I first learned about S. boulardii as a young pharmacist. It is a beneficial yeast (also known as a probiotic yeast) that is often recommended to people who take antibiotics, to counteract the gut imbalance that can occur when antibiotics kill off our “good” bacteria, in addition to any of the pathogenic bacteria they were initially taken to kill. This particular probiotic is thought to be most effective in restoring dysbiosis from antibiotics because, in contrast to most probiotics which are bacterial in origin and can be killed by bacteria-targeting antibiotics, S. boulardii is a yeast, and most antibiotics are not effective against yeast. [1]
S. boulardii is also known to be a wonderful tool that can be used to prevent traveler’s diarrhea* (I wish I had known about this when I went to visit relatives in Poland back before I had my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, and had to run out of a family gathering to my great aunt’s outhouse — but I digress!). [2]
As someone who has a history of irritable bowel syndrome and takes gut health seriously, I use S. boulardii preventatively, whenever I travel (it’s been my go-to since 2012!). I also started giving it to my hubby after a relaxing vacation in the Dominican Republic turned awful due to him experiencing food poisoning… While we both ate the same foods, I did not develop food poisoning, and I believe the S. boulardii protected me.
It’s also a wonderful tool to boost immunity. [3]
In Fall 2019, I noticed that my son was getting colds and various infections whenever I took him to public places like the pumpkin patch, pet stores, and the like. I was still nursing back then, so I was surprised that he was getting sick so easily — but when I did some gut testing for both of us, I found we both had low levels of secretory IgA. (This is actually one of the most common abnormalities I see in people with Hashimoto’s. I have tested around 300 clients using the GI-MAP test between 2017 and 2019, and 49 percent of people had low secretory IgA.)
Secretory IgA, or SIgA, is known as the respiratory and GI tracts’ first line of defense. It can prevent the adhesion of parasites, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens to our respiratory and gut linings.
S. boulardii has been shown to promote normal Secretory IgA*, so I started taking my Rootcology S. Boulardii again, and started Dimitry on it as well. [4] S. boulardii is very safe, even for infants as young as two months old — the capsules can be opened and sprinkled into breast milk or purées (I talk more in depth about S. boulardii for children near the end of the article). Within a short period of time, I noticed that we both seemed to be more resilient to the illnesses that were circulating around us.
Additionally, S. boulardii has become one of my favorite supplements for restoring gut health*, and poor gut health is a common root cause of Hashimoto’s. I have especially found it helpful for supporting the body in clearing out a number of different infections* — and unlike many probiotics, it’s generally considered to be safe for SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), which can be present in up to 50 percent of people with hypothyroidism. [5]
In this article, you will learn:
- What S. boulardii is
- What conditions may benefit from S. boulardii
- How S. boulardii can support Hashimoto’s root causes
- Best practices for supplementation
What is S. boulardii?
Saccharomyces boulardii, or S. boulardii, is often referred to as a probiotic, but is actually a beneficial yeast that is usually taken in the form of a supplement. It has been used clinically for more than 50 years, originally for the prevention and treatment of infectious diarrhea. [6] That said, S. boulardii has been used traditionally as a component of an herbal preparation for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, well before scientists were able to identify and classify bacteria or yeast.
S. boulardii was named after the French microbiologist who discovered it, Henri Boulard. The story goes something like this: in the 1920s, Boulard was in Indonesia, where a medicinal tea was used as a treatment for the diarrhea associated with cholera. Boulard discovered that the tea, which contained mangosteen skin and lychee, owed its medicinal benefits to S. boulardii, which was able to proliferate at high temperatures. Upon returning to France, Boulard patented his discovery. Official research and publications on the strain began in the 1940s and 1950s. [7]
We now know that while moving through the digestive system, S. boulardii helps to clean up the intestines and promote healthy microbial balance, but it doesn’t take up residence in the gut by multiplying there. Instead, it helps to clear out and remove opportunistic and pathogenic organisms from the gut, such as yeast, bacteria, and parasites. In other words, S. boulardii helps to set up a healing environment in the gut and takes the pathogens along with it, when it leaves the body through bowel movements. This helps to prevent new infections and reinfections. [8]
As mentioned earlier, S. boulardii has been shown to help support normal secretory IgA, an immunoglobulin (antibody) that plays a critical role in the immune function of the mucosal linings of the body, and helps to provide a protective barrier (SIgA is the first line of defense for the respiratory and GI tract).[9] It can prevent the adhesion of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens, to our respiratory and gut linings. Numerous studies have shown improved outcomes in various infections, as well as in cancers and gut issues, from supplementing with S. boulardii.
I have found that around 50 percent of people with Hashimoto’s tend to have low secretory IgA. This could be partially due to genetic factors (if you’re a non-secretor like I am), infections you may have, or lifestyle factors (like stress and sleep deprivation). [10]
What Conditions May Benefit from S. boulardii?
Most of the research on S. boulardii over the years has looked at conditions that cause diarrhea. This includes diarrhea from pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi), traveler’s diarrhea, HIV-related diarrhea, antibiotic-associated diarrhea, Clostridium difficile infections, and others.
