What if you could dramatically
reduce your symptoms
in 2 weeks or less?

What if you could significantly reduce your Hashimoto’s symptoms in 2 weeks or less, and do it as a working professional, stay at home mom, college student or just overall busy person? I have good news: I’ve created an innovative program for the people who want to feel better but just haven’t had the time to make it happen.
Imagine a life not ruled by your symptoms. If you had the brain power, energy and focus to follow your dreams, what would you do?
If you didn’t have to worry about skin rashes, allergies, chemical sensitivities, joint pain and excess weight, who would you be?
I know what it’s like to be sick. I know what it’s like to have frustrating symptoms dominating my life and preventing me from being the person I was meant to be. This was my reality for over 10 years, and once I recovered my health, I began guiding others on how to do so as well.
I felt like I was trapped in my body, trying to keep up with my schedule, yet I felt terrible every single day, and the list of goals and dreams I had for myself seemed to get more distant with each passing day.
But something inside of me told me that I was not meant to be in that place, and I chose to explore some alternatives to what my doctors were offering. It was scary, but I chose not to stay in that place, and you don’t have to either. You don’t have to feel like you’re losing out on life anymore.
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
Hi, I’m Dr. Izabella Wentz, Pharm.D., FASCP
Not only am I a Hashimoto’s “thriver,” I’m also a compassionate, innovative, solution-focused integrative pharmacist dedicated to finding the root causes of chronic health conditions. My passion stems from my own diagnosis with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in 2009, following a decade of debilitating symptoms.
As an accomplished author, I’ve written several best-selling books, including the New York Times best seller Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause, the protocol-based #1 New York Times best seller Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back, and the Wall Street Journal best seller Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology: Nutrition Protocols and Healing Recipes to Take Charge of Your Thyroid Health.
Through my website blog, multiple courses, documentary series, and weekly emails, I have helped thousands of people go from surviving to thriving with thyroid disease.
And now I want to help you too…
You Can Achieve Your Dream of Health.
When I was originally working on achieving remission 10+ years ago, I didn’t start off with liver support, and it took me almost three years of trial and error before I found relief from the joint pain, brain fog, bloating, allergies and acid reflux that plagued me on the daily. (Oh, how I wish I’d known about the liver support that could minimize these reactions in just two weeks.) It was only after I got my own health back and started helping others, that I discovered this critical component of healing that can kick start the recovery process in as little as a few days (and doesn’t require expensive lab testing).
The process is not complicated, but there are certain guidelines we need to follow for two weeks to have the best results, and sometimes, people can make rookie mistakes that hold them back. This is why I created, and perfected, a step-by-step guide that walks you through the whole process of liver support, and I am so excited to share it with you!
It is called the Root Cause Reset, but I should warn you… this is not “just some detox program”. In fact, many “detox programs” can make you sicker when you are already feeling unwell.
This is because people with autoimmune conditions, like Hashimoto’s, often have an overburdened liver, and adding more chemicals to the mix without liberating the liver can just add to the load of symptoms.
You see, the key to resolving many of the chronic symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, mental fog, depression, joint pain, nervousness, trouble sleeping, irritability, and palpitations seen in Hashimoto’s, is to help clear out the body’s toxic backlog.
Learn How To Reset Your Health In Just Two Weeks!
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
Could the solution to your thyroid symptoms start with your liver?
You might be wondering if this program will work for you…why is liver support necessary when you’re dealing with a thyroid condition?
The liver is an important organ that is responsible for a multitude of processes: it filters the blood, stores glucose for energy, produces and secretes bile for fat digestion, and is necessary for converting T4 to the active T3 hormone.
Most thyroid medications on the market contain only levothyroxine (the “precursor” T4 hormone), and it needs to be converted to a more active thyroid compound, liothyronine (also known as T3, the active hormone), which helps us grow hair, maintain a healthy weight, gives us the ability to remember things and gives us that wonderful calm energy when it’s in balance. I have found that liver congestion is one of the reasons many of us feel bad, despite being on thyroid medications. This is because 60-80 percent of the conversion of T4 to T3 happens outside of the thyroid gland, with the liver, kidneys and gut being the primary sites of T4 to T3 conversion. The conversion of T4 to T3 is crucial for feeling our best, because T3 is the more active and potent form of thyroid hormone that directly affects target tissues and metabolic processes throughout the body.
While the exact percentage of how much gets converted in the liver can vary based on factors such as individual health, hormone levels, and metabolic conditions, supporting liver function can be an often missed key to feeling well with Hashimoto’s, through optimizing active T3 hormone levels.
The liver is also our primary detoxification organ, protecting us from the arsenal of toxic exposures we are faced with on a daily basis.
Here’s a scary fact… Did you know that we are exposed to thousands of toxins every day, and many are detrimental to our thyroid health?
In 2006 the Centers for Disease Control found that the average American is walking around with 116 synthetic chemicals in their body!
Whatever we inhale, ingest, and even absorb into our skin eventually ends up circulating in our bodies. From our cosmetics and skin products, to pesticides and exhaust fumes, we are constantly exposed to chemicals that can overburden our detox pathways.
When our body reaches a certain level of toxicity, the liver simply cannot process all of the chemical compounds, and we walk around with hundreds of unprocessed chemicals in our system. It’s like taking low doses of various poisons on a daily basis.
For some people, one single toxic exposure can trigger autoimmune thyroid disease and the symptoms that accompany it. For others, it’s this cocktail of compounds that leads to the numerous chronic symptoms.
This is why it’s crucial to support the liver, to get the toxins out safely and effectively.
When I first started working with clients, my process to get them well was very expensive and time consuming. Like many functional practitioners, I was recommending lots of experimental labs that weren’t covered by insurance, and 20+ supplements (after all, this was what helped me get well). But I was hitting a roadblock with some clients. Some of them were frustrated that they were spending so much time and so many resources on testing, and not getting better. Others were reacting to just about every single supplement they tried, and had multiple environmental sensitivities.
I initially developed my liver support protocols to help these very clients who had multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), just could not tolerate even the most benign supplements and would react to B vitamins, and didn’t seem to feel better with diet.
I will never forget the joy I felt when one lady who did the Reset protocol back in 2015 sent me a message in late December, right around Christmas time. This woman had multiple chemical sensitivities for many years, as well as arthritis and joint pains, an elevated TSH, palpitations, and elevated thyroid antibodies. After doing the liver support for one week, she sent me an email and said, “You know, for the first time I’ve walked past a Yankee candle store at the mall, and not held my breath. I went shopping with my kids for the first time in a decade at the mall.” She was able to reduce her multiple chemical sensitivities and arthritis, then her antibodies dropped and her palpitations subsided, as well. This is something that can happen when you support the liver with the nutrients that it needs.
Soon, I realized that it wasn’t just the chemically sensitive that could benefit from Liver Support, but also those who had weight gain, skin issues, fatigue, hormonal issues, anxiety, and pain symptoms that didn’t seem to budge with diet, exercise, and the usual conventional and integrative protocols.
This is because in order to process toxins, certain raw materials like vitamins and amino acids are needed. These raw materials are usually reserved for healing the body, but when there are too many toxins, the body shifts its utilization of resources to help the liver.
Here are some of the symptom patterns I have noticed when their liver is overburdened with toxins:
- Toxic weight gain: many toxins are fat soluble, which means they dissolve in fat. Normally our liver and gallbladder can work through the toxins, but when we have too many, the body begins to compensate by gaining weight. The weight gain protects us from toxins by “lowering” our concentrations of the toxins, as now we have more fat to store them (in functional medicine we often say, the solution to pollution is dilution).
- Toxic skin issues: the skin is our largest detox organ, and issues like eczema, dry skin, breakouts, and rashes can be signs of toxicity as the body tries to remove the toxins through the skin.
- Toxic fatigue: an overburdened liver cannot properly activate T4 to T3, the active thyroid hormone that gives the body energy and our mitochondria, the internal sites of energy production, stop making energy as they become poisoned.
- Toxic hormonal issues: an overburdened liver cannot process our hormones and we end up with undesirable hormone intermediates circulating, which cause a hormonal imbalance (night sweats are a common symptom).
- Toxic anxiety: the body uses up amino acids to support the detox pathways, instead of using them to build our calming neurotransmitters.
- Toxic pain/inflammatory imbalance: the body again uses up our amino acids for detox, instead of using them to repair itself, and pain is often the first symptom for many.
