I can’t believe it’s been over a decade since my Hashimoto’s diagnosis! I have learned so much since that time, and serendipitously continue learning new things …
Approach to Fibrocystic Breasts with Hashimoto’s
Though we may not think of it very often, the health of our breasts and the health of our thyroid are deeply connected. We know there’s an association …
How Supporting the Liver Is Key to Recovering from Thyroid Disease
I am currently enjoying my second trip to Poland in just over a year, visiting family with my husband and six-year-old son, and I am reflecting so much on how …
Life Lately: What I’m Doing to Feel My Best All Summer
I hope this summer finds you well! I wanted to send a quick personal update and share with you a few things I’ve been doing this summer to support my health and …
Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis and Hashimoto’s
Early on in my Hashimoto’s journey, I experienced a lot of digestive symptoms and discomfort, most of which I didn’t initially link to hypothyroidism or my …