The reason S. boulardii works so well for diarrhea is that it stimulates the release of immunoglobulins (antibodies) and messengers (such as cytokines), as well as helps immune cells to mature. Since S. boulardii binds to pathogenic bacteria, it can neutralize toxins and decrease the pathogens that adhere to the walls of the digestive system. Essentially, it calms an overactive immune response in the digestive system. [11]
In one review conducted by Stier and Bischoff, which looked at the available studies on the efficacy of using S. boulardii to treat infectious diarrhea, the authors observed that not only did the S. boulardii bind pathogenic bacteria, but it also reduced the overreacting inflammatory immune response by interfering with the signaling cascade, which is induced by the infection.
This decreased the pathogens’ potential to adhere to the intestines, protecting the intestinal epithelial layer and reducing diarrhea-induced fluid loss. [12]
The scientific literature shows that S. boulardii is safe and beneficial for acute diarrhea, even for children. It can also be used concurrently with antibiotics to prevent gastrointestinal symptoms. [13]
In fact, I recommend using S. boulardii along with antibiotics in order to prevent dysbiosis, an imbalance in gut bacteria that so often results from antibiotic use.
Furthermore, S. boulardii benefits the gut by reducing inflammation in the digestive system and helping to reverse leaky gut. [14] Because of the immune and gut-protective benefits of S. boulardii, more recent research has looked at this supplement for a variety of other conditions, including:
- Parasites, such as Blastocystis hominis [15]
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) [16]
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [17]
- SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) [18]
- Lyme disease [19]
- Candida (yeast) infections [20]
- Urinary tract infections [21]
- H. pylori [22]
- Mold exposure [23]
What’s interesting about this list is that these are conditions that I often see either as a root cause of Hashimoto’s, or as a co-occurring diagnosis or symptom in my clients.
To learn more about addressing and overcoming gut issues, download my free Gut Problems Guide below!
How Does S. boulardii Benefit Hashimoto’s?
Although there isn’t any current research specifically looking at the direct impact of S. boulardii on Hashimoto’s or thyroid health, by taking a root cause approach, it is clear that S. boulardii can help to address some of the underlying factors in autoimmune thyroiditis.
Gut Health
Improving gut health and addressing infections are key components of getting Hashimoto’s into remission — and as mentioned above, S. boulardii can help with both of those.
Hippocrates is given credit for the notion that “all disease begins in the gut,” and this is no exception for Hashimoto’s. According to Dr. Fasano, Hashimoto’s, and all autoimmune conditions, require three factors — a genetic predisposition, an environmental trigger (such as heavy metal toxicity or an infection), and leaky gut (intestinal permeability) — in order to be present. This is called the three-legged stool of autoimmunity. [24]
Leaky gut occurs when the junctions between the epithelial cells (cells that line the small intestine) become loose or leaky. Larger proteins can then make their way into the body, causing an immune reaction. S. boulardii has been shown to restore and strengthen these junctions, and even decrease leaky gut. [25]
One study that examined the impact of S. boulardii on cells taken from the colons of people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), found that the S. boulardii protected the epithelial cells (surface tissue) and improved the adhesion of one cell to another. This led to the overall restoration and strengthening of intestinal barrier function. [26]
If you are currently experiencing digestive symptoms or Hashimoto’s symptoms in general, I always recommend digging deeper to heal your leaky gut and any potential gut infections.
Since S. boulardii promotes normal SIgA, it can help in the defense against chronic infections, including Blastocystis hominis, H. pylori, Candida, SIBO, Giardia, and other infections that are common root cause triggers in people with Hashimoto’s.
- Blastocystis hominis is the most common parasite that I’ve seen in people with Hashimoto’s, that can be linked to the uncomfortable symptoms of both chronic hives and IBS. A recent study of 20 people with Hashimoto’s found that eradicating Blastocystis hominis can reduce TSH and TPO antibodies, and produce a remission of Hashimoto’s. [27] I have seen this pattern since 2013, and I’m excited to finally have some scientific research to back up my clinical findings! The researchers used the medication Alinia, which I used to recommend as well. However, in recent years, I have begun using an boulardii supplement as a starting point instead. In one study of Blastocystis hominis in children, S. boulardii produced an outcome similar to the anti-parasitic medication metronidazole, and reversed symptoms in 94.4 percent of the study group, in one month. [28]
- H. pylori is another bacterial infection of the stomach that may trigger Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. (In my clinical experience, using the now retired 401H gut test from BioHealth, I have learned that over 80 percent of my clients had such an infection. Clinically, I’ve seen thyroid antibodies reduced once H. pylori has been treated!) H. pylori can lead to reduced stomach acid levels, nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, and leaky gut. [29] S. boulardii, although not a treatment on its own, has been shown to improve the effectiveness of H. pylori treatments, reduce symptoms from the treatment (such as diarrhea and nausea), and prevent dysbiosis. [30] (As a side note, I have been “crunching the numbers” of various types of infections I’ve found in clients and program participants since 2016 using the GI-MAP test, and will be publishing an article with the results!)
