We are exposed to so many toxins every day – both inside and outside our homes (some are obvious, some less so). For those of us with Hashimoto’s, this toxin …
Hashimoto’s-Friendly Beauty Products
I’ve been a girly girl for most of my life. From a young age, I loved dressing up in fancy outfits and carrying around a purse, and I would always find my way …
What You Need to Know About Central Hypothyroidism
Every now and then, I get a message from someone who says, “Help! I don’t know what to do! My TSH is low, but so are my levels of T4 and T3 thyroid hormones! …
10 Things To Do To Lower Your Toxic Burden
I don’t know about you, but I love the fall season… the excitement of back-to-school, the crisp change to the weather, the beautiful array of colors as leaves …
Self-Care Resources for Adrenal Healing
Self-care is important all the time, especially for those of us with autoimmune disease, but it can take on a whole new meaning when you’re working on healing …
Common Beauty Procedures That Are Compromising Your Health
While pursuing thyroid health has been my mission for the past several years, I have always taken pride in my external appearance. Being a full-time mom and …