I like to say that we are the canaries in the coal mines, and our symptoms are the signs of the invisible dangers surrounding us, so instead of dreading them, celebrate the fact that your body is letting you know something is not right. If you’re experiencing new, lingering, or returning signs of toxic overload, it may be time to support your liver.
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, I recommend you keep reading…
With a healthy liver, our bodies can utilize our own thyroid hormones as well as our thyroid medication, much more efficiently. Once you learn to support the liver, you will be able to tolerate additional lifestyle changes and supplements much better.
I’ve designed the Root Cause Reset to guide you through how to nourish and support your liver, and give your body a fighting chance to get better.
The Root Cause Reset supports the liver with 4 easy steps to jumpstart your healing, making you feel brighter, happier and more alive — quickly.
Step 1: Remove Trigger Foods – Discover which foods are known to be triggers in autoimmune conditions, and how removing them can reduce symptoms (sometimes overnight)!
Step 2: Add Supportive Foods – I love using delicious foods to nourish and support the body back to health—this is truly using food as medicine!
Step 3: Reduce Toxic Exposure – Toxins are part of everyday life, but there are certain ones that are particularly problematic to an overburdened liver. Best of all, they’re easy to remove from our environment, if you know how.
Step 4: Support Detox Pathways – Toxins need to exit safely and effectively, and this gentle Reset will support you—without overburdening your system.
Learn How To Jumpstart Your Healing!
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
Here was Deb M.’s response after taking the course and seeing her thyroid numbers:
“Amazed! Truly amazed! I just did a side by side comparison of my [symptom] results from day one and now and I’m floored! When I started I had TWO zeros, today, I have SEVENTEEN, zeros! I’m stunned. I did notice I was feeling a ‘little better’ but when asked by anyone my answer was definitely ‘great’ or ‘awesome’ because I am, and that surprised me to no end! But seeing the numbers side by side with not a single number over 3! When before almost everything was over a 3. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For everything! WOW!! Just back from trick or treating with my grandchildren I walked over 2.5 miles and I wasn’t winded, exhausted, or overwhelmed. I don’t remember the last time that happened. The last few Halloween nights I skipped cuz I knew I wouldn’t make it!“
I know what it’s like to have nagging symptoms plague your everyday life, making you feel limited in your potential. But it doesn’t have to be like that anymore.
To ensure all program members experience the best outcomes, my team and I are constantly analyzing the results, and looking for ways to make the program even better. We recently interviewed several Reset participants to hear their stories, find out what worked for them during the Reset and how they feel today. These are Erika and Taylor’s stories:
Erika M. wasn’t a morning person and felt cranky – ALOT!
Patience doesn’t come easily when fatigue and joint pain are part of your every day. Erika’s monthly cycle produced cramps that caused back pain, and her hair was falling out in chunks! She felt terrible and just wanted energy again!
Here’s what happened once she started the Reset:
“This protocol not only helped my joints but took my sugar cravings away. It helped my digestion to be much better, my skin looks great and my hair stopped falling. I’m looking forward to growing my hair back. The reset got me in a healthy routine, a great mindset and off of sugar. I lost 4lbs but more than anything I lost inflammation so I feel great. I learned a lot and will keep going with the protein smoothie and healthy eating. I also sleep much better and wake up earlier, which is a big deal b.c I’ve never been a morning person. Even my husband is surprised because I struggled before to get out of bed before the reset. I’m very thankful for all the guidance and support I got thru this healing Journey with the reset.”
Erika says her sleeping has improved, and now she wakes up before her alarm clock at 5:20 am!
She’s also experienced resolution in a few more exciting ways:
- Cramps are gone
- Antibodies dropped to 200
- Rarely gets headaches (can usually pinpoint it back to a food she ate)
- Has the energy to be present in her life
- Better hormone balance + better mood = better for everyone!
New dad, Taylor I. says his life post-Reset is 100% better
He says he received “FREEDOM from chains of Hashimoto’s. FREEDOM from a defeatist attitude.
“My experience with the program was nothing short of remarkable. The first benefit that I experienced was a renewed sense of energy after weaning off caffeine. Because I struggled with low energy for years, I thought that I needed more caffeine to keep me going, but I learned that this was just taxing my adrenals and making things worse. This was another amazing aspect about the program – the knowledge and positivity that Dr. Wentz shared along the way that made me feel more prepared to deal with my Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. The next big change that I noticed was the need for less thyroid medication, because my own thyroid (and body) were working more productively as I cut out caffeine and stuck to my supplements and Goddess of Detox dressing. I actually recall posting in the Facebook group that I had a noticeable increase in heart rate after taking my thyroid medication one morning, a telltale sign that the program was working and that I needed less medication. By the end of the program, I no longer had crippling fatigue, my joints felt as loose and lubricated as they did in my early 20s, and muscle weakness was a thing of the past, as I was able to lift weights and exercise intensely multiple times a week. The Root Cause Reset program changed my life, and I still use many of the strategies that I learned in the program, in everyday life.”
Today, Taylor has so much energy to spend with his girlfriend and their toddler girl. He says he probably wouldn’t have had the energy to play with his daughter without getting the healing he’s received.
Here are the Statistics that Reveal How Powerful Liver Support is to Your Body:
I invite you to take a look at the statistics submitted by our Reset program participants! Mind you, this is after only 2 weeks of lifestyle changes!
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
Why Symptomatic People Need To Reset and NOT Detox
I know that people with Hashimoto’s just want to feel better. When our health is compromised and we are constantly experiencing symptoms, it’s difficult to live life to the fullest. I know what it feels like to be desperate to get my health back. I know what it feels like to try things, only to fail and get worse. 🙁
That’s why I am so passionate about finding and sharing things that work. I want to scream things from the rooftop, so you don’t have to go through all of the pain and frustration that I went through. So that you can heal and forget you were ever sick, and just enjoy your life, like you are meant to enjoy it!
Back when I was in the thick of things, brain-fogged, exhausted and searching for answers, I tried some popular detox methods, with terrible results.
First, I tried detoxing with spirulina, and I developed a new autoimmune condition called giant papillary conjunctivitis. I got giant pimples on the inside of my eyelids, and it was awful!
After that point, I was never again able to wear my contact lenses, and had to resort to wearing either glasses or the expensive daily disposable contact lenses.
The second time I tried to detox, I got a colon cleanse. Believe me, it took so much courage to get one, so you know I had to be pretty desperate. Unfortunately, I ended up with new onset diarrhea for weeks after that point, and it took a lot of work to get my digestion back to normal once more. (I have had clients with other horror stories from colonics and enemas, and other “miracle detox methods”.)
The third time I attempted to detox, I had a doctor prescribe DMSA (a chelating agent) for heavy metal toxicity. I ended up with an awful, head to toe, PAINFUL itchy skin rash. Furthermore, every single mucous membrane was raw and inflamed. If that wasn’t enough, I then developed a new sulfur sensitivity. I was no longer able to eat eggs, broccoli or take any sulfur-containing supplements. (The sulfur in the chelating agent overburdened my body.)
See, the thing is, while I was indeed “toxic”, the detox methods were too harsh on my already overburdened body. It’s the equivalent of telling a sedentary, overweight person with knee pain to run a marathon without any prior training!
When a person attempts to detox too early, it can make the autoimmune disease worse, and it can even lead to additional autoimmune issues and sensitivities. During a deep detox, if your gut and adrenals are impaired and you’re lacking nutrients, the toxins jump ship from the organ where they live and head somewhere else.
In my case, it was my eyelids, my gut, and my skin—and it was miserable. I learned the hard way, so you don’t have to!
This Reset is Gentle and Supportive.
I want to emphasize the word gentle here (you might have noticed I’ve used it a few times)! 🙂 It is the main difference between the Root Cause Reset and traditional detoxes.
I do not recommend a deep detox to begin with because it could exacerbate your Hashimoto’s or other autoimmune conditions.
The Root Cause Reset is NOT:
- A forceful detox
- A juice fast
- A chelation protocol
It Does NOT Utilize…
- Coffee enemas
- High doses of iodine
- Fasting
- Putting your body in dangerous situations
Some people may respond well to traditional detoxification, however someone with an autoimmune condition may respond negatively because traditional detoxes have a tendency to pull toxins out of the body at an aggressive rate, which can overwhelm the already overburdened detox pathways.
