We are exposed to many chemicals each day, both inside and outside our homes. Those of us with Hashimoto’s often have difficulty removing these toxins from our bodies — a factor that can trigger and worsen an autoimmune condition.
This is why we need to be especially diligent when it comes to addressing chemical exposure in our day-to-day lives.
One of the many things I’ve done on my own Hashimoto’s journey is actively remove as many known toxins from my home as possible. This became an even more pressing goal during my pregnancy, and of course, it’s also important when one has a little one!
Along with proactively filtering out indoor toxins, such as formaldehyde, commonly found in the home, and identifying and removing mold (in an old, front-loading washer and dryer), I have chosen to get rid of many everyday household products, once I identify that they contain toxic chemicals.
One such product was my mattress! Several years ago, after reading research about all of the toxins commonly used in flame retardants (and learning about all of the many products in my home that contain these chemicals… somewhat of a shocking list), I looked at my mattress label, only to learn it contained one of the chief offenders.
Flame retardants have been associated with worsening thyroid function, impacts on the immune system, adverse effects on fetal and child development, changes in neurologic function, and even cancer. [1]
While a few types of flame retardants have been banned in the U.S. and other countries, there are hundreds of flame retardants still routinely used in mattresses, furniture, flame-retardant fabrics, carpets, drapes, electrical appliances, automobiles, and many household products.
Exposure to flame retardant toxins can linger a long time in your home (think about the lifetime of products such as that favorite comfy sofa or Grampa’s well-worn overstuffed chair!), and in the greater environment. Since many flame retardants are applied as coatings, not bonded with the material they are used on, the coatings can break down over time and end up in the air or as dust in your home, and elsewhere in the environment.
Flame retardant chemicals are now found all over the world, including in the breast milk of nursing moms and even in the blood of arctic polar bears. Children have been found to have higher concentrations of flame retardants in their bodies than adults, which make them particularly vulnerable given their developing body and brain.
So how do you know what products in your home contain flame retardants? And just as importantly, how do you know if the toxicity of those products is a trigger for your Hashimoto’s?
In this article, you will learn:
- How your family is exposed to flame retardants
- The flame retardant and thyroid connection
- How to assess if you might be sensitive to flame retardants
- How to identify and remove flame retardants in your home
- Natural treatments to reduce your toxic load
About Flame Retardants in the Home
While you may have thought that toxic flame retardants were long ago removed from consumer products in the U.S., the opposite is actually true — although a few were banned in the 70s, other types of flame retardants (basically new chemicals that started to be used in place of the banned ones) have continued to be used in many products, and have been used more widely than ever before. [2]
Even though there is some movement toward reducing and banning such chemicals today, they persist in our air, soil, and water, and unfortunately, are still prevalent in our homes as well.
On a positive note (and why I wrote this article), there are ways to reduce the prevalence of these chemicals in your home and reduce the toxic load in your body. This is an important step in one’s Hashimoto’s healing journey — I usually recommend starting with my liver support protocol.
What are Flame Retardants and Why Were They Created?
Flame retardants began to be manufactured in consumer products in the 1960s, to address fire safety regulations. Although they work in various ways, they are meant to slow the rate at which fires spread, or form a barrier between the treated material and the source of ignition of a fire, to stop the spread.
Children’s sleepwear was among the initial products that contained flame retardant chemicals. In 1972, regulations were put into place that required children’s sleepwear to be flame retardant, and the main chemical used at that time was brominated tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate. [3]
It seemed like a good idea to protect sleeping babies from their clothing catching on fire — but these chemicals were later found to be both mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic! Brominated tris was then banned in children’s sleepwear in 1977, but other types are still used in many products today. [4]
Flame retardants have been used since the 70s in a variety of daily-use items, and can be found everywhere, including:
- Furniture (e.g. mattresses, furniture, curtains, carpets, kitchen appliances)
- Electronics (e.g. TVs, mobile phones, video equipment, scanners, printers)
- Automobiles (e.g. seat fabrics, plastic panels, children’s car seats, electronics)
- Building materials (e.g. insulation, electric components)
I once ended up tossing a supposedly high-quality mattress because of the chemicals it contained. To replace it, I bought a mattress that was free from flame retardants!
