As a pharmacist, I’ve seen how prescription medications for chronic conditions can often come up short in fully resolving symptoms and in making people feel …
Functional Medicine
What Type of Doctor Should You See If You Have Hashimoto’s?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could find the one doctor who could give us a magic pill to make all of our problems go away? We would lose weight, grow our hair …
Pharmacists in Functional Medicine
I often have people reaching out to me, asking for recommendations for someone who does what I do for the thyroid, but for another condition. So in honor of …
Why Hashimoto’s Requires a Root Cause Approach
When I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2009, I was told I had low levels of thyroid hormones (because my TSH was elevated), and that I needed to take thyroid …
Pain and Hashimoto’s
Dealing with Carpal Tunnel Every now and then I wake up with pain in my neck or back after sleeping “funny,” and this always leads me to count my blessings; I …
The Conventional, Complementary and Alternative Approach to Hashimoto’s and Thyroid Cancer
The way I see it, there are four ways you can approach a health diagnosis: The conventional medical approach: You see an M.D. that is trained and …