build up. My wife has done over 120 sessions and her health has improved slowly over the year since we bought the sauna. Hope this helps. Alan
Alan – thank you so much for sharing your wife’s journey! I’m looking forward to seeing her progress here. <3 You might also be interested in my books! The Root Cause book was my tracking of the experiments I did on myself to recover and regain my health and the Hashimoto’s Protocol book is a more step by step guide of the interventions that helped 80% of the people 80% of the time. I hope you can check them out:
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
I started using an infrared sauna a few weeks ago. Only twice has parts of me gotten ‘damp”, never an actual sweat. I am using it 5 time a week. 30-40 minutes a session level 3 which I believe is 120 degrees. Any idea how long it actually takes to sweat?
Kay – thank you for following this page. I recommend starting 5-10 minutes once per week at a temperature of 105°F and slowly work your way up to 20-minute sessions. After one month of safely doing a 20-minute session and feeling great afterward, you can go up to two sessions per week. Ideally, you will want to use the infrared sauna daily to get the most benefit. Over time, if you feel comfortable, you can slowly increase the temperature to as high as 140°F. If the high temperature is not comfortable for you, don’t worry about it—do what is comfortable for your body. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress here. ♥
I have the same experience as Kay with no sweating. Your response did not address her question as to why she wasn’t sweating you only repeated your advice. I have not been back to the spa with the sauna thinking it was not working for me since I was not sweating.
Jan – thank you for following this page. Hypothyroidism results in a decreased ability to sweat. Our skin is our largest organ, and when we sweat, it expels the toxins that have built up in our body. This includes cellular waste from what we may eat or drink, heavy metals, and any other toxins our body may have absorbed such as pesticides, herbicides, fluoride, or chemicals in body products. Toxins tend to reside deep inside our tissues (especially heavy metals), and when sitting in the infrared sauna, the infrared light heats us from the inside out, which enables us to release these toxins with ease. Of course, removing the toxic burden makes room for us to receive the right nutrients, regenerate correctly, and have more energy. I wish I could give you more direct advice but, each person will react differently. If you’ve read my book, Hashimoto’s Protocol, I have a whole section dedicated to the importance of ridding the body of heavy metals you may be familiar with. The use of a sauna could potentially really help you with this especially if you have reached a roadblock in your healing journey. Here are a couple articles you might find helpful.
Thank you for this timely article! I started using an IF sauna and noticed no more hair loss after 4 uses! Can you comment on the effects of IF sauna on the thyroid? I feel it may be stimulating & increasing blood flow ultimately my thyroid is getting blood and getting woken up? Currently taking NDT and noticing nice sweats since IF sauna use. Would appreciate your thoughts on this?
MommieP – thank you so muchf or sharing! I’m so happy to hear you are seeing improvements. Infrared light is an invisible form of electromagnetic energy, and its wavelength is longer than that of visible light. You may have heard of other terms associated with infrared such as far-infrared, middle-infrared, or near-infrared. These different terms correspond with the varying wavelengths of infrared radiation. What is most important for you to take away from this is that the different wavelengths of infrared radiation serve different purposes in regards to Hashimoto’s. In the article above, I am describing eight key benefits of infrared saunas, but keep in mind the benefits mentioned correspond with differing wavelengths in the infrared spectrum. For instance, far-infrared, which is the most widely-known term, is responsible for the deep detoxification and weight loss benefits of the infrared sauna. Middle-infrared light helps reduce pain and addresses inflammation. Near-infrared is most often associated with skin renewal and wound healing. Different goals call for different types of infrared saunas, so try to remember this as you search for the appropriate sauna for your personal needs. I hope this helps.
I have an enclosed near infrared sauna that my husband made for me with 4 EMF protected heat lamps. I started with 30 minute sessions, and sweated some. However, when I increased my sessions to 45 minutes, that’s when the real sweating began! Just my own experience, but at 45 minutes you will start pouring sweat. I do drink a large glass of water before I go in. The author of my sauna book was doing one hour a day, broken into two 30 minute sessions, morning and night. I have lower body temp so I love feeling warm from the red light. So it could be duration or temperature related. You could let it get hotter, or it takes more time.