- A third gut infection that can be a Hashimoto’s trigger for some is Candida overgrowth, and an S. boulardii supplement can be supportive in healing from Candida as well. Remember that S. boulardii is a probiotic yeast, so it makes sense that it can help clear pathogenic yeast strains like Candida and keep them balanced with the rest of the organisms in the colon. The research confirms this and shows that S. boulardii reduces the adhesion of Candida in the gut, as well as reduces biofilm formation. [31] (Biofilms simply refer to a protective barrier over pathogens, protecting them from harm.) Preventing biofilm formation of pathogens or using treatments that help to break down biofilms, is an important functional medicine approach for gut health.
- SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is a gut condition that I also see in many people with Hashimoto’s. In SIBO, bacteria and yeast from the colon migrate up into the small intestine, which normally contains very little bacteria compared to the large intestine. This overpopulation of bacteria causes food to ferment and leads to gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, among other symptoms. [32] Often, the root cause of IBS, can actually be SIBO. In this case, using probiotics can make the situation worse by increasing the bacteria that are living in the wrong place. S. boulardii is an exception to this, and is generally well tolerated and helpful for SIBO (likely since the S. boulardii yeast doesn’t stick around in the gut and instead passes through, carrying pathogens out with it). [33] In a study that evaluated the use of S. boulardii in conjunction with the antibiotic metronidazole to treat the gastrointestinal symptoms of patients with SIBO, one group was given just the antibiotic. Another group was only given S. boulardii, while the third group was given a combination of both. After two months of treatment, SIBO was eradicated in 55 percent of the metronidazole and S. boulardii group, 33 percent of the S. boulardii-only group, and 25 percent of the metronidazole-only group. The groups using an S. boulardii treatment (both with metronidazole and on its own) had decreased diarrhea, abdominal pain, and gas/bloating/flatulence, but the symptoms in the metronidazole group remained unchanged. The authors concluded that metronidazole treatment is partially effective in treating SIBO, but S. boulardii in monotherapy or in combination improves gastrointestinal outcomes by binding to bacteria and helping to clear it from the gut. [34]
- Mold toxicity is another potential root cause that I’ve seen with Hashimoto’s. If you’ve been exposed to a moldy environment, it is quite possible that the mold has taken up residence in your body, including your gut and sinuses. In addition to removing the source of the mold, you will most likely need additional interventions to clear the mold from your body. The presence of mold in the sinuses and intestines can lead to intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and become a trigger for autoimmune disease. I haven’t seen any studies to support this, but clinically, I have reports of symptom improvement and have seen a reduction of mold markers, on follow-up lab tests of those who have used S. boulardii.
- Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are quite common, affecting 50 to 60 percent of all women. Eighty percent of UTIs are caused by E. coli, though other strains can also be culprits. Many of my clients with Hashimoto’s have reported frequent UTIs, and it is possible that an imbalance of gut flora and intestinal permeability (leaky gut), which are holes in the gut lining that can allow bacteria to travel throughout the digestive system, may be the cause of UTIs in those with Hashimoto’s, as leaky gut is a factor that must be present in order for autoimmunity to occur. Researchers in one study of 24 children, sought to evaluate the influence of an oral S. boulardii intake on the number of E. coli colonies in the colon. A commercial capsule or powder containing 5 billion colony-forming units (CFU) of S. boulardii was administered once a day, for five days. The number of E. coli colonies in the stool samples decreased by over 98 percent between the beginning and end of treatment, leading researchers to find that S. boulardii may be an effective treatment for UTIs. [35]
- Lyme disease, a tick-borne illness, carries with it a co-infection called Borrelia burgdorferi that I believe can be a trigger for Hashimoto’s. Because these infections affect gut health, and are often treated with large doses of antibiotics, adding in beneficial probiotics is essential to restoring intestinal flora, preventing Candida overgrowth, and clearing the infection from the intestinal tract. [36]
Adrenal Dysfunction
In my functional medicine training, I learned about three important body systems that need to be addressed in order to reverse chronic illness: the liver, the adrenals, and the gut. In reviewing my clients’ health timelines, I have found that the development of chronic illness usually follows a pretty predictable pattern for the majority of them.
First, a person goes through an intense period of stress (such as the loss of a loved one, or a big life change like a new child, cross-country move, or graduate school). This stressful period is followed by some non-specific gut symptoms (acid reflux, constipation, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea), and then the development of some “soft” signs of liver backlog (acne, allergies becoming worse).
My research has led me to believe that, on a biological level, stress depletes our body’s secretory IgA (among other things, like stomach acid and various nutrients, especially vitamin C and magnesium). This then increases our susceptibility to gut infections that would normally be considered “self-limiting” and would just “pass through” our system. Instead, they end up colonizing and setting up a home (enter the gut symptoms). At this point, the gut, one of the body’s major pathways of elimination, becomes backed up, and the body over-relies on the liver to eliminate waste. This liver backlog is something I focus on in the Liver Reset Protocol, which makes up the first part of my book Hashimoto’s Protocol.
My second protocol focuses on restoring the health of the adrenal glands and stress response, so that secretory IgA can be restored, and can help the body’s normal defense in clearing infections. I believe that with adequate secretory IgA, even those chronic gut infections I often find in people with Hashimoto’s, end up passing through, like they would in an otherwise “healthy” individual.
