Sometimes we can get stuck on our healing journey. We may be on a seemingly great diet, taking the right supplements, and doing everything in our power to …
Selenium: The Nutrient That Can Reduce Thyroid Antibodies by 40%
Selenium deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies that I see in people with Hashimoto's, and research suggests that thyroid disease is linked …
Sleep Solutions for Hashimoto’s
Sleep deprivation is an important root cause or exacerbating factor for various health conditions — and it’s also all-too-common in our modern world. For …
Studies on Magnesium and Thyroid Health
A few years ago, I started working with a new client who was taking twelve different supplements from an alternative medicine doctor. Some were antimicrobial …
How Betaine with Pepsin Can Help with Hashimoto’s
Many moons ago, I was chronically exhausted and needed to sleep for 11 to 12 hours to feel human. Things didn’t get much better, despite starting thyroid …
MTHFR, Hashimoto’s and Nutrients
You may have heard of the term “MTHFR gene mutation” and may be wondering what it is. First, I’d like to say that I prefer the term “MTHFR gene variation” …