The amount of flame retardant chemicals in products such as mattresses is not insignificant. Just to get an idea of how many toxic chemicals can be in some of these products, one study estimated that the flame retardant in the plastic casings found on TVs is about 10 to 15 percent by weight. That research also estimated that the flame retardant in the foam (inside furniture) was about four to five percent by weight of the foam — that’s a lot of toxins in your home, and the coating can shed as it ages! [5]
Additionally, because of the way these materials break down, they have been found to show up in newer products made from older, recycled materials such as plastics… so even currently restricted flame retardants can contaminate new products for extended periods. [6]
Types of Flame Retardants
There are over 175 different chemicals being used as flame retardants today. They are categorized by chemical properties; in general, they are grouped based on whether they contain chlorine, bromine, nitrogen, phosphorus, boron, or metals. [7]
A few of the most common types of flame retardants include:
- Halogenated compounds (containing bromine and/or chlorine and known as polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, etc.). Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were very heavily used prior to the mid-2000s when they were largely phased out due to the research identifying their toxicity, persistence in the environment, and bioaccumulation (they were found to accumulate in the fatty tissue of animals and humans). These retardants were not chemically bound with the products, but were added as coatings (so they easily broke down and entered the air and dust). The PBDEs consisted of several commercial mixtures known as octa-BDE, penta-BDE, and deca-BDE (all phased out by 2013 in the U.S.; but products made outside of the U.S. can still contain them and be imported into the country). These chemicals persist in the environment. Studies have found that they are connected to an increased incidence of Hashimoto’s and can trigger or accelerate the condition. [8] I discuss this topic in my book, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause.
- Brominated flame retardants (BFR) have been used to replace some PBDEs, but have also been linked to endocrine-disrupting effects. They are still the most common and abundantly used flame retardants. [9]
- Organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) are newer flame retardants that were introduced to replace the phased out PBDEs. Researchers are concerned they could have even worse health effects than the PBDEs they were meant to safely replace. [10]
One example of a current and heavily used organophosphate flame retardant is tris (1,3 dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP). As mentioned earlier, this specific chemical was discontinued in 1977 in children’s sleepwear, but has still been used in other products thereafter.
Originally, organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) had been thought to be better for the environment. But recent research confirms that they linger in biological samples, and therefore are present in indoor air and dust, outdoor air (even arctic air), sediments, soil, surface water, and ocean surface water. OPFRs have also been detected in poultry, aquatic animals, insects, and humans. [11]
Interestingly, there is no conclusive data supporting flame retardants having reduced fire-related deaths, yet they are still heavily used. Research suggests that such chemicals increase risks to humans and to the environment, and may even cause more deaths via inhalation during fires. [12]
Flame retardants were developed at a time when cigarette smoking was a primary cause of fires, but now, fewer people smoke, most people have smoke detectors, and there are even cigarettes that self-extinguish. So any decrease in fire-related deaths over the past several decades can be attributable to multiple reasons versus flame retardant use.
If you are interested in learning more about the history of flame retardants, I found an extremely interesting video online on the New York Times’ website, which you can check out here.
Suffice it to say that for some questionable benefit, these chemicals pose significant ongoing health risks to families in their homes, as well as lingering impacts in the environment.
How You and Your Family May be Exposed to Flame Retardants
Human exposure to flame retardants occurs when we breathe chemicals in the air or in dust particles (inside our homes, offices or schools, or even outdoors), through skin absorption when we touch dust, and through ingestion (either when we touch dust particles and inadvertently ingest them, or through eating contaminated foods; fish and meat are typically high sources of flame retardants). Breast milk and in-utero transmission have also been documented as a means for exposure and concern. [13]
While some flame retardants have been banned in the U.S. and other countries, and manufacturers have generally been using less flame retardant chemicals over the past decades, they are still heavily used, especially in the earlier referenced products. Additionally, imported products from other countries may contain restricted flame retardants.
Mattresses are a primary concern given the amount of time we spend on them, as well as any polyurethane foam products (couches, especially older ones). I’ll talk about a way for you to identify flame retardants in your mattress, as well as test the foam in your home, later in this article.