In the last few years since I debuted the Root Cause Reset, fasting has regained its popularity as a detox method. Again, some people do well with this method, but I have had too many people with Hashimoto’s end up with feeling worse, weak, “hangry”, and with a hormonal imbalance due to excessive fasting, or fasting that is done too soon in a body that is too burdened.
The Root Cause Reset is filled with resources, accountability, and easy ways to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes into your everyday life.
The Root Cause Reset Specifically Focuses On:
- Reducing toxins
- Supporting your liver
- Helping toxins make a quick and safe exit
- Adding dense nutrients to your everyday life
- Discovering which real foods will strengthen your body
- Incorporating gentle herbs to aid and enhance the healing process (optional)
I want to set you up for total success, so the Root Cause Reset is a 30-Day Program, designed to ensure you have all of the tools you need to experience results over the course of four weeks… However, you will begin to see improvements in as little as two weeks!
Even if you’ve already been to “multiple endocrinologists and functional medicine doctors, yet nothing they recommended really helped”, like Maria…
Maria suffered from PCOS and had a bout with mono when she was younger. She bounced around from specialist to specialist and finally uncovered Hashimoto’s diagnosis. The older she got, the more symptoms she developed. Brain fog, weight gain, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and depression were all part of her life, and she thought it was from her PCOS. She had no idea Hashimoto’s could make you feel so terrible!
With a degree in mental health and psychology, and a master’s in counseling, she knew the signs of depression. She didn’t feel like she fit the diagnosis, but tried the medication anyway. While on the medication, she felt like a “raving mad woman”, so weaned off them. In retrospect, she realized the depression could have been triggered by her thyroid. When she’d come home, she’d be so exhausted from work that she couldn’t even make dinner, so she quit her job to try to alleviate the symptoms.
Maria shared, “I’ve done research and have about 15 different books by different authors, but kept coming back to Dr. Wentz. Having had gone through it personally, she just made sense. I bought her book and received an email about the liver reset.”
During her Reset, Maria:
- Lost 6lbs in the first week
- Didn’t follow diet exactly, but did take supplements and had the smoothies
- Felt 60-70% better at the end, compared to when she first started the Reset
- Had less joint pain/stiffness, fewer headaches, less brain fog, less forgetful
- Realized how much caffeine she drank and weaned off alcohol and sugar
- Loved the suggestions in the Facebook group
- Enjoyed the smoothies and Maca Latte, because dessert is important! 😉
Maria loved that the Reset recommendations were not one-size-fits-all for people and shared:
“I cannot believe the difference. I even went on a 1.7 mile hike Sunday. So thank you, Dr. Wentz! I feel 10 years younger!”
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
Here’s What You Will Get When You Enroll:
The combination of my pharmacy background, thousands of research hours, client experience and a proven track record all goes into this one program. I provide key resources that empower you to reach your goals, and beyond.
Kickoff Video with Dr. Izabella Wentz: Learn how to prepare for and get the most from this program, so you will have the best success!
Step-By-Step Guidance to Release Toxins and Symptoms in Just 2 Weeks: Receive daily goal emails for encouragement and key information — all broken down into tiny, bite-size pieces to help you thrive during the Reset.
How Toxic Are You Assessment: Discover the different levels of toxicity and where you rank on the toxicity chart, to track your healing progress.
Helpful Q&A Videos + Database: Submit your questions and discover how to make the most of resetting your body, from the inside out (available with Live option only). Plus, get instant answers in our online database, with access to 100’s of questions from past participants (available for both the Live and Self-Paced options).
Reset Recipes + Shopping List: Delicious Root Cause Autoimmune and Paleo recipes that are stress-free and fun to make, as well as pre-written shopping lists to make the grocery run a breeze.
Liver Support Supplement Guide: Learn which supplements and protein powders will support your body during the Reset + get an exclusive 10% discount!
Personal Care Product Guide: My top recommendations on the safest personal care products I’ve chosen for myself, my husband, Michael, and baby Dimitry!
DIY Cleaning Recipes: Homemade recipes that are effective, efficient, and safe for your home (and little ones)!
Fluoride Filter Guide: Find out what kind of filter to use in your home, to reduce the toxic burden on your body, and thyroid.
Instant Online Access: Personal interactive portal membership, with resources and video tutorials that walk you through exactly how to excel in this program.
Private Facebook Support Group: Enjoy chatting with our resident nutritionist, team health coach, and fellow Root Cause Reset members, for extra accountability and support! (Only available with the Live option.)
PLUS, you’ll also receive newly added and upgraded tools for healing, including:
- A Gentle Caffeine Wean Protocol
- A Guide to Mindset Exercises
- A Guide for Getting Better Sleep so that you can get refreshing, healing sleep
- Your very own Natural Medicine Cabinet eBook to give you tools for healing
- A full color cookbook with over 130+ gluten-, dairy- and soy-free recipes to support thyroid and liver health
- A Guide on Meal Prep to simplify your time in the kitchen
- A Comprehensive Guide on Using Binders to Remove Toxins Gently and Safely from Your Body
- A Comprehensive Guide on Overcoming Mold Toxicity
- A Protocol on What to Do If You Have Sulfur Sensitivity that has helped many of my clients eat eggs again
- 100+ science-backed protocols for addressing various toxins, from arsenic to salicylate toxicity
- A Comprehensive Guide on Supporting Your Detoxification Pathways
- Guides to help you create a non-toxic home
- Updated videos throughout the program that now include FAQs pertaining to the topic of the video
This online course is a fraction of the price it would cost to see a medical practitioner or conventional doctor, and you’ll have lifetime access to the program portal, plus email support for 1 full year from your purchase date. (The Live version also includes full access to the Facebook support group for 30 days after the Reset concludes.)
- 4 modules to help you clear out toxins and release symptoms in two weeks – $97 value
- Guide to Weaning Caffeine – $17 value
- Kitchen Makeover Guide – $17 value
- Cookbook with 130+ delicious and healing recipes – $27 value
- Liver Support Meal Plan – $17 value
- Meal Prep Guide – $17 value
- Shopping List – $17 value
- Natural Medicine Cabinet eBook with helpful swaps for common ailments – $37 value
- A-Z Toxin Protocols eBook to help clear out a variety of toxins from your body – $37 value
- Detox Pathways eBook with details on how to live a low effort, low toxin life – $37 value
- Healthy Home Guides to turn your home into a healing oasis – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Using Binders to Remove Toxins Gently and Safely from Your Body – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Overcoming Mold Toxicity once and for all – $47 value
- A Protocol on What to Do If You Have Sulfur Sensitivity that has helped many of my clients eat eggs again – $17 value
- Water Filtration Guide to help you choose the cleanest water – $17 value
- Guide to Clean Personal Care Items that will lower your toxic burden and still work – $17 value
- Non-Toxic Cleaning Guide to limit your exposure to everyday toxins – $17 value
- 3 Mindset Exercises to shift your body into a healing state – $17 value
- 3 Q&A Sessions ($97 value per session) – $141 value
- 1 year of group support ($97 per month) – $1164 value
Total Value: $1791
Sign up for the waiting list to be the first to know when I launch this version again:
- 4 modules to help you clear out toxins and release symptoms in two weeks – $97 value
- Guide to Weaning Caffeine – $17 value
- Kitchen Makeover Guide – $17 value
- Cookbook with 130+ delicious and healing recipes – $27 value
- Liver Support Meal Plan – $17 value
- Meal Prep Guide – $17 value
- Shopping List – $17 value
- Natural Medicine Cabinet eBook with helpful swaps for common ailments – $37 value
- A-Z Toxin Protocols eBook to help clear out a variety of toxins from your body – $37 value
- Detox Pathways eBook with details on how to live a low effort, low toxin life – $37 value
- Healthy Home Guides to turn your home into a healing oasis – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Using Binders to Remove Toxins Gently and Safely from Your Body – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Overcoming Mold Toxicity once and for all – $47 value
- A Protocol on What to Do If You Have Sulfur Sensitivity that has helped many of my clients eat eggs again – $17 value
- Water Filtration Guide to help you choose the cleanest water – $17 value
- Guide to Clean Personal Care Items that will lower your toxic burden and still work – $17 value
- Non-Toxic Cleaning Guide to limit your exposure to everyday toxins – $17 value
- 3 Mindset Exercises to shift your body into a healing state – $17 value
- 1 year of email support ($17 per month) – $204 value
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
“I joined and loved the information & group support. The fact that it was only 3 weeks was great – I could give up caffeine and follow a program for 3 weeks. I ended up losing 6 lbs, my brain fog was so much better. Best of all, I had learned that not all thyroid meds were the same. I had a physical scheduled for the week after the protocol ended. My pcp said my labs were good but listened to me when I showed her Dr. Wentz’s Review of Medication for Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism. She agreed to switch my generic levothyroxine to Tirosint. I’ve been on it exactly 6 days & my energy is through the roof! I cannot believe the difference. I even went on a 1.7 mile hike Sunday. So thank you, Dr. Wentz! I feel 10 years younger!”
