In Part 1 of this article, How to Reduce Thyroid Antibodies, I discussed why thyroid antibodies are so important as an early warning for Hashimoto’s, what their …
Optimal Ranges
How To Get Accurate Lab Tests When Taking Thyroid Medications
Thyroid hormones are “Goldilocks” hormones: the dose has to be “just right” for us to feel optimal. Doses that are too high or too low can result in …
How B12 Deficiency Affects Hashimoto’s
I have received countless emails from Hashimoto’s readers who have started feeling so much better after digging at their own root cause, making adjustments to …
The Dose of Your Thyroid Medication Can Uncover Your Root Cause
Did you know that the fact that you’re not absorbing your medication properly, could be a hint to the root cause of your thyroid condition? As a pharmacist …
4 Key Steps That Can Help You Diagnose Hashimoto’s and Monitor Your Treatment Progress
For over a decade, I had the symptoms of thyroid disease, but when tested for the “standard, usual biomarker for thyroid disease,” my TSH level, I was always …
Thyroid Antibodies Part 1: An Early Warning for Thyroid Disease
We know that Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune conditions develop due to three things. Genetic predisposition is one of those. The other two, intestinal …