Over the years, I have found that many people with Hashimoto’s have issues with digestion, although they often haven’t connected these symptoms to their thyroid …
Is Gluten the Root Cause of Your Thyroid Condition?
As the gluten-free diet has gained popularity in recent years, you may hear mixed messages about it. One expert may say that gluten is toxic to humans (and …
NAC for Thyroid Antibody Reduction, Detoxification and Gut Health
A few years ago, I was asked: “If the supplement police came to your house and said you had to give up all but one of your supplements, which supplement would …
New Year, New Goals: 2024
Wow… do the years just fly by! I can’t believe that it’s been over 10 years since I started the thyroidpharmacist.com blog in 2013, and now 2023 is almost over. …
How Betaine with Pepsin Can Help with Hashimoto’s
Many moons ago, I was chronically exhausted and needed to sleep for 11 to 12 hours to feel human. Things didn’t get much better, despite starting thyroid …