Before I received my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, I used to start each day with a protein smoothie. In some ways, this was a very positive habit; but in other …
Life Lately: What I’m Doing to Feel My Best All Summer
I hope this summer finds you well! I wanted to send a quick personal update and share with you a few things I’ve been doing this summer to support my health and …
Muscle Wasting and Hashimoto’s
Years ago, I struggled just to get through each day. I had so many frustrating symptoms, including anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux. I …
Using a Ketogenic Diet with Hashimoto’s
Ketogenic diets, which are high-fat/low-carbohydrate/moderate-protein diets, are a hot topic in the health and wellness community. My readers have a lot of …
Common Questions About Diet and Thyroid Health
Because dietary changes made such a great impact on my own recovery from Hashimoto's, I have been a big advocate of using food as a tool to heal from autoimmune …