Throughout my journey to heal from Hashimoto’s, I’ve been able to eliminate all of my symptoms and get my condition into remission, using a variety of …
Leaky Gut
Top Questions About Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism
Each week, I get thousands of thoughtful questions from my readers. I’m so grateful for each and every one of them, but sometimes I feel like there is just not …
9 Medications That Are Toxic To Your Thyroid
When I was first attempting to uncover the root cause of my Hashimoto’s, I came across research by Dr. Alessio Fasano, a world-renowned gastroenterologist, …
For The Skeptical Scientists Like Me
Celiac, Hashimoto's, and Gluten Question from one of my fellow skeptical scientists… I received this question and, being a skeptical scientist myself, I was …
Functional Medicine Approach to the Thyroid
Proper gut function is key to a healthy body. I had the pleasure of attending an Advanced Gastrointestinal Conference by the Institute of Functional Medicine, …