Got reflux? I had reflux, too. It started with a chronic cough, pain, burning, and choking sensation. I tried every over-the-counter product possible. I …
How to Shrink Thyroid Nodules
I recently had the pleasure of connecting with a lovely lady who was very concerned about her thyroid nodules. She was a new mom who had just given birth and …
How Balancing Iron Levels Can Help Your Thyroid
When people initially start digging for their own root cause of Hashimoto’s, they will usually find more than one, and some of those may prove to be more …
What Does It Feel Like to Have Thyroid Disease?
Before my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, I had always been very polite, and described myself as a “diplomat.” People knew me as someone who maintained patience and …
Muscle Wasting and Hashimoto’s
Years ago, I struggled just to get through each day. I had so many frustrating symptoms, including anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux. I …