We are exposed to so many toxins every day – both inside and outside our homes (some are obvious, some less so). For those of us with Hashimoto’s, this toxin …
Carpal Tunnel and Hashimoto’s
Over a decade ago, when I was initially diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I was experiencing shooting pain in both of my hands and arms, and was eventually …
How Your Gallbladder Affects Hashimoto’s and Fat Digestion
There is a saying that I’m sure you’ve heard many times: “You are what you eat.” And while that’s very true, I also like for people to remember: “You are …
10 Things To Do To Lower Your Toxic Burden
I don’t know about you, but I love the fall season… the excitement of back-to-school, the crisp change to the weather, the beautiful array of colors as leaves …
Are Flame Retardant Toxins Contributing to Your Thyroid Condition?
We are exposed to many chemicals each day, both inside and outside our homes. Those of us with Hashimoto’s often have difficulty removing these toxins from our …
Air Quality and Hashimoto’s – Is the Air You’re Breathing Making You Sick?
Did you know that we breathe around 2,000 gallons of air each day? (1) Most of the time, we don’t think twice about what might be in that air — but it could …