Wow… do the years just fly by! I can’t believe that it’s been over 10 years since I started the blog in 2013, and now 2023 is almost over. …
The Best Diet For Hashimoto’s
What is the right diet to heal Hashimoto’s? I hear this question a lot. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t always straightforward, as nutrition is the only …
Getting Quality Supplements
As a pharmacist, product safety and superiority is very important to me. Unfortunately, I’ve learned that many supplements are not only ineffective, but some …
What Does It Feel Like to Have Thyroid Disease?
Before my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, I had always been very polite, and described myself as a “diplomat.” People knew me as someone who maintained patience and …
Are Flame Retardant Toxins Contributing to Your Thyroid Condition?
We are exposed to many chemicals each day, both inside and outside our homes. Those of us with Hashimoto’s often have difficulty removing these toxins from our …
Holiday Gift Ideas: 2022 Edition
I’ve always enjoyed giving holiday gifts to loved ones, and just the same, have always appreciated receiving thoughtful gifts. However, holiday gifting became …