Adrenal dysfunction is a factor for most people with Hashimoto’s, as sleep disorders, stress, blood sugar imbalances, and chronic inflammation are all contributing causes. Chronic inflammation in the body can be linked to inflammation in the GI tract due to bowel disorders (such as IBS), pathogens, and food sensitivities. [37]
There are various ways to support adrenal health: some of them involve the use of stress reduction techniques, sleeping, breathing, removing inflammatory foods, adding hormones and steroids (like DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, and hydrocortisone), using adaptogens, considering adrenal glandulars, supplementing with vitamins/minerals, and more. [38]
Experienced functional medicine practitioners have found that an adrenal protocol is often needed as a first step in supporting gut health, to restore secretory IgA (SIgA) levels. Otherwise, one will have a harder time fighting infections and may get reinfected. [39]
I have found that adding in S. boulardii can lead to better outcomes in overcoming gut infections, without the need for adrenal steroids, resulting in less stress on the adrenals. I have even included it as part of my Rootcology Adrenal Transformation Kit, and it’s one of the featured supplements in my book Adrenal Transformation Protocol, focused on rebalancing the stress response.
How to Supplement with S. boulardii
S. boulardii is very well tolerated as an oral supplement, and any digestive side effects are extremely rare. It’s important to note that not all probiotics are created equal, however. Many common brands that you can find in a health food store or pharmacy have low concentrations of probiotic bacteria.
Such concentrations are not enough to rebalance the gut in autoimmune disease. Other versions need to be kept in the fridge. I don’t know about you, but I often FORGET to take the supplements that I keep in my fridge! This is why I wanted to include a heat-stable S. boulardii supplement in my Rootcology supplement line.
This strain does not require refrigeration, and is able to survive the harsh environment of the GI tract to deliver its benefits in the large intestine.
Plus, with Rootcology’s 30-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose but your symptoms! If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you may return the product within 30 days for a full refund, minus shipping/handling fees.
I always recommend starting at a low dose of 1 to 2 capsules per day. The old pharmacist’s adage is “start low and go slow!” If you experience die-off symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, gastrointestinal distress, muscle soreness, or flu-like symptoms, you may want to reduce your dose to ½ capsule daily, or even ½ capsule every other day.
I recommend increasing your dosage by 1 capsule, every 3 to 7 days.
According to the research studies I included in this article, the following doses have been used in various conditions.
Please note that the strength of the probiotic is sometimes expressed in the active number of microbes or colony-forming units (CFUs) within the capsules, and sometimes in milligrams (mg). I often specify the number of capsules when I recommend specific products. In my Rootcology capsules, one capsule contains 5 billion CFUs of S. boulardii, which is equivalent to about 250 mg.
- Blastocystis hominis: 250 mg, two times daily, for 15 days. This amount was used in a study of children and would translate to 5 billion CFUs, or 1 capsule, twice per day, if using Rootcology S. Boulardii. However, for my adult clients, I generally recommend 1 to 2 capsules of Rootcology S. Boulardii, twice per day, for 60 days, just to ensure we cover two life cycles of the parasite.
- H. pylori: 100-1000 mg daily, for a period of 1 to 4 weeks. One dose would be between a little less than ½ of a Rootcology capsule (100 mg) and 4 Rootcology capsules (1000 mg).
- SIBO: Studies focused on SIBO used 200 mg, two times per day for a period of two weeks, followed by a rest period of two weeks, and then another two-week period of 200 mg, two times per day. Please note that 200 mg would be about 4/5ths of a Rootcology capsule per dose, but as the probiotic is very well tolerated and breaking up capsules is a pain, I generally just advise to take a full capsule. 🙂
- Urinary tract infections: 5 billion CFUs (one dose would be equivalent to one Rootcology capsule), taken once per day, for five days.
Personally, I’ve used up to 8 capsules of Rootcology S. Boulardii per day, and this higher dose may be required for effectively providing support against pathogens and promoting optimal gut health.* S. boulardii can be taken for three months, up to two years.
As part of a protocol to clear mold from the body, I have used S. boulardii at a dose of 5 billion to 10 billion CFUs, 2 to 4 times per day (up to 8 Rootcology capsules per day), for 60 days.
I recommend spacing S. boulardii and thyroid medications apart by 30 to 60 minutes. In addition, I suggest taking S. boulardii two or three hours apart from any anti-yeast, anti-parasitic, or antibacterial herbs.
S. boulardii can also be taken along with other probiotics (unless you have SIBO). Lactobacillus and spore-based probiotics may be particularly beneficial and tolerated with Hashimoto’s, along with fermented foods, depending on one’s personal root causes.
Some of you may wonder about using S. boulardii in children, as I mentioned using it with my son at two years old. I’ve found that S. boulardii is very safe and can be used in infants as young as two months old. I often dispensed and recommended it to littles that had to take antibiotics, while I was working in the pharmacy. The recommended dose for children is 250 mg, 1 to 2 times daily (be sure you check the dosage on the version you use). If using the Rootcology brand, this would be one capsule, 1 to 2 times per day, opened, and sprinkled into breastmilk, formula, applesauce, or a purée.