Missy – Thank you so much for sharing your experience with sauna therapy!
I love my infrared sauna. I went with JNH Lifestyles because they offer a no EMF product. I use it about 2-3 per week for 50 minutes and I get such a fantastic sweat from it. Just like you mentioned it is great for days after I’ve had a bit too much wine but I also like to jump in for about twenty minutes before a work out yo get my muscles all warmed up and ready to go. It helps reduce the chances of injury and with my clumsy nature I need all the help I can get. I do, however, still use it while I’m menstruating. I was curious as to why I shouldn’t?
Whitney – thank you for following this page. I recommend that you consult your doctor whose care you are under to confirm an Infrared sauna is safe for you to use while menstruating.
Thank you for this post. We just purchased a far infrared sauna and have been loving it. I have multiple autoimmune diseases including Hashimoto’s. I see you said not to use the sauna if one has breast implants. Can you tell me why? I am a breast cancer survivor and have gummy bear silicone implants. My plastic surgeon’s office said it was safe as we checked with them before purchasing but I have continued to be anxious about it. I would appreciate your feedback. I would never want to have to have another surgery because I am using my sauna! Thanks.
JJ – thank you for sharing. I recommend that you consult your doctor whose care you are under to confirm whether your implants may react to heat and pressure. 🙂
I’ve called Sunlighten and much to my dismay, they were not able to produce any medical studies, other than the core body temp rises, that demonstrated the efficacy of IR sauna for detoxification specifically. My doctor was looking for real live studies vs marketing pieces. Do you know any specific studies to cite for the removal of chemical toxins from the body while using IR sauna? Thanks!
bcl – thank you for reaching out. 🙂 At the bottom of each article, there are several references listed where I collected my information from. I would encourage you to check them out!
I purchased my infrared sauna last year when I was having health problems with eczema and an undiagnosed autoimmune. I use it 4-5 times a week for 40-60 minutes. I love the heat and how relaxing and comforting it is. I haven’t seen any weight loss that I had hoped to see.
Barb – thank you for sharing! <3
What about making my own small infrared lighting? I have seen information on U-tube on how to make one. Would that be dangerous due to EMF? I can’t afford to buy a sauna.
Jeanette – thank you for following this page. I know an infrared sauna is a large purchase and may not be possible for everyone. Many local spas have infrared saunas available, and they are often Sunlighten saunas. They usually charge by the minute or have discount session packages available. A simple Google search will help you find one!
What could happen to breast implants in an IRS? Thanks
Bet – thank you fr reaching out. Silicon absorbs infrared so implants may expand when using an infrared sauna. I recommend that you consult your doctor whose care you are under to confirm whether your implants may react to heat and pressure.
my tests show high cadmium in my boy as well as other heavy metals, I use a Sunlighten Solo sauna for 30 to 35 minutes and barely sweat but feel drained when I’m done.
Norma – thank you for following this page. Hypothyroidism results in a decreased ability to sweat. Unfortunately, this causes a buildup of toxins that our body is unable to release. But, the infrared sauna takes the pressure off of the thyroid to heat the body. I recommend starting 5-10 minutes once per week at a temperature of 105°F and slowly work your way up to 20-minute sessions. After one month of safely doing a 20-minute session and feeling great afterward, you can go up to two sessions per week. Ideally, you will want to use the infrared sauna daily to get the most benefit. Over time, if you feel comfortable, you can slowly increase the temperature to as high as 140°F. If the high temperature is not comfortable for you, don’t worry about it—do what is comfortable for your body.
