We are exposed to so many toxins every day – both inside and outside our homes (some are obvious, some less so). For those of us with Hashimoto’s, this toxin …
Using S. boulardii for Hashimoto’s
I first learned about S. boulardii as a young pharmacist. It is a beneficial yeast (also known as a probiotic yeast) that is often recommended to people who …
Controversy: Is Coffee Bad For Your Thyroid?
Have you ever chased your thyroid meds with a cup of coffee? (I can’t be the only one who has done that!) Did you know that, for some people, coffee may …
Air Quality and Hashimoto’s – Is the Air You’re Breathing Making You Sick?
Did you know that we breathe around 2,000 gallons of air each day? (1) Most of the time, we don’t think twice about what might be in that air — but it could …
Spring Cleaning and Your Thyroid
Hello friends- Spring is in the air, and I am at that age when I am getting excited about spring cleaning (yes, I’m turning 40 this year, lol)! In full …
How Oxalates Affect Thyroid Health
In addition to thyroid symptoms, are you also experiencing joint pain, burning with urination, burning with bowel movements — and/or do you have a history of …