Florastor Kids is a brand that is specifically marketed to children that I used to recommend. However, it does contain a LOT of fructose and some lactose, so that is something to consider.
Unlike other supplements, if some mild digestive upset occurs with the use of S. boulardii, this could mean that it is actually doing its job! Part of this is because S. boulardii may cause a “die off” reaction. As pathogens in the digestive system die or are displaced, they may release toxins as they are cleared through the digestive system. These “toxins” may cause symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, gastrointestinal distress, muscle soreness, or flu-like symptoms, and can generally last three to seven days. [40]
If this occurs, you may just need to back off on the dosage a bit and then increase it gradually as you build up your tolerance.
S. boulardii has been associated with fungemia in immunocompromised individuals with weakened immune systems. However, Hashimoto’s is typically associated with having an overactive immune system. As such, having Hashimoto’s does not necessarily mean a person is immunocompromised, but it is possible to both have Hashimoto’s and be immunocompromised. [41]
In rare cases, S. Boulardii may cause skin rashes or itchiness. If you experience these effects, discontinue taking it and consult with your practitioner.
For almost everyone, S. boulardii sets up the gut environment and then leaves, taking pathogens with it. I know of only one case where S. boulardii did colonize in the colon, but that appears to be a rare occurrence. Furthermore, I’ve learned from research that in some cases of Crohn’s disease, S. boulardii may cross-react with anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae (another type of yeast) antibodies. [42]
Finally, it may require a bit of caution for someone who has a yeast allergy.
The above-mentioned scenarios are rare, but worth mentioning here. If you have Crohn’s, are immunocompromised, or have any other conditions that may be of concern, please work with your provider for personalized care before starting S. boulardii to make sure it is appropriate for your needs.
The Takeaway
There is a good reason that S. boulardii is one of my favorite supplements: I’ve found that it is generally safe and effective for addressing some of the major Hashimoto’s root causes and symptoms, such as antibiotic-induced dysbiosis, adrenal dysfunction, and some gut infections.
If you have been dealing with digestive issues, are looking for ways to support your adrenal health, or want to boost your immune support in general, you may benefit from adding S. boulardii to your daily routine.
Have you tried S. boulardii? I’d love to hear about your experience with it!
Wishing you all the best on your journey!
P.S. I love interacting with my readers on social media, and I encourage you to join my Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest community pages to stay on top of thyroid health updates and meet others who are following similar health journeys. For recipes, a FREE Thyroid Diet start guide, notifications about upcoming events, and the Nutrient Depletions and Digestion chapter from my first book for free, be sure to sign up for my email list!
[1] Noverr MC, Noggle RM, Toews GB, Huffnagle GB. Role of antibiotics and fungal microbiota in driving pulmonary allergic responses. Infect Immun. 2004;72(9):4996-5003. doi:10.1128/IAI.72.9.4996-5003.2004
[2] Stier H, Bischoff SC. Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 influences the gut-associated immune system. MMW Fortschr Med. 2017;159 (Suppl 5):1-6. doi: 10.1007/s15006-017-9802-3; Feizizadeh S, Salehi-Abargouei A, Akbari V. Efficacy and safety of Saccharomyces boulardii for acute diarrhea. Pediatrics. 2014;134(1):e176-91. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-3950.
[3] Rodrigues AC, Cara DC, Fretez SH, Cunha FQ, Vieira EC, Nicoli JR, Vieira LQ. Saccharomyces boulardii stimulates sIgA production and the phagocytic system of gnotobiotic mice. J Appl Microbiol. 2000; 89(3):404-14.
[5] Terciolo C, Dobric A, Ouaissi M, Siret C, Breuzard G, Silvy F, et al. Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 restores intestinal barrier integrity by regulation of Ecadherin recycling. J Crohns Colitis. 2017;11(8):999-1010. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjx030; Terciolo C, Dapoigny M, Andre F. Beneficial effects of Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 on clinical disorders associated with intestinal barrier disruption. Clin Exp Gastroenterol. 2019;12:67-82. doi: 10.2147/CEG.S181590; García-Collinot G, Madrigal-Santillán EO, Martínez-Bencomo MA, et al. Effectiveness of Saccharomyces boulardii and Metronidazole for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Systemic Sclerosis. Dig Dis Sci. 2020;65(4):1134-1143. doi:10.1007/s10620-019-05830-0; McFarland, LV. From Yaks to Yogurt: The History, Development, and Current Use of Probiotics, Clin Infect Dis. 2015;60(2): S85–S90. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/civ054
[6] Stier H, Bischoff SC. Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 influences the gut-associated immune system. MMW Fortschr Med. 2017;159 (Suppl 5):1-6. doi: 10.1007/s15006-017-9802-3; Feizizadeh S, Salehi-Abargouei A, Akbari V. Efficacy and safety of Saccharomyces boulardii for acute diarrhea. Pediatrics. 2014;134(1):e176-91. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-3950.