– Maria C.
“I cannot speak praises enough for the improvement in my health! I am feeling so much better than I was before the program. I haven’t been perfect at eating on schedule, but cutting out triggers and adding nutritious food and the supplements. I have baby hairs growing in, my hair is growing! Brain fog is markedly better, mostly gone, and exhaustion is almost nonexistent! I have baby hairs growing in, my hair is growing! Brain fog is markedly better, mostly gone, and exhaustion is almost nonexistent! I can’t tell you how many people I have told about the program because it has been life changing!”
– Lacee P.
Here’s an incredible story from a past Reset participant…
Before the Reset, Dagmara felt like she:
- Had NO energy to have fun, and was exhausted after her work as a teacher.
- Was constantly working on herself to get out of her “hell” and was tenacious about getting better. She wasn’t going to stop until she got well, but despite her efforts, she continued to struggle.
Here’s what she tried before the Reset:
- She was bouncing from endocrinologist to integrative doctor, doing ayurvedic therapy, acupuncture, anything she could think of to get better.
- She went three whole years without any fruit to try to combat systemic Candida…
- She did a heavy metals test → found mercury toxicity → had fillings replaced
- She saw a chiropractor who held crystals/touched her body.
- She tried various juice cleanses and detoxes.
- She tried fasting, pumpkin seeds, low histamine diets, and all of the latest trends, yet nothing seemed to help.
- She would get her hopes up, just to be disappointed each time.
- One program she took was just too much science, but not enough real-life application.
Worst of all…
- Her sister (a nurse) didn’t think there was anything wrong with her — this was super hard to swallow; that her own sister would “poo poo” her fatigue (thinking it was an excuse to get out of things) — it’s especially hard when it’s your own family. Her own mother didn’t understand either.
- She didn’t have tons of friends because she was always sick, and it’s hard to be a friend when you’re never available to others. She felt so alone and stayed inside a lot.
- She pretty much only went to work, and after work she would come home, sob/pick herself up/sob some more.
She decided to take the Liver Reset after her friend, who did thorough research/studies, recommended Dr. Wentz as a specialist to pay attention to.
When she joined the Reset, she completed the Toxicity Load Assessment, which determines our toxic levels.
Dagmara had a score of 25, based on her various symptoms, including weight gain and fatigue, as well as a feeling of “being toxic”.
After the Reset, her toxic load came down by 12 points. She says:
“My liver smiled after the Reset because it was getting the nutrients from the Reset, to help it detox…the knowledge I acquired was a springboard for me to begin the process of healing Hashimotos. My toxic load had come down 12 points, so it made me acutely aware of the how toxic I had been!”
“I had not focused on the liver in specific before, or if it was part of one of her previous programs, I did not understand its relevance. But the clarity and results that I feel from following the program are remarkable. I feel so much more energy and almost no aches or pains and much more clear-headed. I now know exactly what to do to support my liver and I am grateful.”
She loved that the course was super practical, and told you exactly what you needed to do, step-by-step, to see benefits. The group format offered accountability and a community of supportive people who truly understood.
Other Practitioners Have Asked Me, ‘What Is Your Secret?’
These days, I recommend the Liver Reset as one of the first steps for people with Hashimoto’s. While I didn’t start with liver support myself, nor did I start clients there in my early work with Hashimoto’s protocols, I’ve found over time that it is absolutely the most effective place to start.
I used to look for the most obvious root causes and imbalances and address those first, but sometimes improvements took a long time to see. Once I started my clients with liver support, I found that most of them started feeling better in just a few short weeks — even those who had been working with other practitioners for months and years!
Starting with liver support has become my secret sauce, and has helped the majority of my clients feel significantly better in as little as two weeks.
A Healthy Liver…
- Eliminates toxins more effectively
- Increases energy
- Improves bodily functions like hormonal balance
- Converts T4 to T3 properly
- Tolerates and processes medications and supplements
Are Any of These Issues Affecting Your Ability To Live Your Life?
- Multiple chemical sensitivities
- Rashes
- Brain fog
- Hormonal imbalances
- Joint pains
- Fatigue
- Anxiety/Depression
- Autoimmune diseases
- Skin breakouts
- Sinus issues
- Sensitivities to foods
- Never feeling rested
- Addicted to caffeine
- Emotional ups and downs that make you feel crazy…
“One of the best decisions I’ve ever made! For those who might not truly believe in food as medicine approach to feeling better, this liver detox program will prove it! I was amazed at the improvements in my joint pain, fatigue, hot flashes and night sweats, better and more frequent bowel movements and better sleep! All in just a few weeks time. Thank you Izabella for all that you and your dedicated team do to help all of us with Hashimoto’s take charge of our health with programs like this! “
– Sharon L.
“It’s amazing the change that can be achieved in four weeks. I’ve always had dark circles under my eyes – even as a child – and they’re gone! In spring, my allergies are so bad I can hardly leave the house. I needed to take prescription medication and keep my asthma pump close. Now, I walk my dogs and appreciate the flowers around me. The Root Cause Reset is a game changer!“
– Liezl C., France
“The Thyroid RESET set me back on track. I lost 10 lbs very quicklyand safely. More import is that I feel healthier and have more energy and less pain. I started feeling better on day 3. Yes ,…that fast!! No caffeine cravings or sugar cravings. I even slept better . Yes I would recommend this program. And yes I will do it again myself. Thank you Izabella you have changed my life and opened my eyes!“
– Cathy C.
“I am 67 years old and have dealt with hypothyroidism for over 25 years. I just retired and decided to put my extra time towards getting healthier. I have had many issues that I did not realize were connected to my hypothyroidism. I downloaded all the Reset materials from the September 15 2020 program, bought the supplements and then, because of travel issues, did the program a few weeks later than everyone else. I am so glad I did! My problems with indigestion, itchy skin and joint pain have pretty much disappeared. My concentration is better and overall I am just a happier person! I am continuing to use the information I learned in the program and drinking my lemon water and smoothies almost daily. Thank you for this wonderful program.“
– Jean M.
“I joined the Reset after being diagnosed with Hashimotos in January and doing a lot of online research to find someone knowledgeable AND heart-based. I genuinely trust Dr Izabella and knew I’d be in good hands with her protocols and recommendations. The daily emails and Facebook community were so valuable. Loved the support received and community built. The Reset, eating guidelines and supplements were not only easy to follow, but enjoyable for the most part! I’m continuing to eat this way and love it. And… after decades addicted to coffee, I have successfully switched to DandyBlend. THANK YOU for showing me how to be better to myself which is really my biggest lesson right now.“
– Lisa S.
“My symptoms reduced dramatically in such a short time, especially major joint pain in my hands and carpal tunnel! I also lost 5 1/2 lbs.“
– Lenora E.
Yes, it IS possible to:
- Get your energy back
- Live free of brain fog
- Lose weight and keep it off
- Get rid of anxiety and depression
- Feel like YOU again
Through the Root Cause Reset, I’ll teach you exactly how to gain the most from your liver reset, which foods to remove, which foods to add, which supplements to get, how to makeover your home and lifestyle for effortless healing – no outside testing is needed!
You will see tremendous improvements in your symptoms as you do the Root Cause Reset, but in order to get 100% of the benefits, I do recommend using supplements. Not all supplements are created equal and I’ll teach you which ones are safe and most effective.
The only requirement for this program is a high-quality protein powder to take with your daily smoothies. Otherwise, you can do the Reset without utilizing the other supplements, and many people have successfully done so. In my experience, however, the best outcomes and optimal health happen when people use all the supplements, in addition, to the other changes made to their diet and lifestyle.
