I first set out to discover lifestyle interventions to help me heal from Hashimoto’s shortly after being diagnosed. My doctor prescribed me thyroid medication. …
What Does It Feel Like to Have Thyroid Disease?
Before my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, I had always been very polite, and described myself as a “diplomat.” People knew me as someone who maintained patience and …
Muscle Wasting and Hashimoto’s
Years ago, I struggled just to get through each day. I had so many frustrating symptoms, including anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux. I …
14 Safety Signals for Adrenal Healing
Our bodies are constantly receiving messages about our environment and adapting accordingly. Some signals indicate a threat. These include obvious red flags, …
The Mitochondria, Adrenal, and Thyroid Connection
If you’re a little nerdy like me, you may have noticed that the abbreviation for my new book, Adrenal Transformation Protocol: A 4-Week Plan to Release Stress …