[7] McFarland, LV. From Yaks to Yogurt: The History, Development, and Current Use of Probiotics, Clin Infect Dis. 2015;60(2): S85–S90. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/civ054
[8] Pothoulakis C. Review article: anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action of Saccharomyces boulardii. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2009;30(8):826-833. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2009.04102.x
[9] Rodrigues AC, Cara DC, Fretez SH, Cunha FQ, Vieira EC, Nicoli JR, Vieira LQ. Saccharomyces boulardii stimulates sIgA production and the phagocytic system of gnotobiotic mice. J Appl Microbiol. 2000; 89(3):404-14.
[10] Patil AD. Link between hypothyroidism and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2014;18(3):307-309. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.131155
[11] Terciolo C, Dapoigny M, Andre F. Beneficial effects of Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 on clinical disorders associated with intestinal barrier disruption. Clin Exp Gastroenterol. 2019;12:67-82. doi: 10.2147/CEG.S181590; García-Collinot G, Madrigal-Santillán EO, Martínez-Bencomo MA, et al. Effectiveness of Saccharomyces boulardii and Metronidazole for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Systemic Sclerosis. Dig Dis Sci. 2020;65(4):1134-1143. doi:10.1007/s10620-019-05830-0; Pothoulakis C. Review article: anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action of Saccharomyces boulardii. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2009;30(8):826-833. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2009.04102.x
[12] Stier H, Bischoff SC. Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 influences the gut-associated immune system. MMW Fortschr Med. 2017;159 (Suppl 5):1-6. doi: 10.1007/s15006-017-9802-3.
[13] Pais P, Almeida V, Yılmaz M, Teixeira MC. Saccharomyces boulardii: What Makes It Tick as Successful Probiotic?. J Fungi (Basel). 2020;6(2):78. Published 2020 Jun 4. doi:10.3390/jof6020078
[14] Terciolo C, Dobric A, Ouaissi M, Siret C, Breuzard G, Silvy F, et al. Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 restores intestinal barrier integrity by regulation of Ecadherin recycling. J Crohns Colitis. 2017;11(8):999-1010. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjx030
[15] Dinleyici EC, Eren M, Dogan N, Reyhanioglu S, Yargic ZA, Vandenplas Y. Clinical efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii or metronidazole in symptomatic children with Blastocystis hominis infection. Parasitol Res. 2011;108(3):541-5. doi: 10.1007/s00436-010-2095-4.
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Originally published in June of 2020, this article has been updated and expanded for thoroughness and accuracy.
So much great information thank you !
My daughter recently had a round of antibiotics for an UTI and you indicated children (she is 15) could take S. Bouldardii but it didn’t say for how many days.
Laura – thank you so much! <3 Generally speaking, the recommended dose for children after antibiotic use is 250 mg, 1-2 times daily (be sure you check the dosage on the version you use). If you're using my Rootcology brand, this would be one-half of a capsule, 1-2 times per day for 15 days. It's always best to discuss this with your daughter's practitioner.
Where do we purchase supplement?
Elaine – thank you for reaching out. <3 I recommend the Rootcology S boulardii. You can check it out here: https://rootcology.com/collections/supplements/products/s-boulardii
I find that it really constipates me. Any suggestions?
Rhonda – thank you for reaching out. <3 Everyone will react differently, without a comprehensive health assessment I am not able say. I would recommend discussing with your practitioner who's familiar with your health history. We do know that intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut) is present in every case of autoimmunity and often precedes the development of Hashimoto’s. Symptoms of leaky gut may include bloating, diarrhea, constipation, stomach aches, acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome. According to the Institute of Functional Medicine, many people develop IBS 5-10 years before an autoimmune diagnosis. I was one of them and didn’t take my gut health as seriously as I should have. Gut problems are often caused by infections like H. pylori, parasites like Blasto, SIBO, an imbalance of bacteria, and enzyme deficiencies or food sensitivities (especially to gluten, dairy, and/or soy). Even stress can be a factor in gut permeability. Here is an article you might find interesting.
This article says one Rootcology capsule is 500 mg or 10 billion cfus. On my Rootcology bottle it says 2 capsules is a serving size that contains 500mg or 10 billion cfus. Which is correct?
Anne – thank you so much for letting me know about this! I have had my team make that correction to the article. It should have said 1 serving (2 capsules). ❤️
Thank you for connecting yet another time in sharing your expertise in Hashimoto management. I’m your Canadian neighbor. Peace, Zeny
Zeny – hello neighbor! Thank you so much for your support! <3
How long can we take this and how should we stop? Is it best to taper?
Sallie – thank you for following. I generally recommend 3 months to 2 years. I have had a lot of people taking it long term and doing really well on it. One of the things that some people do recommend is probiotic rotation. That can be helpful too, kind of repopulating your gut with diverse probiotics.
if possible, remove fillers such as vegetable stearate from your medicines.
Tin – thank you for your feedback. <3 I will look into this.
Thank you for this very educational article! In the section entitled “How to Supplement with S. Boulardi,” you did not mention what dosage or frequency to use for Candida? It would be beneficial to know this. Thank you, again.
