Hashimoto’s is more than just hypothyroidism. It is a complex autoimmune condition that affects multiple systems and processes within the …
Case Study: Hashimoto’s and Celiac Disease in a Teen Girl
In my work as the Thyroid Pharmacist, I have mostly focused on caring for adults. However, in many cases, Hashimoto’s can start developing much earlier in life. …
10 Things I Wish My Endocrinologist Would Have Told Me
When I first started experiencing symptoms (before my Hashimoto’s diagnosis), and before I had started thinking that they could be related to my thyroid, I …
Top Herbs for Hashimoto’s
As a pharmacist, I’ve seen how prescription medications for chronic conditions can often come up short in fully resolving symptoms and in making people feel …
Natural Solutions to Managing Pain with Hashimoto’s
Over the years of working with people with Hashimoto’s, I have learned that most people will experience pain on some level. For some, it may manifest as a …