Sometimes we can get stuck on our healing journey. We may be on a seemingly great diet, taking the right supplements, and doing everything in our power to …
Turmeric for Your Thyroid and Hashimoto’s
I love the concept of using food as medicine — or as I like to call it, food pharmacology. I became a pharmacist because I was interested in the effects that …
Muscle Wasting and Hashimoto’s
Years ago, I struggled just to get through each day. I had so many frustrating symptoms, including anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux. I …
Are Flame Retardant Toxins Contributing to Your Thyroid Condition?
We are exposed to many chemicals each day, both inside and outside our homes. Those of us with Hashimoto’s often have difficulty removing these toxins from our …
Periodontitis, a Trigger for Hashimoto’s?
In the world of functional medicine, we often hear that all disease starts in the gut. (This assertion is attributed to Hippocrates, the Greek founder of …