How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? How do you feel between 2 and 3 pm each day? Do you feel “awake” during the day, or do you feel brain fogged, …
Search Results for: H Pylori
10 Facts About Thyroid Disease
May 25th marks World Thyroid Day! This day helps bring awareness to thyroid conditions, and acknowledges those who have thyroid disease, those who study it, and …
It’s True: You Can Prevent Hashimoto’s
Those who do not spend time thinking about their health in their youth, spend a lot more time thinking about their health in later life. ~Proverb Many of my …
Studies on Magnesium and Thyroid Health
A few years ago, I started working with a new client who was taking twelve different supplements from an alternative medicine doctor. Some were antimicrobial …
What Type of Doctor Should You See If You Have Hashimoto’s?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could find the one doctor who could give us a magic pill to make all of our problems go away? We would lose weight, grow our hair …