I’ve come to understand that Hashimoto’s can look very different from person to person. No two people will present with the exact same list of symptoms, and …
Why Thyroid Antibodies Matter
Some experts say that thyroid antibodies don't matter. They say you do not need to lower them, because they don't actually attack thyroid …
Hashimoto’s Winter Survival Guide
Before my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, I was sleeping under two blankets while living in southern California, and wearing sweaters and scarves to my office, while …
Root Causes of Depression and Hashimoto’s
Depression is a topic near and dear to my heart. Many moons ago, I lost a loved one to suicide... and while I’ll never understand the immense pain of a …
The Benefits of Vitamin D for Your Thyroid
This time of year, I like to focus on immune support for my family. In previous years, I used to start in January, but thanks to preschool and kindergarten, I …