The goal is to work up a good sweat without feeling faint, fatigued, dizzy, weak, or dehydrated. If you feel light-headed or unwell, get out. Just like a good workout, as I mentioned, you are supposed to feel better after using the infrared sauna, not worse. I do not recommend pushing through and struggling in the name of detoxification! Slow and steady wins the race! Also, remember to stay hydrated. You’re going to be sweating quite a bit, so it’s easy to get dehydrated. I recommend drinking purified water, so you know you’re not putting toxins back in through water.
I found this to be my issue at first, then started some of these ideas I found online just before sauna use: go for quick walk, drink some hot tea, rebounding/lymph massage, soak feet in warm water before or warm shower beforehand, to get things going! I now roll sweat within 8-10 mins! Don’t give up!
MommieP – thank you so much for sharing what has worked for you! 😉
Hello Dr.
It’s great news
Unfortunately I live in Spain and this type of infrared sauna is not available
—Dr. Wentz, please comment and clarify more about EMF exposure. The benefits of infrared sauna treatments are substantiated but isn’t EMF exposure a serious risk? I’m concerned about EMF exposure while using an infrared sauna. Though some manufacturers claim zero EMF emission, I’ve read this is not possible. An acceptable exposure is less than 3. —Also, what would happen if someone started using an infrared sauna initially for 45minutes/125 degrees and continued daily? What adverse affects could this exposure have to the body (compared to your suggestion of gradual 5-10minutes/105 degrees). The brand used at a studio is Clearlight (not a home unit). Concerned.
Lola Thanks for your question! I’ll add this to my list of future article possibilities. I would love to hear more about your experiences here on this page!
Hi Isabella,
Thank you for this article! I have experienced all of the benefits you listed with regular use of my home Infrared Sauna. Why do you advise NOT to use the sauna while menstruating?
I purchased the Sunlighten mPulse Conquer (3-in-1 sauna) off of your recommendation and absolutely LOVE IT! I have only had it for about a month now and it is well worth the investment! I feel great, trying to use it at least 5 times a week. Thank you so much for the recommendation!
Alexandra – you are very welcome! I am so happy to hear you are enjoying it!
Hi! Thanks for the article! Is sauna use ok for breastfeeding moms? I’d love to try an infrared sauna!
Michelle – thank you for reaching out. It is not recommended that you use a sauna while pregnant. <3
I wish I read this article before I tried an infared sauna near my home. It was set to 140 degrees and I was in there for 40 minutes! I didn’t feel great in the days to follow. I also would like to try for a baby in the upcoming 6month-year mark. Do you think the high temperature could have damaged my eggs? I really hope not! 🙁
Julie – thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry you had this experience. I recommend that you discuss the use of sauna with your practitioner as to whether is is right for you and your health needs. <3
I LOVE the thoroughness of this article… thank you Dr. Wentz! One thing I read, that I hadn’t read on other sites, was that the elderly shouldn’t use a sauna. Could you please build on that a little? I’m in the middle of researching multiple functional medicine website (so far Sunlighten is at 95% recommendation – LOL) but none of them have mentioned anything about it not being safe for the elderly. I’m a “young” 66 year old who was able to put her Hashimoto’s into remission over five years ago. I’m now looking into purchasing a sauna to assist further in my quest for optimal health (I found I had high lead levels recently) along with assisting in “sweating” out the bad stuff. 🙂 I would appreciate anything you can add to this topic. Gratefully, Pam
Pam – thank you so much for your feedback! <3 Sauna can affect blood pressure so it is always best to discuss with your practitioner before using. I think infrared saunas can be very, very helpful. You want to start going only for a few minutes and then increase yourself as you get more comfortable with it. Make sure if you feel palpitations or feel like fainting, that you get out.
Just wondering. I like steam so much more than hot sauna. It has always made me feel better –even just hot water, hot tub, etc. Will a steam room do the same? Thanks!
