I often get messages from people with Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune diseases, that say: “Thanks for your efforts, but I’ve already tried everything. I have …
Black Seed Oil and Hashimoto’s
Over the past few years, my mission to help people recover from Hashimoto’s has become increasingly focused on using food as medicine (or food pharmacology) to …
How to Lose Weight With Hashimoto’s
I have a confession to make… I’ve been struggling with my weight for the last four years! As a previously self-described “greyhound” who could not gain weight …
Thyroid-Friendly Recipes for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is my favorite American holiday. It's a day to count our blessings and be thankful for all of the goodness we have in our lives… especially given …
How Does Carnitine Support Hashimoto’s?
I can’t believe it’s been over a decade since my Hashimoto’s diagnosis! I have learned so much since that time, and serendipitously continue learning new things …
Why Balancing Blood Sugar is Vital for Hashimoto’s Health
I often get asked if there is one thing that people with Hashimoto’s should do right away to feel better. My answer is always, “There are two! Get off gluten …