The free-flowing days of summer are now behind us, as we head into fall and a return to busy school schedules and a flurry of activities. Suddenly, it may seem …
Top 9 Hashimoto’s Food Myths
Early on in my journey with Hashimoto’s, I realized that my own health significantly improved with the use of nutrition. I had a hunch that I was not the …
Autoimmune Paleo Diet
There are numerous dietary protocols that can help a person with Hashimoto’s feel better. In some cases, a dietary approach can produce a complete remission of …
Tasty Thyroid-Friendly Recipes
I was a late bloomer when it came to cooking for myself. It wasn’t until my second year of organic chemistry lab, during my undergraduate studies, when I …
How to Succeed on a Thyroid-Friendly Diet
As the new year begins, many of my readers will start focusing on their New Year’s resolution. Often times, they vow to themselves that they will practice …