Why Women and Children May Be at Greater Risk
Young children may be more prone to exposure given the amount of time they spend crawling around on the floor (in dust), or putting their hands in their mouths. One study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that toddlers and preschoolers routinely had three times the amount of flame retardant in their blood as their mothers. [14]
Risks to Fetal Development and Maternal Health
Women with higher blood levels of some flame retardants (PBDEs) were found to take twice as long to become pregnant as those with lower levels. This is not surprising given the hormone-disrupting nature of flame retardants. [15]
Exposure to such flame retardants during pregnancy has been associated with lower TSH levels. We know that a mother’s thyroid hormone health is essential for normal fetal growth and brain development. Children of mothers with higher pregnancy flame retardant burdens have been found to be at greater risk for impaired learning behaviors and IQ deficits later in life. [16]
Infants of heavily exposed mothers have been found to have slower psychomotor development in some cases. [17]
Flame retardant exposure has also been associated with behavioral problems in small children, such as hyperactivity (at ages two to five) and lower intelligence (at age five). Other neurobehavioral associations with prenatal PBDE exposures include children having sleep problems, being withdrawn, and exhibiting ongoing somatic complaints (the inability to emotionally function in everyday life). [18]
The Estrogen Connection
Flame retardants accumulate in fatty tissue and have been found to act as endocrine disruptors, impacting estrogen hormone levels. Animal studies have suggested that newer flame retardants (such as organophosphate and brominated flame retardants) may exert even more potent endocrine-disrupting effects than the banned PBDEs they replaced. [19]
Research has shown that flame retardant (PBDE) metabolites can mimic estrogen and bind to receptor sites that would otherwise be available. Since these binding sites are needed for the removal of circulating estrogens, this can lead to estrogen buildup, and eventually, estrogen dominance.
Estrogen dominance occurs when estrogen and progesterone ratios become out of balance. This can occur when estrogen levels become too high (such as with excess external estrogens like flame retardants and other toxin exposures, or when the body isn’t detoxing estrogen well), or when estrogen levels become very low (like in menopause) but progesterone levels drop even lower.
Estrogen dominance can be seen throughout a woman’s entire hormonal life cycle (and can be a trigger for autoimmune conditions), but is more common after pregnancy and in menopause, when progesterone levels drop.
Estrogen suppresses the production of thyroid hormone, while progesterone stimulates it, which means that estrogen dominance can be a cause of hypothyroidism. One study found that menopausal women were at greater risk for thyroid dysfunction than younger non-menopausal women when having higher levels of flame retardant in their blood, due to their increased vulnerability relating to estrogen levels. [20]
Along with causing estrogen dominance, endocrine disruptors such as flame retardants have been shown to disrupt thyroid signaling directly. [21]
Let’s talk more about that.
The Flame Retardant and Thyroid Connection
A number of studies have shown that women with higher flame retardant concentrations in their blood are more likely to have some kind of thyroid dysfunction. [22]
Just like flame retardants mimic estrogen and compete for estrogen receptors in the body, flame retardants may also mimic thyroid hormone because they are structurally similar. Along with competing for thyroid hormone transport and receptor binding sites, studies have suggested that flame retardant exposure may be linked to an upregulation of key detoxification enzymes (such as glucuronidases) that could lead to decreases in circulating thyroid hormone levels. [23]
Studies have also found T3 and/or T4 level changes in response to PBDE exposure as well. [24]
The association between PBDE exposure and thyroid hormone disruption is supported by an increasing number of human studies. [25]
One larger study in Canada evaluated 745 women, from ages 30 to 79, for blood measurements of 9 different types of flame retardants (PBDEs). Ninety women were identified as having hypothyroidism (they had been diagnosed and were on thyroid hormone replacement medication). The study found a link between low thyroid function and higher levels of PBDEs in the blood.
This study found that younger women were more at risk (ages 30 to 50), and they reasoned that older women (over 50) would not have been exposed to these chemicals before puberty, which the researchers believed to be a critical window of susceptibility. Younger women would have had greater exposure during puberty, a time when estrogen levels are on the increase. [26]
Studies have also associated higher exposure to several flame retardants, with the diagnosis and severity of papillary thyroid cancer. [27]
As an interesting aside (which I am planning on writing more about soon), hyperthyroidism in cats (reported to be a worldwide phenomenon and on the increase) has been linked to higher concentrations of brominated flame retardants in several studies, presumably because they collect contaminated dust in their fur and then frequently lick it.
