Female hormones are thought to play a role in the development of autoimmune thyroid conditions. Pregnancy, puberty, and perimenopause (periods of major changes …
Brain Fog
11 Strategies to Overcome Hashimoto’s Fatigue
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? How do you feel between 2 and 3 pm each day? Do you feel “awake” during the day, or do you feel brain fogged, …
A-Z Symptoms of Thyroid Disease
I’ve come to understand that Hashimoto’s can look very different from person to person. No two people will present with the exact same list of symptoms, and …
Why Thyroid Antibodies Matter
Some experts say that thyroid antibodies don't matter. They say you do not need to lower them, because they don't actually attack thyroid …
Why Addressing Adrenals Is a Must if You Have a Thyroid Problem
If you have Hashimoto’s and you aren’t working on supporting your adrenals, you'll want to read this! I still remember when my integrative doctor suggested I …
Does Adrenal Fatigue Exist?
When I began my healing journey from Hashimoto’s, I was amazed at how going gluten and dairy free resolved my acid reflux and IBS in just three days, and my …