Amena – you are very welcome! <3 S. boulardii for Candida - 5 billion–15 billion CFUs, 2–4 times per day (up to 8 per day) for 60 days. As alway I recommend discussing with your practitioner the addition of any supplemennts. I also have a treatment protocol in my book Hashimoto's Protocol that you might find helpful. You can check it out here:
Hashimoto’s Protocol
How does one know if they have a yeast allergy (that would mean they shouldn’t take S. boulardii)?
Julie – thank you for reaching out. <3 Although cases of yeast allergy are rare, it’s important to work with your provider to make sure S. boulardii is appropriate for you.
Isn’t S. boulardii the main ingredient in Florastor? What is the main difference between the product you recommended and Florastor?
Oscar – thank you for reaching out. <3 The main ingredients in both products is S boulardii. Florastor Kids is a brand that is specifically marketed to children that I used to recommend. However, it does contain a LOT of fructose and some lactose, so that is something to consider. My Rootcology brand does not contain lactose or fructose. I hope this helps.
Could you please specify the use of it for SIBO? How to use it and the dosis
Angela – thank you for reaching out. Check out these articles for my recommendations:
Thank you for this informative post. Your website has been an incredible blessing of knowledge for my family, empowering us to take back our health. All three of my children and I have Hashimoto’s. We were all diagnosed over the last year. Thank you for the wisdom you share through this website and your books. You’ve equipped us, and we have been applying what we learn. My son, the first to be diagnosed, is now thriving thanks to everything you have taught us. The rest of us are also well on our way to wellness.
One question, I’ve been using ION restore. Can this be used in conjunction with S. boulardii, taken apart from each other? I’ve read conflicting information, and my FMP doctor (who is phenomenal) wasn’t sure of the correct protocol.
What are your thoughts? Thank you for your time. You are greatly appreciated!
Shasta – thank you so much for sharing your families journey! <3 I'm so happy to hear you are all doing well. I'm sorry I have not researched the use of ION Restore so I am not able to advise on this product and the use of it with S.boulardii. You could try contacting the company to see what they suggest and then discuss with your practitioner. I hope this helps and please keep me posted on your families continued progress.
Thank you for always sharing such helpful info for hashi’s peeps! I’ve read that there is some concern that s. Boulardii can lead to fungemia. Particularly for elderly & immune compromised. And those with any acute or chronic conditions should avoid using it. I’ve learned so much from you so I thought I’d get your thoughts on this.
Janet – thank you so much for sharing this with me! I don’t currently have information to share on that but, I will add it to my list to research. <3
When I take this product on an empty stomach I get nauseated all day long. Should I take it with food, or maybe at night? I started out with one capsule per day and had bad die off symptoms so I lowered it to 1/2 capsule every other day and it is better, besides the nausea.
Rita – thak you for reaching out. <3 I'm so sorry to hear you are experiencing these symptoms. You can take the S-boulardii with food or without. There are some die off symptom solutions mentioned in my article above. However, I recommend that you discuss your symptoms with your practitioner whose familiar with your health history to make sure this protocol is appropriate for you. <3
Hi, I’m just wondering if there’s a benefit to taking this while taking anti-fungal medication like Diflucan and Nystatin?
Lesah – thank you for reaching out. <3 Please understand, I am not able to advise on whether the S.boulardii would be appropriate for you and your specific health needs without a comprehensive health assessment. I recommend that you discuss this with your personal doctor.
Yes, I understand that you can’t advise individually. I more meant in general – is there any point in someone taking it while also taking anti-fungal medication. Would most of these get killed by the anti-fungal, or would enough survive to make it worth it? A holistic doctor once told me there’s no point in taking probiotics (bacterial) while taking antibiotics, since the antibiotics just kill them – which kinda makes sense, since I guess that’s what antibiotics are designed to do, so I’m wondering if that’s the same for these (if it’s even true for antibiotics).
Anyway, I’m reading your book (Hashimoto’s protocol) and you have the “pharmacologic treatment” and the “alternative treatment” – I just wasn’t sure if you were saying to pick one route, or use both in conjunction – if the Nystatin and S. boulardii work together.
I am under the care of a Functional Medicine doctor and am not looking for advice on my personal condition. Just trying to clarify/elaborate what I read in your book.
Leah – thank you for reaching out. <3 I don’t have information on whether or not the Nystatin actually kills the Saccharomyces Boulardii, so I generally recommend that you space Saccharomyces Boulardii out from antifungals. Please feel free to email my team at info@thyroidpharmacist.com with any questions about the protocols. Here is an article you may find helpful as well: https://thyroidpharmacist.com/articles/candida-and-hashimotos-connection/
i have blastocystis. i took s boulardii 250mg twice per day, but had to stop after 10 days because it made me feel dizzy,fatigued, feeling like im going to faint. however it wasnt the rootcology brand. im not sure how safe s boulardii is.
Reiska – thank you so much for sharing your experience. I’m so sorry! I hope you are feeling better now. It’s always best to discuss the addition of supplements with you practitoiner who’s familiar with your health history. I hope you will continue to keep me posted on your progress. <3
Hi Dr Wentz,
This is a wonderful article, thank you for all this information!
What if you have H Pylori and SIBO? Do you dose for the H Pylori since it is first to be treated?
