When I first started experiencing symptoms (before my Hashimoto’s diagnosis), and before I had started thinking that they could be related to my thyroid, I …
What Type of Doctor Should You See If You Have Hashimoto’s?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could find the one doctor who could give us a magic pill to make all of our problems go away? We would lose weight, grow our hair …
Pharmacists in Functional Medicine
I often have people reaching out to me, asking for recommendations for someone who does what I do for the thyroid, but for another condition. So in honor of …
4 Key Steps That Can Help You Diagnose Hashimoto’s and Monitor Your Treatment Progress
For over a decade, I had the symptoms of thyroid disease, but when tested for the “standard, usual biomarker for thyroid disease,” my TSH level, I was always …
9 Medications That Are Toxic To Your Thyroid
When I was first attempting to uncover the root cause of my Hashimoto’s, I came across research by Dr. Alessio Fasano, a world-renowned gastroenterologist, …
Top Things You Should Know About Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid cancer rates have doubled over the past thirty years and continue to climb. In fact, thyroid cancer is currently the third fastest rising cancer …