Over a decade ago, I visited my family in Poland. At that time, one of my cousins was attending dental school in the European Union. She asked me, “Izabella, is …
NAC for Immune Health, Detoxification and Gut Health
A few years ago, I was asked: “If the supplement police came to your house and said you had to give up all but one of your supplements, which supplement would …
6 Root Causes Behind Leaky Gut and Autoimmunity
I often get messages from people with Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune diseases, that say: “Thanks for your efforts, but I’ve already tried everything. I have …
How Myo-inositol Can Improve Hashimoto’s Symptoms
As an avid researcher, I am always struck by the interrelationship between diseases of the body and the mind. A good example of this that I often observe with …
Using S. boulardii for Hashimoto’s
I first learned about S. boulardii as a young pharmacist. It is a beneficial yeast (also known as a probiotic yeast) that is often recommended to people who …
Is Blasto Behind Your Hashimoto’s, Hives and IBS?
When I first set out to uncover the root cause of my Hashimoto’s, I took an inventory of all of my symptoms to find an underlying connection. In creating my …