Wow… do the years just fly by! I can’t believe that it’s been over 10 years since I started the blog in 2013, and now 2024 is almost over. …
Using S. boulardii for Hashimoto’s
I first learned about S. boulardii as a young pharmacist. It is a beneficial yeast (also known as a probiotic yeast) that is often recommended to people who …
How Aloe Vera Supports Thyroid Health
I started studying Hashimoto’s in 2009, right after my own diagnosis. The protocols I’ve developed over the years and shared in my books, will help about 80 …
How Does Carnitine Support Hashimoto’s?
I can’t believe it’s been over a decade since my Hashimoto’s diagnosis! I have learned so much since that time, and serendipitously continue learning new things …
Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis and Hashimoto’s
Early on in my Hashimoto’s journey, I experienced a lot of digestive symptoms and discomfort, most of which I didn’t initially link to hypothyroidism or my …
Nursing Mother’s Formulary
This summer, I’m excited to finally share some of the new and gentle protocols for thyroid support for nursing moms that I developed in the last few years. :-) …