The Root Cause Reset has helped thousands of people feel better – even those who felt sick for years!
“Everything has changed: fatigue, brain fog, bloating, and joint pain. Before beginning this Reset, I was feeling lost and very depressed, I was experiencing joint pain constantly that was getting increasingly worse. I felt bloated always and just miserable. I was looking for a way, some direction, a plan I could follow, I felt desperate and then the ad popped up on Facebook for the Root Cause Reset. I was so desperate I said it’s worth a try, and here I am 27 days later and feel awesome. I do not want to go back to what I felt like a month ago. Thank you, Dr. Izabella! I feel like I have found my path.”
– Rachel F.
“This program has pulled me out of my 5 year funk and pointed me in the right direction! My thyroid nodule is getting smaller. The brain fog is gone. I am no longer constantly searching for words. My inflammation is going down. I’ve lost 13 lbs and feel like I’ve lost 25! I have hope and a clear plan to follow to help me feel like myself again. I found a trusted advisor in Dr Wentz. She’s been through it. So she understands what it’s like to feel so sick and lost when our bodies are working against us. She understands what its like to not be heard by multiple doctors. Dr Wentz uses a real whole organic food plan to show us how to feel better. She also formulated clean, high quality supplements to use along with the clean eating plan if we choose to. I was impressed Dr Wentz even lists quality supplements to buy from other companies. That showed me, her heart truly just wants to help people feel better.”
– Kelly G.
This could be your breakthrough too – and you can enroll today for as little as $297!
Are you ready to get started?
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
If you’re not sure you have time, keep reading.
What Would You Do If You Had Your Health?
I spent so much money, lost out on precious moments with my loved ones, and missed opportunities for years because I didn’t know what to do to get my life back. I’ve taken what I learned and applied it to the Root Cause Reset so that you don’t have to feel lost, confused and overwhelmed about what to do.
I break it down into easy steps that you can do in your daily routine…
You’ll have online access to:
→ Training videos
→ Shopping lists
→ Delicious recipes
→ Daily emails to show you your goal for the day — easy and attainable! (If you choose the new Self-Paced option, you have the freedom to work through the goals at your own pace.)
→ Our very own Thyroid Pharmacist Nutritionist to assist with food choices
→ Our knowledgeable Health Coach to support and guide you along the way
→ Q&As to answer your questions (Live option only)
→ Exclusive Facebook Support Group (Live option only)
And so much more!
- 4 modules to help you clear out toxins and release symptoms in two weeks – $97 value
- Guide to Weaning Caffeine – $17 value
- Kitchen Makeover Guide – $17 value
- Cookbook with 130+ delicious and healing recipes – $27 value
- Liver Support Meal Plan – $17 value
- Meal Prep Guide – $17 value
- Shopping List – $17 value
- Natural Medicine Cabinet eBook with helpful swaps for common ailments – $37 value
- A-Z Toxin Protocols eBook to help clear out a variety of toxins from your body – $37 value
- Detox Pathways eBook with details on how to live a low effort, low toxin life – $37 value
- Healthy Home Guides to turn your home into a healing oasis – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Using Binders to Remove Toxins Gently and Safely from Your Body – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Overcoming Mold Toxicity once and for all – $47 value
- A Protocol on What to Do If You Have Sulfur Sensitivity that has helped many of my clients eat eggs again – $17 value
- Water Filtration Guide to help you choose the cleanest water – $17 value
- Guide to Clean Personal Care Items that will lower your toxic burden and still work – $17 value
- Non-Toxic Cleaning Guide to limit your exposure to everyday toxins – $17 value
- 3 Mindset Exercises to shift your body into a healing state – $17 value
- 3 Q&A Sessions ($97 value per session) – $141 value
- 1 year of group support ($97 per month) – $1164 value
Total Value: $1791
Sign up for the waiting list to be the first to know when I launch this version again:
- 4 modules to help you clear out toxins and release symptoms in two weeks – $97 value
- Guide to Weaning Caffeine – $17 value
- Kitchen Makeover Guide – $17 value
- Cookbook with 130+ delicious and healing recipes – $27 value
- Liver Support Meal Plan – $17 value
- Meal Prep Guide – $17 value
- Shopping List – $17 value
- Natural Medicine Cabinet eBook with helpful swaps for common ailments – $37 value
- A-Z Toxin Protocols eBook to help clear out a variety of toxins from your body – $37 value
- Detox Pathways eBook with details on how to live a low effort, low toxin life – $37 value
- Healthy Home Guides to turn your home into a healing oasis – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Using Binders to Remove Toxins Gently and Safely from Your Body – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Overcoming Mold Toxicity once and for all – $47 value
- A Protocol on What to Do If You Have Sulfur Sensitivity that has helped many of my clients eat eggs again – $17 value
- Water Filtration Guide to help you choose the cleanest water – $17 value
- Guide to Clean Personal Care Items that will lower your toxic burden and still work – $17 value
- Non-Toxic Cleaning Guide to limit your exposure to everyday toxins – $17 value
- 3 Mindset Exercises to shift your body into a healing state – $17 value
- 1 year of email support ($17 per month) – $204 value
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
Still Not Sure if this Program is for You?
I get it. We’re all running around with full schedules and hardly have time to remember to eat! So I created this program for the busy mom, working professional, and everyday person who has a dream of living symptom-free. And with the new Self-Paced option, it’s even easier to fit into your lifestyle!
There might be a little voice trying to tell you that you don’t have the time or the energy or you couldn’t possibly add another thing to your plate, and I get that, I really do. But can you afford to keep living the way you feel?
Can you keep sleeping 10+ hours, yet feel like a truck hit you the next morning?
Is it worth running the rat race, feeling like you’ll never catch up? Or that you’ve tried everything and nothing works?
“My energy level has improved greatly. I don’t feel bloated, I’m sleeping better (only waking up once during the night instead of multiple times) and I feel more well-rested in the morning. I’ve also lost 8 lbs. and my mental fog has lifted greatly. I come home from work and actually have the energy to do housework or take my dogs for a walk. My perpetual stuffy nose is gone and I’m regaining my sense of smell. I can’t believe the change I’ve gone through in one month! I never thought I would feel this good and have this much energy again. I actually feel like I did when I was younger! And I would encourage anyone serious about wanting to feel better to try this program. I decided to try the liver reset because I was tired of feeling like I had no energy & walking around in a fog. I was missing out on being active with my family & I felt like it was starting to affect my performance at work. After doing the liver reset I feel like my younger self! I feel mentally sharper! I would recommend this program to anyone who’s serious about wanting to feel better.”
This program is for you if:
- You’re ready to take back your health and shed your symptoms
- You’re committed to caring for you and to investing in yourself
- You want to learn more about how to take charge of your condition
- You thrive in being a part of a community (choose the Live option!)
- You want the flexibility of being able to move at your own pace (choose the Self-Paced option!)
This program is not for you if:
- You are medically unstable and in need of urgent medical attention (please see a doctor ASAP)
- You are not willing or unable to change your diet or lifestyle (Please note: some of the recommendations may not be appropriate for those with histamine/oxalate issues. In these cases, I highly recommend working with a practitioner who can help you modify the program to your needs.)
- You want someone else to “heal” you without participating in your healing
- You are taking certain medications, including blood thinners, diuretics, or steroid medications (Please consult with your practitioner before starting this, or any new program.)
YES! I am ready to get rid of fatigue, brain fog and lose weight with the Root Cause Reset.
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
To all the moms…
This one’s for you. I am a new mom and I know how hard it is to balance everything, so trust me when I say this – I’m not going to be asking anything crazy of you. I know none of us have time for that! Here are some testimonials from real life moms that changed their lifestyles and it changed their health.
“Thank you!! I finished the Reset this past week. I began feeling better shortly after I started the Reset but yesterday and today I’ve felt a lot different. I actually had the want to and energy to 1. Walk to my boys school this afternoon 2. Cook a full meal for my family And 3. Play catch with my oldest son after dinner. I was literally in a fog for a couple of years, no energy, frustrated and sad. I can’t explain it but I feel alive again!!! The Reset had really helped me get off caffeine and carbs. And I don’t miss them now!!! Good luck to you on your journey!!!!”
– Corrie Z.
“My level of energy improved. My mood is more stable. I have a three-year-old son, and I could stop taking naps to play more with him. So THANK YOU.”
– Cinthia A.
