I hope this summer finds you well! I wanted to send a quick personal update and share with you a few things I’ve been doing this summer to support my health and …
Why Thyroid Antibodies Matter
Some experts say that thyroid antibodies don't matter. They say you do not need to lower them, because they don't actually attack thyroid …
14 Ways Birth Control Pills Rob Us of Our Health
At the time I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I knew that I was not yet ready to start a family. With my health being less than optimal, it was obvious to …
Best Advice from Hashimamas
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers in our community! This year, Mother’s Day is extra special for me, as I just welcomed my sweet baby boy - Dimitry- …
Pregnancy Announcement
I’m so excited to announce that my husband and I are expecting our very own baby next month! Pregnancy has been a joyful, humbling, scary, overwhelming and …