People who are newly diagnosed with Hashimoto’s are often confused about the symptoms they are experiencing. Personally, I was shocked to have been diagnosed …
The Surprising Effect of Zinc Deficiency on Hashimoto’s
Many of my readers have reported some of the following symptoms: brittle or white-spotted nails, a tendency to get sick easily, allergies, frequent respiratory …
Hashimoto’s and Sleep Apnea
I wanted to shed some light on the role of stress and sleep in Hashimoto’s. We know that stress is never helpful, right? One of the earliest cases of thyroid …
What’s Really Going On In Hashimoto’s?
Hashimoto’s is more than just hypothyroidism. It is a complex autoimmune condition that affects multiple systems and processes within the …
Natural Solutions to Managing Pain with Hashimoto’s
Over the years of working with people with Hashimoto’s, I have learned that most people will experience pain on some level. For some, it may manifest as a …