Hydration may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to Hashimoto’s and thyroid health, but having adequate levels of water is absolutely essential …
Vitamin B6 and Hashimoto’s
Do you struggle with carpal tunnel, poor dream recall, low motivation, anxiety (especially social anxiety), weird reactions to magnesium and glutamine, or …
Selenium: The Nutrient That Can Reduce Thyroid Antibodies by 40%
Selenium deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies that I see in people with Hashimoto’s, and research suggests that thyroid disease is linked …
Pancreatic Elastase, Fat Digestion and Hashimoto’s
Over the years, I have found that many people with Hashimoto’s have issues with digestion, although they often haven’t connected these symptoms to their thyroid …
The 7 Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Hashimoto’s
After my own Hashimoto’s diagnosis in 2009, I wanted to figure out what I could do to live the healthiest life possible. I wanted to know if there was …