“I highly recommend this program. Izabella Wentz and her staff know their stuff. It’s science-based, and it’s the real thing. I attribute my brain fog clearing up to the changes I made based on Izabella Wentz’s recommendations. I still have lots to learn, but I know I’m on the right road! I’m a single mom full-time school teacher, so I don’t have any time to waste on fluff! Thanks to Izabella Wentz and her staff.”
– Mandi A.
Program Guarantee

I believe in you and I know you can do this, and I’m going to be the bridge that helps you discover that truth for yourself. There are hundreds of people starting this program, and I invite you to join us. It’s going to be transformative for so many people and I don’t want you to miss out.
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Root Cause Reset
I have an autoimmune disorder. What is realistic to expect from this program?
People with autoimmune disorders can greatly benefit from the Root Cause Reset program, as it focuses on clearing your home and body of toxins that can cause symptoms and poor health. Most participants report a decrease in symptoms and chemical sensitivities, as well as an increase in energy.
How will this Reset affect any medications I am taking?
The Reset supplements are generally safe to take while on thyroid medications. It is, however, recommended that you separate thyroid medications and supplements as instructed by your practitioner or pharmacist. (Most are to be taken 30 minutes to 1 hour after your thyroid medication; magnesium, calcium, and iron, 4 hours after).
This program is not for those on blood thinners, such as warfarin, diuretics or steroid medications. Consult your physician before starting this or any new program.
When will I start seeing results?
It may take a week or longer for you to feel any changes, but some people do see changes as early as 3 days into the process, while most people do see major results within 2 weeks. However, depending on what your lifestyle, diet, and health were like before the program, it’s hard to give an exact timeframe.
Can I exercise while on the program?
Yes! Sweating is an excellent way to lower your body’s toxic burden. As people with hypothyroidism usually have a lower body temperature, they often need to make an extra effort to sweat. Just don’t overdo it, and please use good judgment. As a general rule, you should feel more energized after these activities, not more tired.
Are supplements included?
Supplements are not included, but are recommended for achieving the best results and can be purchased separately at a discounted price. As a program member, you’ll receive an exclusive 10% discount on supplements through Rootcology. If you choose to utilize the Rootcology supplements, the Liver Support Kit must be made as a separate purchase from our digital Root Cause Reset program.
Are all of the supplements required?
No, but they are super helpful for achieving optimal outcomes from the program! In my experience, the best outcomes happen when people use lifestyle changes + diet + supplements, though many people have had health breakthroughs simply by cleaning up their diet and lifestyle as well.
What if I want to do the program but have an allergy/sensitivity to one of the supplement ingredients?
If you have a known allergy or sensitivity to an ingredient in any of the supplements, please do not take them. There will be an alternate supplement guide for those who are sensitive to the ingredients in the Liver Reset supplement.
Please note: Some of the liver support supplements contain ingredients that are sulfur/sulphur-based. Sulfa (a medication) and sulfur/sulphur (a compound) are different. Sulfur/sulphur-based supplements should be avoided by those who are sensitive to sulfur/sulphur, however, the liver support supplements do not contain Sulfa.
Do I have to use your brand of supplements?
I’ve spent a great deal of time creating the Rootcology line to provide safe, clean, and effective products. All of the supplement ingredients have been carefully chosen by yours truly to address the needs and sensitivities of people with autoimmune thyroid disease. Rootcology supplements are composed of high-quality premium, pesticide-free ingredients, contain no gluten, dairy, soy protein, or GMO ingredients, and undergo third-party testing to ensure that the ingredients on the label match the ingredients inside each bottle.
If you utilize Rootcology supplements, as a member of the Root Cause Reset you will receive a 10% discount on all supplements within the Rootcology store.
That said, there are many wonderful companies that make supplements. Look for products that are gluten free, dairy free and soy free, as well as for companies that have their products tested by third party vendors to ensure quality. If you are an international customer, there will be a guide available for international supplement alternatives.
Do I have to purchase your brand of protein powder?
A high quality protein powder will be an essential part of the program to supplement our daily smoothies.
I’ve spent a great deal of time creating the Rootcology protein powders, to provide safe, clean, and effective options that are autoimmune friendly. All of the protein ingredients have been carefully chosen to address the needs and sensitivities of people with autoimmune thyroid disease. If you use another supplement brand outside of my recommendations, please understand that you’re doing so at your own risk, and I cannot vouch for its safety or effectiveness.
That said, there are many wonderful companies that make protein powders. If you cannot obtain the recommended protein powders, there will be a guide available to help you choose another compliant product.
Can I participate if I live outside of the United States?
Yes, you can participate if you’re living outside of the United States!
All content and resources will be available in the Root Cause Reset Program portal for you to review at a time that is convenient for you.
We have set up a Canadian-specific list of recommended supplements, as well as relationships with European-based dispensaries that can ship to other countries. There will be guides available for supplement alternatives to help you order. However, you may want to get a head-start on ordering supplements as sourcing and shipping may vary from the standard recommendations. Additionally, please consider your country’s importation taxes as well as the currency exchange rate.
Is there a support line or chat available? What support is offered?
You will have access to my customer service team members dedicated specifically to this program. They will be ready to answer your questions via email, however, we cannot answer any personal medical questions.
Additionally, you will have unlimited access to a searchable database of Q&As from past participants, for instant answers to your questions!
For those who choose the Live option ONLY: We will also have several Q&As during the program. You will be able to send in your questions ahead of time for me and my team nutritionist to review and answer on video. There will also be an exclusive Facebook group for program members who choose the Live option. Comments posted in the Facebook group are responded to by our customer service team, health coach, and nutritionist, and are a wonderful way to get support from others in the program.
Which version of the program is right for me?
The Self-Paced option is recommended for those who have busy schedules and might not want to start the program on a specific date, or who prefer to work on their own, at their own pace. The Live option is recommended for those who want community support and accountability via the Facebook support group and live Q&A sessions, and want to follow along with our program schedule.
How long do I have access to the course materials and email support?
You will have lifetime access to the portal. This means you can revisit the materials and resources whenever you need to. Additionally, you will have access to all future upgrades and updates within the portal, keeping you informed and current on Dr. Wentz’s latest research.
You will have access to my customer support team through email, as well as the program portal, for a full year from your date of purchase.
Live Reset members will have access to the Facebook group for the duration of the Reset, plus 30 days after the program concludes.
The Root Cause Reset Self-Paced version allows you to start the program at any time (though emails will be sent daily to help you prioritize goals and stay on track).
No matter which option you decide works best for you, we highly recommend downloading the course materials during this time, so you can access them indefinitely.
How do I prepare for the program? What’s the schedule?
If you enroll in the Live option, we will have a Welcome week so that you can prepare for the program, before the actual start date, so all participants who have signed up for this program can start at the same time. You can prepare by joining the Facebook group and downloading the files in the portal, which you will have access to after signing up.
If you choose the Self-Paced option, your Welcome Week will begin as soon as you enroll with modules released weekly, thereafter. You can look through the Welcome materials and get started at any time that works for your schedule, upon purchase, though emails will be provided daily to help guide you through the program.
Here’s the schedule we’ll be following over the course of the Root Cause Reset:
- Welcome: We’ll take an assessment quiz to check your toxicity score, and get you acquainted with the Reset protocol background and steps. This will be our prep week that includes a Kickoff video with me to set you up for success in the program.
- Week One: We’ll start week one with tips to reduce your exposure to daily toxins and get your supplies and supplements ready. We will also begin making our dietary changes.
- Week Two: We’ll cover detox strategies, give yourself a personal care makeover, and start your supplements. This week, those in the Live group will also have the opportunity to submit questions to be answered by me, in the Supplements Q&A video.
- Week Three: You’ll discover detoxification symptom management, improve your quality of sleep, get a cleaning products makeover, learn DIY cleaning recipes, and those in the Live group will have another opportunity to get questions answered, in the Food Q&A video with our nutritionist.
- Week Four: We’ll transition off Liver Support supplements and go beyond Liver Support (i.e. addressing Diet, Gut Issues, and Adrenal Imbalances) strategies to get your condition into remission. For those in the Live group, there will be a final Q&A video with me, to cover next steps and your remaining questions.
- Wrap Up: We’ll retake the assessment quiz to see how your toxicity score has improved since starting the interventions at the beginning of the program.
Do I have to follow the protocol’s schedule?
