Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back – Dr. Izabella Wentz
I know when I got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, it was very overwhelming, but I was also grateful to have a diagnosis because I could do something about it. My latest book, Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back is near and dear to my heart because this book is my answer to “I have Hashimoto’s, now what do I do?” Whereas Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause answered the why? Hashimoto’s Protocol answers the how? If you are as brain-fogged now as I was when I began my journey, you want to be told exactly what to do eliminate some symptoms right away! My mission is to provide solutions for the millions that suffer every day and Hashimoto’s Protocol is one of the ways I hope to help you to feel better and live your life’s purpose!
In Hashimoto’s Protocol, I report that lifestyle changes have already helped thousands of my clients heal and feel better in as fast as 90 days! I know that some of you are not necessarily interested in all the very detailed science behind the development of Hashimoto’s—you would rather get straight to work! I have included a set of Fundamental Protocols, for those of you who are just starting out in addition to more Advanced Protocols for either those who have been at this a while, or who need to dig deeper than the Fundamental Protocols are designed to do. Some highlights of what you will find in Hashimoto’s Protocol are:
- A Quick-Start Two-Week Detox, Including Foods to Eat and Inflammatory Foods to Avoid
- Liver Support, Adrenal Recovery, and Gut Balance Protocols
- A Comprehensive Self-Test and Personalized Treatment Plans
- Dietary Guidance and Delicious Recipes That Help Relieve Symptoms
- Supplement Protocols, Lifestyle Modifications, Success Stories and more
Let’s do this together! Pick up your copy of Hashimoto’s Protocol today, and if you already have one, I’m sure you know someone who could use a copy for themselves 🙂
Head Strong: The Bulle
tproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster–in Just Two Weeks – Dave Asprey
My dear friend Dave Asprey’s never ceases to amaze me! I have been so excited to finally announce the release of his new book Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster–in Just Two Weeks! I have witnessed firsthand the blood, sweat, and tears that went into creating Head Strong for his readers, and I am proud to say he continues his legacy of sharing his profound knowledge in that energized way that only Dave Asprey can 🙂
Head Strong tackles the myths behind this “new normal” head on – proving that building (and keeping) a strong, resilient mind isn’t just for the genetically gifted.
Inside Head Strong, You’ll Discover…
- Why you shouldn’t think you can’t improve upon the brain you were born with…
- How to hack weaknesses in your brain…
- The connection between cholesterol and brain fog…
- That your brain can make five times more brain cells no matter how old you are…
- How degenerative brain diseases, acne, and paper cuts are linked…
- The 41 best foods for your brain…
- How to avoid food that isn’t good for your brain (there are 21 of them!)…
- What “junk light” is and why it’s not good for your for your brain cells…
- That your brain size actually diminishes while you sleep and the unique reason why…
- How living at high altitudes could make you smarter (and how to make that happen even if you don’t)…
- How to stimulate increased blood flow to your brain, make connections between neurons and even become a better speller–all with one simple movement…
- How lying down can help you get more out of your workout…
- Take your brain function to the next level with 3 recommendations you can do in a swimming pool that don’t involve swimming…
- The next-level biohacks, “smart drugs” and a comprehensive list of Dave’s personally-chosen brain-boosting supplements and much more!!
Head Strong is bound to exceed your expectations. And…if you follow his advice, you will likely be more productive than you ever imagined!
Dr. Izabella,
I read your book and currently working with functional medicine doctor.
However, I have some questions, that only you can answer. May I ask them here:
– on page 189 under the description of B vitamins you mention “selenium by pure encapsulations”. Why selenium? You already have “selenium” mentioned later after “vitamin c”. Is it a typo?
– on page 143 and 144 you suggest both “rootcology liver gallbladder support” and “rootcology liver reset powder”. So do you suggest to take them both or choose one of them?
– on page 143 you suggest to take “rootcology methylation support” indefinitely if person has MTHFR gene mutation. So, during adrenal protocol, can person take both “rootcology methylation support” and “b-complex by pure encapsulation” and “benfomax” or it’s going to be too much?
– on page 143 you suggest to take “rootcology amino support” also during gut cleanse, but you don’t mention it later on page 217. So shall person take “rootcology amino support” during gut cleanse in addition to mentioned “l-glutamine”?
– if person has to dine out during liver support protocol and is not sure about quality of food in the restaurant, can he take digestive enzymes? Will digestive enzymes interfere with liver support protocol supplements mentioned on page 143?
Thank you very much for your response. I think it will also help a lot of people who have questions after reading your book.
I do not have your book, yet but was diagnosed with low thyroid function about 10 yrs ago, by my gynecologist. He specialized in bio-identical hormone replacement. I have been using bio-identical creams daily since then. Are there any other options available? What is your opinion about their use? How do I find a doctor who is knowledgeable in this area (I live in Iowa, but have used an out of state doctor in the past)?
Thank You!
Navonne – thank you for following this page. Please, understand that due to liability issues, I am unable to answer specific medical questions.
I highly recommend that you work with a functional medicine clinician. It’s a whole medical specialty dedicated to finding and treating underlying causes and prevention of serious chronic disease rather than disease symptoms.
Very informative post! I was wondering which of your books to order first to get me started on my healing trip. Hashimoto’s Protocol is on it’s way to me now!
Dear Dr. Wentz.
I already bought your book “root causes of Hashimoto” and in you page 34 your talk about the list of compounding pharmacies on your web sites thyroidpharmacist.com, under the “Resources” tab; but i was trying to find this information and was not possible to access and find it.
Please, could you help me to find this information.
I appreciate so much your help.
Esther – thank you for following this page and for your support. Here is the link. COMPOUNDING PHARMACIES