I often get asked if there is one thing that people with Hashimoto’s should do right away to feel better. My answer is always, “There are two! Get off gluten …
Which Wine Pairs Best with Your Thyroid Symptoms?
As many of you know, I am passionate about using food as medicine to recover from Hashimoto’s symptoms. I have written many times about the dietary changes I …
Is Gluten the Root Cause of Your Thyroid Condition?
As the gluten-free diet has gained popularity in recent years, you may hear mixed messages about it. One expert may say that gluten is toxic to humans (and …
Is Stevia Good or Bad for Hashimoto’s Disease?
When I began my health journey with nutrition, I was skeptical. Could giving up gluten, dairy, and sugar really make a difference? If these foods were that …
The Best Diet For Hashimoto’s
What is the right diet to heal Hashimoto’s? I hear this question a lot. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t always straightforward, as nutrition is the only …