Hashimoto’s is very much an individual condition. While there are root cause commonalities, each person will have their own or in some cases, more than one. To find your own Hashimoto’s Root Cause, you have to DIG AT IT.
You start with the simplest modifications, by removing triggers, followed by repairing the other broken systems to restore equilibrium, allowing the body to rebuild itself. You will dig down to why the immune system is imbalanced in the first place and this will tell you how you begin to finally feel better, reduce your thyroid antibodies and even take your condition into remission.
You will have to create your own health timeline. Look back at your overall history as far back as you can remember. Look for infections, periods of severe stress, the use of medications (especially antibiotics, antacids, and oral contraceptives), accidents, and exposure to toxins. These are events that may have contributed to Hashimoto’s. Once you do, you will know what types of changes you need to implement to make yourself feel better.
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Going through so much right now with thyroid issues. The drs don’t know what to do for me.
Debra – thank you for following. I understand how hard this is. I hope the timeline above is helpful. ❤️ Hashimoto’ s is a complicated condition with many layers that need to be unraveled. While conventional medicine only looks at each body system as a separate category and is only concerned with the thyroid’s ability to produce thyroid hormone, Hashimoto’s is more than just hypothyroidism. I wanted to pass along these articles that I wrote. I hope they help 🙂
Dear Dr Wentz, I just wanted to write to say thank you. My journey continues with Hashimotos and fighting forward but I discovered your articles and key insights during the very dark time of my Dr(s) after much trial and error and wreaking havoc on my hormones and the bodily homeostasis that had been present (not after so many attempts at different meds and interventions) finally said “we have nothing for you.” And sent me on my way…on my own just like that. It was devastating. So after several months of feeling the lowest I have in my life (I’d always been a fighter and the fight had been taken out of me), I decided that I had to be my own advocate and began researching. I came across your helpful, insightful, and most importantly inspirational articles (your perspective of you can figure this out and there is a way thru). And I began with an integrative medicine doctor working hand in hand. So much of my problem was how to advocate for myself when I didn’t even have the words around what I was experiencing to communicate. Educating myself on the language of hashimotos and understanding the importance of tracking every detail (and writing it all down because I was experiencing terrible brain fog in the midst of this) as well as understanding some of the many tools available and beginning to troubleshoot safely as well as under an ND or truly holistic MD’s care (not just one that markets that way because it’s the “in” thing and doesn’t really have an expertise in the holistic thyroid/endocrine arena) has been amazingly helpful. Anyway I wanted to write and say how very much I’ve appreciated your articles and research and most importantly willingness to share your journey in hopes it would help others with hashimotos. It helped me (and continues to) so much. Thank you
AB – thank you so much for sharing this with me! I’m so proud of you for taking charge of your health and happy to hear you were able to find a practitioner to help as well. Please keep me posted on your continued progress. ❤️