Darlene – thank you for reaching out and sharing! <3 Everyone is different! One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism that people hardly ever complain about is a lack of sweating or reduced sweating. Unfortunately, when we don’t sweat enough, we lose the benefit of getting rid of toxins through our sweat. You should try to sweat on a daily basis. Some of my favorite strategies include hot yoga, detox baths (add one cup of Epson Salts to your tub), and sauna therapy. That said. I currently do not have information to share on steam versus sauna. I'll add this to my list of future article possibilities. I would love to hear more about your experiences here.
Dr. Wentz, Your online presence is a treasure to me. I’m a young 71-year-old who has reduced her TPO-Ab score 55% in a year (from a whopping 5,200 to 2,315–yes, that’s in the thousands) using your protocol (with my MD monitoring the process). I plan to carry on until that TPO is down to zilch.
Five years ago I was circling the drain (almost no red-blood cells) and found far-infrared saunas to be very helpful and comforting. Then I found the BioMat. Wow! Far-infrared on steroids, as it were!
The BioMat gives the body far-infrared heat through a bed of amethyst. The heat is said to penetrate the body about 6″, as opposed to hlf that or less in the far-infrared sauna. You can adjust the temperature, the EMF protection, etc. It claims to kill cancer cells by “faking a fever”, as cancer cells die above 104 degrees F. Some functional-medicine practitioners are now using the BioMat in conjunction with other healing modalities, and targeted infra-red is being used to shrink tumors as well. The BioMat is not cheap but it is worth every penny. I give it large credit for saving my life. Look it up and enjoy your sleep time as never before!
Eva – thank you so much fro sharing your journey with me. I’m so happy to hear you are taking charge of your health and are seeing improvements. Please keep me posted on your continued progress. <3
What about night sweats from menopause? I’ve had them for a couple of years now, but I don’t feel like they’re detoxing at all. I make sure I hydrate every day and have electrolytes. Do you think us sweating menopausal women are still detoxing? How would we know if we detox? There is a lot of sweat involved 🙂
Mary – thank you for reaching out. <3 I understand how hard this is. I don’t currently have information to share on this but, I will add it to my list of possible future articles to research. Here are a couple articles where I discuss hot flashes that you may find interesting:
What is my problem? I don’t sweat or VERY LITTLE even after one half hour. Help Nancy
Nancy – thank you so much for reaching out. I’m so sorry you are struggling with this. I understand how hard it is. One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism that people hardly ever complain about is a lack of sweating or reduced sweating. Unfortunately, when we don’t sweat enough, we lose the benefit of getting rid of toxins through our sweat. You should try to sweat on a daily basis. Some of my favorite strategies include hot yoga, detox baths (add one cup of Epson Salts to your tub), and sauna therapy. Here is an article you might find helpful as well:
Enjoyed reading this article. Thank you for sharing, Dr. Wentz.
I’ve been doing IR sauna shortly after I was diagnosed of Hashi’s last year. About the same time, I purchased your self-management program. I followed the guidelines and also made some adjustments to my own unique physiology. Both IR sauna and your program helped me a lot. I just received TPO antibody lab test today, it dropped back to normal range after a year’s intensive self care. Cannot thank you and your knowledge and experience enough🙏❤️.
May – that is so wonderful to hear! ❤️ Thank you so much for sharing! I would love to hear more! Would you be willing to share what protocols you did and what symptoms improved, so that we can share your successes with other people who have not yet committed to making the lifestyle and dietary changes necessary to reclaim their health? Your story could help inspire others! If you have some time, please do you mind sharing your full story with me? I would love it if you would share it here, email me at or here at this link
These stories will go a long way in helping others who are going through a similar journey to yours.
I saw the suggestions for those that shouldn’t use a sauna, and one of them was the “elderly”. I’ve been thinking seriously about purchasing one for quite awhile now – even saving up for it for several months. I’m a healthy (Hashimoto’s in remission) 68 years old. Would I fall under that category?? I sure hope not. LOL!! Thanks for your article!
