Over a decade ago, when I was initially diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I was experiencing shooting pain in both of my hands and arms, and was eventually …
What to Keep in Your Integrative Medicine Cabinet
One of my favorite things to do is to be super prepared (just ask my husband!). This translates to having lots of first aid kits and a fully stocked medicine …
Muscle Wasting and Hashimoto’s
Years ago, I struggled just to get through each day. I had so many frustrating symptoms, including anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux. I …
The Many Faces of Hashimoto’s
People who are newly diagnosed with Hashimoto’s are often confused about the symptoms they are experiencing. Personally, I was shocked to have been diagnosed …
Natural Solutions to Managing Pain with Hashimoto’s
Over the years of working with people with Hashimoto’s, I have learned that most people will experience pain on some level. For some, it may manifest as a …
How Oxalates Affect Thyroid Health
In addition to thyroid symptoms, are you also experiencing joint pain, burning with urination, burning with bowel movements — and/or do you have a history of …