For many people with Hashimoto’s, the root cause of their hypothyroidism can be linked to dietary triggers. Often times, eliminating problematic foods is key to …
Could Nickel Be the Root Cause of Your Thyroid Symptoms?
Hashimoto’s can be exacerbated by or caused by a variety of triggers (or root causes, as I like to call them). The root causes for each person will vary, but in …
Could a Virus Be Your Hashimoto’s Root Cause?
When I have a client, or hear from a reader, who has been faithfully focused on interventions such as dietary changes and removing food sensitivities, but is …
The Thyroid and Formaldehyde Connection
While doing some initial fact finding for the Hashimoto’s Protocol book back in 2015, I came across some research suggesting that formaldehyde could have a …
Could the Epstein-Barr Virus Be a Hashimoto’s Trigger?
When I was taking my pharmacy licensing exam after graduation, I remember thinking that I could never possibly know more than I did at that time—but I have …
9 Medications That Are Toxic To Your Thyroid
When I was first attempting to uncover the root cause of my Hashimoto’s, I came across research by Dr. Alessio Fasano, a world-renowned gastroenterologist, …