Pam – thank you for reaching out. ❤️ I’m happy to hear you are healthy and in remission! Saunas can affect blood pressure and as we age the ability to maintain our core temperature decreases. So it is always best to discuss with your practitioner before using. You may also want to consider trying a sauna at a local spa to be sure it is going to be a good fit for you before purchasing. I think infrared saunas can be very, very helpful. You want to start going only for a few minutes and then increase yourself as you get more comfortable with it. Make sure if you feel palpitations or feel like fainting, that you get out. Keep in mind that after sitting in the infrared sauna, you are supposed to feel better, not worse. If you feel worse after your sauna sessions, it is likely that you stayed in too long.
I am looking to purchase an infrared dome sauna (I prefer having head out) but the contraindications say Graves Disease but I cannot find anything online that says infrared saunas are bad for Graves disease. What is your opinion?
Sally – thank you for reaching out. ❤️ There are contraindications for different issues. I recommend that you discuss this with your practitioner before useing.
I was looking to purchase a sauna dome (model SMT-110) FIR with germanium and tourmaline stones but the manual says not for people with hyperactive thyroid. I have tried asking my doctor but not had a response. Generally are FIR saunas ok for people with Graves disease which is fairly stable on medication?
Sally – thank you so much for sharing!❤️ I have not researched this specifically for Graves, there are contraindications for different issues. I recommend that you discuss this with your practitioner before using. You also may want to contact the companies you are considering purchasing from to see what information they may have as well.
Hi there,
I understand the different wave length options pertain to certain goals. My goals are primarily: detoxification, weight loss, reduce inflammation, reduce stress, and optimize muscle recovery. I have been looking for a far infrared sauna, but would you suggest looking at one with multiple wave lengths? I read someplace that saunas with multiple lengths aren’t as effective since their efficiency is reduced across multiple wave lengths. What would you suggest for me? Thanks for any help – this is all very overwhelming and it is hard to source credible material with enough information.
Julie – thank you for following! ❤️ I recommend doing your research to find the sauna that works best for your needs. I like Sunlighten saunas because they match you to the sauna that’s right for you. They do offer a sauna with all three wavelengths. I would recommend contacting them for more information.
Do you recommend, and how effective are infrared sauna blankets that leave out the head? Also, what is your position on the sauna tents that are available for purchase on Amazon and other websites?
Donna, thank you for following. I recommend doing your research. As saunas, including portable saunas (such as tents and blankets) are not all created equally, and many do not offer the same health benefits, safety, and or research to support their use. Above I share two options for portable saunas that I feel comfortable recommending and using.
Hi. I did “cabin style” sauna for a long time but when TED became active, I found it exacerbated the symptoms of dry eye, bulging, & grittiness. What are your thoughts & recommendations on this? I desperately want to return to sauna of some kind for detox. Thank you.
Keri – thank you for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear it worsened your TED symptoms. I do recommend discussing with your practitioner before resuming. Also, as with any detoxification treatment, it is best to start gradually and work your way up to a longer length of time in the sauna. Just as you have heard me suggest you do when starting a workout program, keep in mind that after sitting in the infrared sauna, you are supposed to feel better, not worse. If you feel worse after your sauna sessions, it is likely that you stayed in too long and should adjust your treatment plan accordingly. There can be too much of a good thing!
Dr. Wentz-
Our gym has a sauna and steam room. Rarely do I sweat in the sauna even at the highest setting. I’ve been using the steam room instead, doing about 8 minutes with a break for a cold shower and then another 8 minutes. This has helped my fatigue. Are there downsides to using steam vs hot dry air?
Carrie – thank you for following. I’m so glad to hear you are seeing benefits from using a steam room! At this time I don’t have information to share on steam versus hot dry air.
Deep tissue massage has been a lifesaver for my chronic muscle tension. It really targets those deeper layers, and I can feel the difference after just one session. Highly recommend for anyone dealing with persistent pain!
Orismar – thank you for sharing what has worked for you. 😉