Thanks again,
Jennifer, thank you for reaching out. <3 The way that you want to address infections is by starting with the highest infection in your body first. H. pylori is typically found in the stomach (it can also be in the upper part of the small intestine), so that’s going to be the first infection you want to treat. A lot of times, when you treat H. pylori, the SIBO will go away as well. Next would be parasites. If, after the H.pylori and parasite protocols you still have SIBO, you would treat it at this time. Here are some resources you might find helpful:
Hashimoto’s Protocol
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
You mentioned in this article that you have used s boulardii preventatively. I don’t see a recommended dose for someone that would like to use it occasionally to clean up the gut, take preventatively on trips, etc. Do you have a recommendation or care to share how much you take in those instances?
Janet – thank you for reaching out. ❤️ You should start with the directions on the bottle and adjust your dosage from there. If you have more specific questions on
how and when to take particular supplements under normal circumstances, please do reach out to my team by email, at info@thyroidpharmacist.com and they will be more than glad to help.
Can I treat candida with diet and this supplement if I am nursing? I am not sure about doing more (oil of oregano, prescriptions, or silver) I have a 6mo old who exclusively nurses – I have symptoms of candida and I have been dx with hashimoto’s since 2016. Currently treated with armour…
Leslie, thank you for reaching out. ❤️ I do not recommend many of the supplements while pregnant or nursing, as these things have the potential to pass through to the baby.
I recommend either waiting before doing the protocols or working with your practitioner who is more familiar with these things to discuss the safety of the supplements while you are nursing.
This is so intriguing. Is is gluten free and lactose free?
Karen – thank you for reaching out. ❤️ Yes, it is gluten and dairy free! If you have any other questions about my Rootcology producsts please feel free to email my team at info@rootcology.com and they will be happy to help.
Why do you recommend it up to 2 years but no more? Is there a maximum duration limit due to safety, effectiveness or another reason?
Michael – thank you for reaching out. ❤️ It can generally takes up to two years to restore gut health.
Thanks so much for this great article! For people with Hashimoto’s who have stable GI function, what is the dosage protocol for supporting immune function in general? Thanks!
Jen – thank you for reaching out.❤️ I alway say start low and go slow, generally I recommend 1-2 of my Rootcology S Boulardii per day. I do recommend discussing with your practioner to help determine the best dosage for you.
Dr Wentz, would you recommend this while breastfeeding? I’m currently dealing with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and trying to lower my slightly elevated TSH. I have two possibly cancerous nodules being watched. I’m trying to do all i can to put my hashimotos into remission.
Jennifer – thank you for reaching out. I recommend working with your practitioner who is more familiar with your history to discuss whether S.Boulardii is an option for you while pregnant. ❤️
Hello! I’ve started taking SB for h pylori. I’m also taking adrenal cortex for low cortisol. Since SB can help with adrenal fatigue, should I pay attention to possibly having too much adrenal support by taking both? I want to try and be aware of how I’m feeling when I take it if necessary.
Janet – thank you for reaching out. ❤️ I recommend discussing the addition of the S.Boulardii with you practitioner who is familiar with your health history and can monitor you progress.
I already take a daily probiotic that has several different ones in it but not SB. Do you think I could add this to what I already take? I take mine before bed.
Jennifer – thank you for reaching out. S. boulardii can be taken along with other probiotics.
I love your work and I have almost every issue you blog about: MTHFR, Hashimotos, DAO mutation, Undermethylation, Homocysteine, and I could go on….but I wanted to ask you what you thought about detoxing with Zeolite Clinoptilite spray. I have started this and it is too early to tell, but I have high hopes. One more question, could ivermectin get rid of the blasto? I feel like I might have the blasto parasite, and I wondered if it would work.
Stephanie, thank you so much, I’m so glad you are finding it helpful. I don’t have any information, articles or personal research about Zeolite Clinoptilite spray or the effect of ivermectinn in on blasto. I will add these to my list to research. I do offer some option for blasto treatment here in this article. I hope it’s helpful: https://thyroidpharmacist.com/articles/the-common-root-cause-of-hashimotos-hives-and-ibs/
I have been taking S Boulardii for a week and noticed a significant amount of mucus in my stool along with urinary frequency. I deal with candida and mold toxicity. Not sure if it’s inflammation or die off? Is this a side effect anyone else has experienced?
Tabz – thank you for following. S. boulardii can cause a “die off” reaction, I recommend discontinuing the suppplement and discussing your symptoms with your practitioner.
I’ve read about S. Bouldarii in other places and other sources recommend cutting out all sugar sources (processed or natural) from your diet. I’m wondering if you have an opinion on this? I’m fine to do a sugar cleanse for a short period of time but if I want to have an occasional treat or eat fruit on a regular basis I don’t want to have issues with taking S. Bouldarii everyday. Any thoughts?
Hi, I started taking S. Boulardii two days ago but was wondering if it is safe to increase the dose in the case of SIBO if I am also breastfeeding? Should I just stay at 250mg for now?
Ruth, thank you for following. I recommend consulting with your doctor before using while pregnant or breastfeeding.