There are common underlying root causes in Hashimoto’s, including nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, an impaired ability to handle stress, intestinal …
Studies on Magnesium and Thyroid Health
A few years ago, I started working with a new client who was taking twelve different supplements from an alternative medicine doctor. Some were antimicrobial …
Root Causes of Depression and Hashimoto’s
Depression is a topic near and dear to my heart. Many moons ago, I lost a loved one to suicide... and while I’ll never understand the immense pain of a …
How Betaine with Pepsin Can Help with Hashimoto’s
Many moons ago, I was chronically exhausted and needed to sleep for 11 to 12 hours to feel human. Things didn’t get much better, despite starting thyroid …
Got Acid Reflux? And Hashimoto’s?
Got reflux? I had reflux, too. It started with a chronic cough, pain, burning, and choking sensation. I tried every over-the-counter product possible. I …