Did you know? I have numerous wellness companies that provide me with discount codes for my community in exchange for being listed on my website, and so I …
Hashimoto’s-Friendly Beauty Products
I’ve been a girly girl for most of my life. From a young age, I loved dressing up in fancy outfits and carrying around a purse, and I would always find my way …
Common Beauty Procedures That Are Compromising Your Health
While pursuing thyroid health has been my mission for the past several years, I have always taken pride in my external appearance. Being a full-time mom and …
Are You Sacrificing Your Health for External Beauty?
I’ve been a girly girl for most of my life. I started carrying around a purse when I was three, loved dressing up in fancy outfits for school dances, and used …
5 Toxic Skincare Ingredients You Should Avoid If You Have a Thyroid Condition
This guest post was originally posted in February of 2017, based on personal experience provided by Dr. Trevor Cates, author of Clean Skin from Within and …
New Skin Care Line Formulated by a Naturopathic Doctor
This post was originally posted in May of 2016, based on personal experience provided by Dr. Trevor Cates, author of Clean Skin from Within and creator of the …