The program’s protocol is designed for maximum success in the given time frame. All participants in the Live program will be starting the program on the same date, and there will be daily goals and resources to follow over a specific timeline. You’ll be able to download content to work at your own pace, however I recommend sticking to the program schedule to get the most out of the program. Those choosing the Self-Paced option will be free to start the program at any time. (Emails will be sent daily, beginning on your enrollment date, to help guide you through the program.)
How much time is required each day?
Depending on the day, how committed you are, and how many of the interventions are completely new to you, it will vary from person to person. But, I recommend setting aside 30 minutes to 1 hour each day, to focus on the program. The people who have the best results set aside some time every day to plan the next step and make sure they are prepared, calm and have time to rest and recover. This is a special time to give your health your full attention.
How will I be able to track my progress?
Before you start the program, you’ll want to make sure you complete the Toxicity Assessment I have created (found in the program portal), and then you will complete it once again at the end of the program. That way, you’ll be able to compare your toxicity score results upon completing the Reset. You may be surprised to see how far you have come!
Who should NOT do the program?
The Root Cause Reset supplements are not to be used with Addison’s, a history of electrolyte imbalance, diuretics, steroid medications, or blood thinners. Additionally, the program is not for women who are pregnant or nursing.
Some of the recommendations (such as recipes) in this program may not be appropriate for those with histamine/oxalate issues (though supplements may be helpful for these). Following a gut protocol may be more beneficial. As such, I highly recommend working with a practitioner who can help you modify this program to your needs.
Please consult your physician before starting this or any new program.
Do you have a payment plan?
Unfortunately, we do not offer payment plan options at this time. If you choose the Live option when it launches again, you’ll have the option to pay in 3 installments of $77 per month (for a total of $231 over 3 months).
Do I have to join Facebook to participate?
If you are choosing the Live option and you do not have Facebook, it may be beneficial to set up a temporary account to be a part of the group discussion. However, all necessary information to complete the program will be available within the Root Cause Reset portal. For those choosing the Self-Paced option, access to Facebook is not necessary.
What dietary changes are required?
You’ll be removing the most common reactive foods in Hashimoto’s: gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods. However, individuals may be different in their triggers and needs. You can modify the recipes and meal plans provided in the program to accommodate your personal food sensitivities and dietary restrictions.
We’ll be replacing these foods with organic fruits, vegetables, and high-quality meats, and we’ll also be supplementing our daily smoothies with a protein powder. You’ll have access to guides related to ordering foods and meal prepping to help you with these dietary changes, as well as discounts and recommendations for the best protein powders.
Can I do this Reset if I am eating the Paleo diet?
The dietary and supplement recommendations are designed around a gluten-free, dairy-free and soy-free, whole foods diet, and do include many Paleo recipes and recipes that can be easily adopted to the Paleo diet.
Can I do this Reset if I am vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian?
The dietary and supplement recommendations are designed around a gluten-free, dairy-free and soy-free, whole foods diet, and while a large portion of our recipes do include animal protein, we do have a mix of animal protein-based, vegan, vegetarian and pescatarian recipes, with over 130 recipes to choose from.
Eggs, legumes, seeds, and nuts are included on the Reset diet, and we have created modified plant-based meal plans that incorporate these sources of protein.
None of the recommended supplements contain animal-derived ingredients, and we do offer protein powder options that are plant based.
Additionally, the dietary protocol and menus are based on eating nutrient-dense, liver-supportive foods, including vegetables, fruits, and meats, while removing processed foods as well as those that are commonly reactive and can contribute to an overburdened liver.
If I can’t have gluten during the Reset, which grains can I have?
Gluten is a protein found in barley, rye, and wheat (and their derivatives), which means you will be exposed to it when you eat most types of pasta, cereals, and breads. It’s also added to some soups and sauces, and used in the production of certain types of alcohol.
However, gluten-free grains (e.g. rice, gluten-free certified oats, quinoa, organic corn, buckwheat, millet) and gluten-free flours (e.g. coconut, tigernut, cassava, tapioca, plantain, almond flours) are allowed on the diet that we’ll be following throughout the program.
Please note, however, that gluten-free grains may still cause digestive issues for some people with Hashimoto’s.
I see that caffeine is not allowed during the Reset. What can I do to help with caffeine withdrawal symptoms?
The caffeine wean can be intimidating, and it is recommended that you pace yourself. (Never go cold turkey!)
Drinking hot lemon water first thing in the morning can help with the transition, as can green juice and Dandy Blend. The latter has a similar color and texture to coffee, as well as detoxifying properties. You’ll be able to find more information in the Caffeine Wean Guide I have created for the program.
I usually have a drink in the evening to relax. Is there any type of alcohol you would recommend that could be compliant during the program?
We are not consuming any kind of alcohol at all during the program, so I don’t really have a recommendation containing alcohol. However, I recently came across the brand Apothekary that has a few herbal products to add to your homemade mocktails. There is one called “Stop Your Wine-ing”, an alcohol alternative reminiscent of your favorite red wine, made with herbs that will bring calm and a sense of well-being. It has some great adaptogens, antioxidants, and vitamin C. I do have this product, and although it doesn’t “taste” particularly like wine, it does have that tart flavor, and I feel really good after using it.
There’s another product by Apothekary called Reishi. It just contains reishi, which is an edible adaptogenic mushroom known for its stress-reducing powers.
Furthermore, if you’re just missing the actual drink part when making mocktails, you could go on Pinterest and look for some low-sugar options made with herbal teas or sparkling waters. There are so many options there!
Will I be able to return to having coffee, wine, or an occasional treat now and then, after the Root Cause Reset program ends?
The diet that we’ll be following throughout the 30-day program isn’t something that is meant to last forever. We all want to enjoy life, and for some of us, an occasional glass of wine, a cup of coffee, or a treat is perfectly acceptable. It depends on where you are on your healing journey, and how much more you need to heal. The Root Cause Reset program is going to help you tolerate wine and coffee much better, as it helps cleanse some of the toxic load that adds up in our bodies.
Can I participate if I have Celiac disease?
Studies have found that about 1 in 5 people with Hashimoto’s also have Celiac disease. Most autoimmune conditions have common root causes, and a lot of times the things that are recommended for one autoimmune condition will help with others. I’ve personally seen my protocols help many clients with Celiac disease, so you can definitely benefit from this Reset. Consult your physician before starting this or any new program.
Will the program work for me with multiple chemical sensitivities?
Supporting the liver can be dramatically helpful for a person with Hashimoto’s. When we support the liver, we can actually address some of the toxic backlog that is present in the body. A person who was once sensitive or reactive to everything in their environment, as well as to any hormones, supplements, medications and foods, will end up feeling significantly better. After implementing liver support for one to two weeks, my previous clients were able to tolerate things in their environment much better than before.
Can I do the Reset if I’m working on treating gut infections?
Liver support can be very helpful in preparing your body to process infection protocols. I often recommend starting with a liver Reset, before moving onto adrenal and gut protocols, as it creates a foundation that will make your further interventions and protocols more successful, and reduce negative reactions. The liver utilizes two main pathways for detox, and if either pathway is blocked, your body will have a more difficult time processing toxins released as infections are eradicated.
That said, if you are already working with a practitioner to implement infection protocols, the liver support may be a great compliment, depending what types of treatments you are utilizing. The program diet and supplements are gentle and supportive, and can be tailored to your needs. However, please speak with your practitioner to ensure there are no interactions or contraindications with your specific interventions and individual needs.
How long will it take for my products to arrive?
You will be given online access to the Root Cause Reset portal and introductory content immediately after purchasing. All program content is delivered digitally and you can download the materials to save them to your computer, for access beyond your program session.
What is the return policy on the Reset program?
If for whatever reason, you decide that the Reset is not a good fit for you and you want a refund, all you have to do is email our customer service department. Simply let us know within 14 days, and we’ll get back to you within 24-48 business hours. This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program before deciding.
How many supplements are recommended in the program?
We include six core supplements in the Root Cause Reset that are focused on supporting detoxification pathways.
Are supplements refundable?
I recommend a few potential brands for each supplement you can purchase during the program. Please note that the return policy will vary per the brand of the supplement and the seller of the supplement, and most companies do not offer refunds. As a pharmacist who knows that many people with autoimmunity may be sensitive to products and the founder of Rootcology products, I have chosen to offer a full refund within 30 days of purchase for all Rootcology products, in case you are unsatisfied for any reason. You can learn more about the refund policy on the website here. Please contact the Rootcology team directly for return authorization before returning any products.