How To Assess if You Might Be Sensitive to Flame Retardants
In my clinical practice, I have found that people with Hashimoto’s often have a genetic predisposition for poor detoxification. Many have multiple sensitivities to foods as well as various chemicals. That’s one reason I always start new clients on my liver support protocol, before any other interventions. I find that I need to support improvements to their body’s ability to detox toxins (including hormones) and work to eliminate toxins in their environment and food, before other natural treatments will be effective. If your liver is clogged, your body may have issues converting T4 to the active T3 hormone it needs, causing symptoms of hypothyroidism.
Some people may also have the MTHFR gene variation, which further inhibits their ability to detox toxins from their body.
If you have had food sensitivities to reactive foods such as gluten, dairy, grains (corn in particular), soy, nuts, seeds, and nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers), you may find you have more sensitivities to toxins in your environment as well.
If you’ve uncovered sensitivities to other chemicals, such as mercury (common causes are exposure from dental fillings or from eating contaminated fish), you may find you have greater sensitivity to flame retardants.
Symptoms Can Be Non-Specific
Short-term exposure symptoms to flame retardants and other indoor toxins can be varied and non-specific, and may include those you might see with an allergy, viral infection, or cold. You may have skin reactions, headaches, irritated eyes, nose and throat, fatigue, etc. You can also have a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues.
The other issue with evaluating such wide-ranging symptoms is that you could also be dealing with the cumulative effect of toxic buildup in your body from multiple toxin exposures. This is an important point, as multiple toxins can be found in the indoor air pollution found in your home, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde, heavy metals, arsenic, synthetic fragrances, and mold.
This cumulative effect of multiple toxins is one reason I like to test a client’s overall toxic load as an initial step in determining what their body is specifically being exposed to and holding on to.
The Conventional Versus Root Cause Approach
Determining your overall toxic load can help you start breaking down the specifics of what may be bothering you. If you visit a conventional doctor with non-specific symptoms, you might get an over-the-counter medication recommendation (or worse, a prescription!) focused on addressing a particular gut or allergy symptom. These types of medications tend to just mask the underlying issue, which can make your overall condition worse. For instance, if you are told to take acid reflux meds to address gut symptoms, this may be the wrong choice — these medications tend to suppress acid production, when you may already have too little acid, a common symptom for those with Hashimoto’s. [28]
On the flip side, the Root Cause approach will attempt to evaluate your overall toxic load and try to reduce that inflammatory burden (by removing toxins from your environment as well as supporting your body’s ability to detox), while optimizing liver and gut health. Remember that people with Hashimoto’s will always have some level of leaky gut, and this promotes greater issues with detoxification and nutrient absorption.
One test that I like that provides a good overall inventory of the toxins you may be exposed to is the GPL-TOX Profile from Mosaic Diagnostics (formerly Great Plain Labs). This urine test screens for the presence of 173 different toxic chemicals in your body, including diphenyl phosphate (a metabolite of the organophosphate flame retardant triphenyl phosphate/TPHP used in electronic equipment, plastics, resins, and nail polish), phthalates (found in beauty products, cosmetics, cleaning products, plastics and more), benzene (outgasses from furniture, carpet, glues, and detergents), pyrethroids (used in insecticides), and many more.
TPHP is a commonly used organophosphate flame retardant identified as an endocrine disruptor having been shown to disrupt thyroid hormone function in animal studies. Studies have also linked it to developmental and reproductive problems. [29]
When you take the test, you’ll receive a report like this, which will help you determine your levels of 173 chemicals.
Once you get your results, you still need to work a bit to identify where you are getting the various exposures location-wise (home, car, work, etc.) and with what products (mattress, sofa, etc.). While doing that, you can start on any of the suggested natural treatments and interventions in this article, to start decreasing your overall toxic load and support your body’s ability to detox.
How to Identify and Remove Flame Retardants in Your Home
The best way to identify flame retardants in your home is to read manufacturer labels or do research on the manufacturer’s websites. There are also specific materials you can choose to avoid (and embrace!).
