I often get messages from people with Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune diseases, that say: “Thanks for your efforts, but I’ve already tried everything. I have …
Got Acid Reflux? And Hashimoto’s?
Got reflux? I had reflux, too. It started with a chronic cough, pain, burning, and choking sensation. I tried every over-the-counter product possible. I …
Histamine and Hashimoto’s
Histamine is such a fascinating chemical, and I feel like my knowledge and appreciation for histamine is ever-evolving! As a young pharmacy technician, I was …
The Ultimate Guide To Using Enzymes with Hashimoto’s
“Bad digestion is at the root of all evil,” said Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician who is considered to be the father of modern medicine. Although he was …
Uncover Your Hashimoto’s Root Cause with an Elimination Diet
Through my years of experience working with people with thyroid disease, I’ve found that food sensitivities are often a huge trigger for people with …
How Oxalates Affect Thyroid Health
In addition to thyroid symptoms, are you also experiencing joint pain, burning with urination, burning with bowel movements — and/or do you have a history of …