What if I have already done the protocols in the Hashimoto’s Protocol book or another liver program? How is this program different?
People with Hashimoto’s may benefit from following a liver support protocol from time to time, to optimize their health. This program may still be beneficial to you if you are interested in being guided and getting additional support.
Each week, you’ll find videos, daily workbook activities, and email encouragement with tips that have helped others get well too. There are also exclusive Q&As (for the Live option), where you can submit your questions to be answered by myself and my team nutritionist!
In the program portal, you’ll find downloadable guides, recipes, meal plans, and quizzes to ensure that you have the best outcomes. If you choose the Live program option, you will also have an amazing community to learn from and celebrate with, in our private Facebook group.
As a bonus, both memberships provide access to discounted options for many of the recommended supplements, a resource to self-order labs, and a Q&A database with answers to 100’s of questions from past participants!
I hope these questions are helpful for you. To enroll in the Root Cause Reset, click here.
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
What Others Are Saying About the Root Cause Reset
“The program was very supportive and educational. The info was spaced out so I was not overwhelmed by it. It was nice to wake up to an informative email every day. It was great to ask questions and get answers through Facebook. Easier than getting a hold of my Doctor. I highly recommend the program.”
– Margee P.“Having a ready to go ‘kit’ for the liver protocol that I could order from one place and start taking with super easy directions made this new life adjustment a little less stressful and overwhelming. Less than a week I could feel the metal fog lifting and my energy has started to return. I have finished the liver protocol and have started to feel like the person I use to be.”
– Roslyn B.“Hi Dr Wentz. You are truly a Godsend. I wanted to update you. I have completed the liver protocol and I am a week into the adrenal protocol. I know I told you I was feeling really good after the liver protocol. A week into the adrenal protocol and I’m feeling even better. I have a lot more energy, I’m thinking much more clearly, I am sleeping through the night and waking up refreshed. My bowels are moving regularly, and I haven’t had an IBS-D flare up in two weeks. I used to have them daily. My Gastroenterologist took me off my dicyclomine a week ago. My hair is starting to grow and today was the first day I had no hair loss in the shower. The first time in over 5 years. I was losing tons of it on a daily basis even though my thyroid levels were in optimal levels. Last night I got on my treadmill and walked a 1/4 of a mile. I felt rejuvenated afterwards. This is huge to me as I was very athletic till my dx of Hashi over five years ago. All I was able to do was go to work, come home, eat dinner, sit on the couch, watch TV for a couple of hours and go to bed everyday for the last 5+ years. I repeat, you are a Godsend. I have tried everything to overcome my symptoms and went to so many Drs but nothing helped me. Until God leads me to you. He truly answers prayers.”
– Colleen M.“I loved how Dr. Wentz takes you by the hand & guides you step by step! She is so knowledgeable & really cares for each person who takes her program. I really enjoy the opportunity to have your personal questions answered by her personally. I learned so much from her. She has a great team as well that replies promptly if you have any issues.”
– Anna D.“I am sleeping better, tummy pain is vastly reduced, palpitations are at a minimum, my skin is glowing and joint pain is gone! Generally feeling an overall sense of well-being. I am very thankful to Dr. Wentz for her guidance through the liver cleanse process and have experienced positive results. I found Dr. Wentz’s Root Cause Autoimmune Paleo Diet 2-week Recipe Plan free online several years ago. I implemented her protocol and it changed the quality of my life. I made copies and gave them to my sisters. A year ago I purchased Dr. Wentz’s book the Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology. Now I have my daughter interested in “food as medicine.” Unbeknownst to me I attempted an aggressive liver cleanse two years ago and ended up in the emergency room. The Root Cause Reset has been healing, supportive and a great experience. I was even able to maintain the protocol with success while on vacation. I will continue to share my learned knowledge with family and friends. Thank you!”
– Lisa“I joined the Reset because I was feeling some familiar feelings and symptoms reoccur: consistent bloating, brain fog, low energy, and frequent aches and pains that lasted far too long. I have taken courses from Izabella Wentz for a number of years and found great benefits every time I do. So when I saw the offer to join a one-month support group for a liver detox- it sounded perfect. I had not focused on the liver in specific before, or if it was part of one of her previous programs, I did not understand its relevance. But the clarity and results that I feel from following the program are remarkable. I feel so much more energy and almost no aches or pains and much more clear-headed. I now know exactly what to do to support my liver and I am grateful. When I do release into eating dairy or wheat or an evening glass of wine too often, I feel the effects, but know how to course-correct. I found the supplements very supportive and am glad that I can trust Izabella’s knowledge. Her staff was excellent in getting back to me with any answers to questions. I love the food tips and have learned to incorporate them into my schedule and family situation.”
– Linda B.“I joined Reset because I was tired of the circles I was running in to find answers to my chronic conditions. I figured if anyone could help me it would have to be someone who had Hashimoto’s like myself. After reading about Dr. Wentz story and her struggles I knew if she found a way to help herself that I should jump all over it. I really enjoyed Reset, in fact I am getting ready to start it again. I had many symptoms subside and/or improve. It also taught me a lot about what I’m putting into my body and the power in that.”
– Shanna Z.
- 4 modules to help you clear out toxins and release symptoms in two weeks – $97 value
- Guide to Weaning Caffeine – $17 value
- Kitchen Makeover Guide – $17 value
- Cookbook with 130+ delicious and healing recipes – $27 value
- Liver Support Meal Plan – $17 value
- Meal Prep Guide – $17 value
- Shopping List – $17 value
- Natural Medicine Cabinet eBook with helpful swaps for common ailments – $37 value
- A-Z Toxin Protocols eBook to help clear out a variety of toxins from your body – $37 value
- Detox Pathways eBook with details on how to live a low effort, low toxin life – $37 value
- Healthy Home Guides to turn your home into a healing oasis – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Using Binders to Remove Toxins Gently and Safely from Your Body – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Overcoming Mold Toxicity once and for all – $47 value
- A Protocol on What to Do If You Have Sulfur Sensitivity that has helped many of my clients eat eggs again – $17 value
- Water Filtration Guide to help you choose the cleanest water – $17 value
- Guide to Clean Personal Care Items that will lower your toxic burden and still work – $17 value
- Non-Toxic Cleaning Guide to limit your exposure to everyday toxins – $17 value
- 3 Mindset Exercises to shift your body into a healing state – $17 value
- 3 Q&A Sessions ($97 value per session) – $141 value
- 1 year of group support ($97 per month) – $1164 value
Total Value: $1791
Sign up for the waiting list to be the first to know when I launch this version again:
- 4 modules to help you clear out toxins and release symptoms in two weeks – $97 value
- Guide to Weaning Caffeine – $17 value
- Kitchen Makeover Guide – $17 value
- Cookbook with 130+ delicious and healing recipes – $27 value
- Liver Support Meal Plan – $17 value
- Meal Prep Guide – $17 value
- Shopping List – $17 value
- Natural Medicine Cabinet eBook with helpful swaps for common ailments – $37 value
- A-Z Toxin Protocols eBook to help clear out a variety of toxins from your body – $37 value
- Detox Pathways eBook with details on how to live a low effort, low toxin life – $37 value
- Healthy Home Guides to turn your home into a healing oasis – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Using Binders to Remove Toxins Gently and Safely from Your Body – $17 value
- Comprehensive Guide on Overcoming Mold Toxicity once and for all – $47 value
- A Protocol on What to Do If You Have Sulfur Sensitivity that has helped many of my clients eat eggs again – $17 value
- Water Filtration Guide to help you choose the cleanest water – $17 value
- Guide to Clean Personal Care Items that will lower your toxic burden and still work – $17 value
- Non-Toxic Cleaning Guide to limit your exposure to everyday toxins – $17 value
- 3 Mindset Exercises to shift your body into a healing state – $17 value
- 1 year of email support ($17 per month) – $204 value
This will allow you to check out the prep week and one complete week of the program.
Disclaimer: This is a digital product only. All content is delivered via online portal. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is for informational purposes. Please be sure to consult your physician before taking this or any other product. Consult your physician for any health problems or before starting a new program.
*Our hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 10 am – 6 pm ET.