Labels (Furniture, Fabrics, and Carpet)
If you purchased a couch, mattress, drapes, carpet, and/or related products prior to 2015, there is a good chance they contain a flame retardant of some kind (even if they are not identified in manufacturer labeling). Many older products may have the label “TB117,” which indicates that they do contain flame retardant. (TB117 was an earlier California regulation, but became the default standard for furniture relating to fire safety requirements across the country.)
Many manufacturers, however, now follow a newer California standard called “TB117-2013” that requires new furniture manufactured after January 1, 2015 to disclose chemicals on a label; this law doesn’t ban all flame retardants, but requires their use to be disclosed.
Manufacturers in other states tend to follow this standard, but outside of the U.S., you can still find products where there is no disclosure. If you don’t see a label, check with the manufacturer, or choose a different product.
Look for something like this on the label:
Source: Green Science Policy Institute
Identifying Flame Retardants in Electronics and Appliances
It is difficult to know if other household products contain flame retardants, and some studies have found that many everyday household products still do.
You can ask the manufacturers or the companies where you purchase the products from (such as Amazon, Best Buy, etc.), but this can be difficult relating to existing and older products in your home. The best thing you can do then is to keep dust and other particulates at a minimum by using a HEPA vacuum and air filters (I like this one from Air Doctor), damp mopping, and dusting often. Ensure children wash their hands regularly and especially before eating.
You can also tell manufacturers you don’t want these types of toxins designed into their products.
Materials to Look Out For (the Good and the Bad):
- Avoid polyurethane foam when purchasing foam pillows, mattresses, couches, upholstered chairs, futons, foam carpet padding, children’s car seats (and other foam baby products such as playpens, changing pads, nursing pillows, etc.), automobile interiors, and other foam items.
- Look for “TB117-2013” labeling indicating that no flame retardants have been used if a product contains foam.
What to Look for if You Have Existing Foam Products:
- Look for labeling to verify non-use of flame retardants.
- Get your foam tested. Anyone in the U.S. can submit a sample of polyurethane foam to Duke University’s foam project and get it tested. You just need to complete a submission form online and send in a tiny sample that you can cut from your foam. They will analyze the sample for detection levels of seven common flame retardant chemicals, and mail you a report.
- Anything involving upholstery that you purchased before 2015 is more likely to have flame retardant. If you can’t replace your furniture, you can get your foam replaced – most upholstery shops offer this service.
- Use caution when removing old carpet and padding. Shut off the affected room while removing old materials, use a damp mop, and use HEPA vacuums and air filters.
- If you aren’t ready to replace an affected mattress, consider purchasing a tightly woven allergen-barrier mattress cover to reduce the migration of flame retardants into dust in the home.
Products to Help Reduce Your Toxic Load
When purchasing new products, find furniture and baby products that are filled with wool, cotton, or polyester, instead of polyurethane foam.
When having construction projects done in your home, ask that the contractor not use products containing flame retardants and other known endocrine disruptors.
As mentioned above, mattresses are some of the worst offenders…
- Purchase a mattress that has natural flame retardants! That’s what I did. I have purchased many flame-retardant mattresses over the years. (My new home has a kid’s bunk room with four bunk beds! I hope one day soon my son will have a fun sleepover with his cousins. :-))
- Avocado Green: I really like the Avocado Green mattress, and love that it’s an economical option for many people. There’s no polyester, polyurethane foams, or toxic fire retardants here. They’re also made by hand and with (some) materials from the company’s own farms. I purchased a bed for my son’s big kid bed from this company, but it had an odd smell to it. Most people don’t experience this issue, but for me, it smelled odd. Fortunately, the company has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can return the mattress for a full, hassle-free refund. 🙂 I will likely buy two more of these for Dimitry’s new bunk room!
- Obasan: If you want a custom mattress that takes into account your weight and your partner’s weight, you may want to consider Obason! My husband likes a more firm bed, while I like a more soft bed, and we splurged on this mattress for our master bedroom (Dimitry loves to sleep in it too, lol).
