“Bad digestion is at the root of all evil,” said Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician who is considered to be the father of modern medicine. Although he was …
Holiday Gift Ideas: 2022 Edition
I’ve always enjoyed giving holiday gifts to loved ones, and just the same, have always appreciated receiving thoughtful gifts. However, holiday gifting became …
Could SIBO Be Preventing Your Remission from Hashimoto’s?
Many people with Hashimoto’s feel significantly better when they remove reactive foods, replenish nutrient depletions with restorative foods and supplements, …
Common Beauty Procedures That Are Compromising Your Health
While pursuing thyroid health has been my mission for the past several years, I have always taken pride in my external appearance. Being a full-time mom and …
Busy Woman’s Guide to Healing
The free-flowing days of summer are now behind us, as we head into fall and a return to busy school schedules and a flurry of activities. Suddenly, it may seem …