Resources to Help You Find Flame Retardant-Free Products
Many manufacturers have now made the commitment to keep flame retardants out of their products — if you’re looking for resources, here are a couple of places to start:
- Green Science Policy Institute’s Flame Retardants in Furniture guide
- There are several PDFs and other resources on this page relating to finding flame retardant-free furniture, as well as how to reduce toxins (such as flame retardants) in your home.
- Environmental Working Group’s resources to find furniture free of flame retardants
Natural Treatments and Other Actions
There are a number of simple things you can do around the house (and in your car, office, etc.) that can help reduce your overall toxic load (including reducing your exposure to flame retardants).
- Keep dust levels down as mentioned earlier – Frequently use a damp mop, HEPA vacuum, and HEPA air filter. I use and love the AirDoctor air filter, as it removes virtually 100 percent of airborne particles, including dust.
- Ventilate and filter the air in your home – Ventilate your home and filter indoor air through an HVAC fan if you have one (use a good filter having a MERC rating between 7 and 13 if your HVAC will handle it —- check with your HVAC service technician or product manual). Note that HVAC systems don’t typically accommodate HEPA filters, as they cause a drop in pressure.
- Wash your children’s hands (and your own!) often – This can help reduce hand-to-mouth exposure from dust.
There is research that shows that exposure to flame retardants was reduced by about half in some cases, by simply increasing hand washing and house cleaning (to reduce dust), for just one week. [30]
Supplements that May Help With Detoxification
I routinely start new clients on a liver support protocol to reduce their overall toxic load, as an overburdened detoxification system is so common in those with Hashimoto’s, which can impair thyroid hormone conversion and contribute to many common symptoms. [31]
There are several supplements available that can help the body’s own detoxification systems, as well as reduce inflammation. I have seen great results in myself and my clients when starting with the Rootcology Liver Support Kit, which contains:
- Liver Reset – This formula, made with pea protein, is designed to promote healthy liver function and elimination. It includes nutrients to support and balance phase I and II metabolic pathways, antioxidants, herbal hepatics which support the liver, and cholagogues to support bile production.
- Rootcology MTHFR Pathways – Helps maintain a healthy homocysteine pathway.* A well-functioning homocysteine pathway is important for numerous aspects of health including normal detoxification, immune function, joint and cartilage health, cardiovascular health, and brain health.
- Liver & Gallbladder Support – This formula is specifically designed to support the elimination of fatty substances from the liver, as well as support the breakdown and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins.
- Amino Support – Helps to support the liver and prepare it for phase II detoxification by helping to conjugate toxins and prepare them for safe elimination from the body.
- NAC – NAC is a key part of my Liver Support Protocol, as it helps so many body functions, including reducing thyroid antibodies, improving gut function, reducing chronic inflammation, and reducing oxidative stress. Read this article about NAC for more information about how it can support thyroid health. [32]
- Magnesium – Magnesium helps to facilitate over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including maintaining nerve and muscle function, supporting a healthy immune system, regulating blood pressure, and keeping the heartbeat steady. Magnesium deficiencies have been linked to multiple health issues, including thyroid disorders. [33] I recommend supplementing with magnesium as a key step in my liver protocol, to support liver health and adrenal function.
Other supplements that may be helpful for liver support include:
- Aloe vera – Aloe may protect the liver from oxidative stress-induced damage. [34] I recommend one capsule per day of Aloe by Rootcology.
- Glutathione – If your body is overloaded with toxins, your glutathione stores could be depleted. This antioxidant is integral to your liver’s ability to remove toxins like mercury and flame retardants from the body. [35]
- Binders – Products like Biocidin Botanicals G.I. Detox can bind to toxins and help to clear them from the body.
- S. boulardii – This supplement can help to support immune health, improve gut health, and clear pathogens from the body.* [36]
- DIM (diindolylmethane) – This is a helpful supplement for detox and hormone balance, as it promotes healthy estrogen metabolism. DIM is also found naturally in many cruciferous veggies.
Work with your functional practitioner to assess whether DIM, pregnenolone and other hormone-balancing supplements might be right for you, to address potential hormone imbalances caused by xenoestrogens and other hormone disruptors.
Furthermore, since 70 to 80 percent of your immune system is in the gut, a poorly functioning digestive system may be more reactive when exposed to airborne or other toxins. [37] Supplements that can help with this include:
- Probiotics
- Fermented foods
- Digestive enzymes
- L-glutamine
- Selenium – Selenium can help to protect your body from the health impacts of airborne toxins such as formaldehyde and mercury. [38] Many people with Hashimoto’s have selenium deficiencies, which can also be linked to toxin exposure. Please see this selenium article for more details.
Lifestyle Interventions
Dietary and lifestyle changes can help support your liver and help your body with all levels of detoxification.
Here are a few lifestyle hints:
- Sweat out those flame retardants and other toxins! I love using an infrared sauna, but anything that makes you perspire will help. Research suggests that perspiration can effectively remove flame retardant chemicals from the body. [39]
- Reduce the use of chemicals. Use natural cleaning products that are free of synthetic detergents and fragrances.
- Work to reduce your overall toxic load around your home and in your body. Read my articles on how to reduce indoor air pollution, mold, and formaldehyde in your home.
- Improve your home air quality. Implement more frequent dusting with a HEPA vacuum, portable HEPA air filter, and higher MERV-rated filters in your home’s HVAC system.
- Remove endocrine-disrupting offenders from personal care products and cosmetics. Check out the Environmental Working Group’s website for information relating to the toxicity levels of your specific personal care products, cosmetics, and favorite foods.
- Reduce estrogen exposure. On top of removing xenoestrogens (chemicals that mimic estrogen and can lead to estrogen dominance and trigger the autoimmune process), talk to your doctor about alternate options for other estrogen sources such as birth control pills and estrogen hormone replacement therapy.
- Reduce stress! Stress can lower progesterone levels (contributing to estrogen dominance), so for that and so many other health benefits, get a handle on your stress management.
I suggest these dietary changes to decrease your toxic load and help your body naturally detox:
- Clean up your water — and drink lots of it! I use a reverse osmosis filter to reduce toxin exposure (even more important if your tap water contains fluoride).
- Go organic as much as possible. This is most important when eating fatty or oily fish and animal foods, due to the biomagnification of chemicals such as flame retardants in the food chain. Flame retardants such as PBDEs are predominantly linked to foods of animal origin. I like to get my seafood from Vital Choice Seafood and Organics, as their seafood is harvested from healthy wild fisheries and farms. When choosing fish oil (recognized as a source of PBDE exposure), choose quality products that have been molecularly distilled and filtered, such as EPA/DHA Essentials by Pure Encapsulations or OmegAvail™ Synergy by Designs for Health.
- Eat an alkaline and anti-inflammatory diet. This will support the detox of impaired liver pathways. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale) and other green foods are great for this. Read my article on the best diets for people with Hashimoto’s for more information. You want to especially remove reactive foods, as they are toxic and contribute to leaky gut.
Final Thoughts on Flame Retardants
Reducing exposure to toxins and supporting liver health is so important to thyroid and immune function, especially for those with Hashimoto’s. This is why I recommend my liver protocol and reducing one’s toxic load as a first step for my Hashimoto’s clients.
Cleaning out some of the more obvious toxins is a great place to start reducing your toxic load. This may entail identifying and removing products containing flame retardants — especially your mattress, given the amount of time you spend on it. You can also get your foam tested and/or replace it if you can’t part with that old comfy couch. 🙂
Don’t let it overwhelm you, just remove one thing at a time. Other small changes you can make that will have a big impact include shopping for healthier household products, organic food, and effective air and water filters.
You’ll find that the more aware you are that these chemicals exist, and the more you know about their impacts on your family’s health, the easier it will become to be proactive and ensure you don’t replace things such as pillows, carpets, and furniture with products containing flame retardants and associated chemicals.
Remember, it is all about your overall toxic load, so everything you do to reduce that can help. Let me know how things go!
I hope you find this wealth of information helpful on your health journey!
P.S. You can also download a free Thyroid Diet Guide, 10 thyroid-friendly recipes, and the Nutrient Depletions and Digestion chapter of my Root Cause book for free by signing up for my weekly newsletter. You will also receive occasional updates about new research, resources, giveaways, and helpful information.
Want to stay connected? Please join my Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest pages, where you can ask questions and interact with the thyroid community!
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