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Have you heard that healing your gut is the next step you need to take to get your health back?


You heard right!

If you’ve tried all the ways to heal your gut but failed, you are in the right place, and I’m so glad that you’re here.

Maybe you’ve tried bone broth but didn’t feel any better.

Maybe you’ve tried taking probiotics, but they made you feel worse. 

Maybe you kept removing more and more foods, only to find there was very little left to eat.

Maybe you’ve tried antimicrobials but ended up with reactions that prevented you from finishing them. 

I’m here to tell you that healing is possible!

Even if…
You can’t tolerate histamines
You can’t tolerate oxalates
Bone broth makes you sick
You can’t do fermented foods
and glutamine gives you a headache…

If you’ve eliminated all the foods but still feel awful…

Take my hand and I’ll show you the way. 

I will walk you step by step to healing. We will work slowly and gently through every step so that we don’t miss a thing. And best of all, you won’t need to spend thousands on lab tests only to wait and be paralyzed by analysis. 

The Gut Recovery Program restores your gut from the ground up, so that you can find long-term, sustainable healing, and the energy and vitality to move forward with your life.

If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.

izabella-wentzI’ve personally come a long way on my journey with Hashimoto’s over the years, and hope to never return to the days when I was experiencing a long list of symptoms, including digestive problems, exhaustion, hair loss, brain fog, and anxiety.

For years, I had no idea what was going on in my body, and even after my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, the long journey ahead of me toward recovery seemed daunting. Once I began to discover the connection between the gut and my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, however, I realized that I had an important key in my hands to unlock my own remission.

While I was suffering from constant bloating, stomach pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux, it was hard to imagine that any of those symptoms were doing me any good.

But as I dove deeper into trying to uncover the mystery of these symptoms, I learned to view them as a very important clue…

Did you know that your thyroid and gut are intimately connected?

In holistic and functional medicine, there is a widely held understanding that all disease - and thereby all healing - begins in the gut. And for good reason!

Dr. Alessio Fasano, world-renowned gastroenterologist and gluten intolerance expert, describes autoimmunity as a three-legged stool that needs three things to be present, in order to manifest:

  1. The right genes
  2. Exposure to a trigger, such as trauma, stress, toxins, the use of certain medications, and/or exposure to an antigen (any substance that induces the immune system to produce antibodies against it)
  3. Intestinal permeability (leaky gut)

With a chronic condition like Hashimoto’s, intestinal permeability occurs when the tight junctions within the intestinal wall start separating, and “holes” are created. These holes allow for food molecules, such as gluten, to pass through, and the body labels these molecules as foreign invaders. The body then launches an attack on these “foreign” molecules as well as the thyroid gland, as it is structurally similar to gluten.

While we can’t change our genes, we can reverse an autoimmune condition by removing the trigger(s) that contributed to its development, and by healing intestinal permeability.

The gut performs the all-important role of digesting and absorbing the nutrients we take in, but it is also responsible for helping the immune system recognize foreign invaders from self-antigens, thereby facilitating the control of pathogens and preventing autoimmune reactions.

While not everyone dealing with Hashimoto’s or leaky gut will experience bloating, stomach pains, irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflux like I did, most people with Hashimoto’s do have some degree of intestinal permeability. Even those who have no apparent gut symptoms may be experiencing intestinal permeability, and for anyone living with an autoimmune condition, addressing gut function might be the best way to bring lasting healing to the body!

If we can reverse leaky gut, we can prevent or reverse autoimmunity.

There are a lot of programs out there designed to heal a leaky gut and address common digestive symptoms. Maybe you tried them and they helped, but you still struggle with lingering symptoms. Maybe you tried them and felt better for a little while, only to have symptoms return as new sensitivities developed. Or maybe you tried them and you feel worse than ever…

In my experience of working with thousands of people with Hashimoto’s over the past decade, as well as my own healing journey, there are certain steps that need to be addressed for almost everyone with Hashimoto’s to heal their gut…but the order of these steps is just as important.

  • Glutamine and bone broth that are recommended for healing can cause glutamate and histamine reactions that worsen symptoms, if introduced before addressing the microbiome imbalances and nutrient deficiencies that lead to glutamate and histamine reactions. Fortunately, there are ways to heal the histamine overload!
  • Oxalates that are found in many healthy foods, even on the Autoimmune Paleo Diet, can damage the intestinal lining and inhibit healing unless we address why the body has a backlog of oxalates (hint: it’s usually yeast or mold colonization).
  • Probiotics and enzymes that are meant to support the microbiome and relieve digestive symptoms can aggravate infections that have not been addressed.
  • Antimicrobials can cause a worsening of symptoms, if our pathways for clearing toxins aren’t supported.

Specific underlying conditions need to be addressed before true healing can take place, such as:

  • Nutrient Depletions - Zinc is one substance (among many others) that is required for rebuilding the intestinal lining. In times of stress, the body will pull zinc from our intestines and use it for other processes. Additionally, deficiencies in digestive enzymes that help us break down and extract our nutrients from foods, can contribute to zinc deficiency.
  • Food Sensitivities - Food sensitivities can contribute to leaky gut and prevent healing, and removing reactive foods can have a huge impact on symptoms. But in my experience, many food sensitivities are secondary to other Root Causes, like infections, and our diet will continue to become more limited, if we do not address the underlying root cause.
  • Infections - These can be triggers for autoimmune conditions, and greatly inhibit healing. The most common ones I see in Hashimoto’s, include:
    • H. pylori - In a recent analysis of GI-MAP stool test results in my clients and program participants, 33 percent had an H. pylori infection present. In a comprehensive 2015 survey I did with 2,232 people with Hashimoto’s, 41 percent of respondents reported feeling better with H. pylori treatment (50 percent saw improvement in pain, 34 percent improvement in labs, 40 percent improvement in mood, and 51 percent improvement in their energy.) Resolving H. pylori can also help reduce histamine reactions.
    • Blastocystis hominis (Blasto) & other protozoa - In our 2015 test data using the BioHealth 401H stool test, 29 percent had the parasite Blasto. In the GI-MAP test, 16 percent showed detection of Blasto (I feel the GI-MAP test, given it is a single stool sample, under-reports parasitic infection.) Research has found that eradicating Blasto often leads to the remission of both chronic hives and IBS. Many of my clients have also been able to reduce their TSH and TPO antibodies by eliminating Blasto (2 small studies have been posted on this so far, but I have seen it often in clients). Some have seen a reduction in food sensitivities or even remission of Hashimoto’s. Many people think that this parasite is impossible to get rid of, but I disagree and have poop tests to prove it. 😉
    • SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) - Though less research is available, one study found that 54 percent of people with Hashimoto’s also had SIBO, and I’ve seen SIBO commonly in my clients. The good news in this study was that 70.4 percent of those treated (with antibiotics) later tested negative for SIBO. I’ve found that treating SIBO can resolve gastrointestinal symptoms as well as reduce thyroid antibodies. Many people think that this condition is unsolvable, but the key is to support the downstream and upstream effects, like motility and poor stomach acid, to truly address this.
    • Yeast - In my 2015 survey, 25 percent of respondents said that they had been diagnosed with a yeast overgrowth condition. In our GI-MAP analysis, 19 percent showed some detection of Candida albicans. When there is an overgrowth of Candida, it exerts its opportunistic or harmful effects, and health issues can arise. One mechanism that Candida uses to exert these effects is by releasing toxins that result in various symptoms. It can also be a root cause of oxalate reactions.
    • Strep - In my GI-MAP test results analysis, 58 percent of samples had Streptococcus present. Anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), low stomach acid, and stress have been tied to Streptococcus, and I routinely see many connections between these common symptoms in my clients and overgrowth with this opportunistic bacteria.
    • Viruses - You may have heard that viruses like EBV can lead to the development of thyroid issues and autoimmunity. You may have heard that there’s nothing you can do, or you may have heard about various protocols, but have not succeeded. In my experience, EBV reactivates when we are low in folate, have excess yeast, and in the presence of other infections.

But there are so many potential root causes of a leaky gut, it can feel overwhelming to know where to begin. There are so many food sensitivity and gut tests out there, and yet, they’re not all created equally, so ordering the wrong test can lead to a dead end instead of real answers. I know this personally, as I had 7-8 gut tests without any helpful results, before I found a test that revealed that I had Blastocystis hominis, a parasite I later realized was a common root cause of Hashimoto’s (in a surreal "patient becomes the expert" moment, I was three years ahead of published scientific research on this), and learned about the functional medicine tests that are the most helpful for finding infections and triggers. 

Furthermore, gut testing can be prohibitively expensive and the results challenging to interpret, especially if you’re not working with a medical professional. (An additional expense that often comes out of pocket and averages around $450-$1000 for an initial visit!)

From tests for food sensitivities, stool and urine tests, to SIBO tests, you could be spending over $1,300-$4,000 dollars, waiting weeks for results, and still have to pay for expensive protocols anyway… that may or may not work… as well as follow up visits (around $300-$500 each) and repeat testing to ensure the treatments worked!

I know from experience that testing is a costly, time consuming process, and depending on the test, the results are not always accurate or easy to interpret.

I have done hundreds of these tests on myself and others over the last decade, and have come up with some really interesting patterns, where I feel confident in designing protocols that will help 80% of people have a healing breakthrough — just as I have been able to do with my Root Cause Reset and Adrenal Transformation Program.

I realized that the most efficient thing to do, is to look at assessments, and to develop a broad-spectrum, low-dose food and supplement based program that works in phases, from top to bottom.

This is why I created my own Gut Recovery Program, designed to bring healing to those who have tried it all and are still looking for answers.

If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.

It’s a 15-week, step-by-step, done-for-you program that will teach you how to nourish and heal your gut, through 7 targeted steps:


Check Mark STEP #1 - Remove Reactive Foods: We will begin by incorporating a healing diet and removing food sensitivities, while also adding in superfoods that heal. This diet is temporary, to allow the body to drop inflammation so that you can heal, and eat more foods!

Check Mark STEP #2 - Recalibrate: Healing foods won’t do you any good if you can’t tolerate them! Let’s prime your body so that you can tolerate all of the wonderful healing foods to come, and get your detox pathways moving so that you can prepare to kill pathogens. We will also be de-stressing (the gut and brain are intimately connected)!

Check Mark STEP #3 - Resolve Infections: We’ll jump into infection protocols to take care of the most common issues I see in Hashimoto’s (including: H. pylori, protozoa, SIBO, yeast, strep, and viruses!). I have carefully overlapped these protocols to make them multi-functional, so they are highly effective in the least amount of time needed to clear pathogens.

Check Mark STEP #4 - Restore Enzymes: By this point, we will have treated the gut issues that can contribute to digestion/motility issues and your digestion should be coming back on track, but if not, we’ll go in a little deeper and explore various enzymes for clean-up and testing options. 

Check Mark STEP #5 - Reseal & Repair: Your gut should be primed, clear of pathogens and reactive foods and moving along properly. Let’s do some “R&R” on supporting your gut integrity. 

Check Mark STEP #6 - Reseed: Now that the gut is healed, we can add in probiotics! Adding them too soon is well tolerated by many, but a problem to those that have certain infections, so that’s why we do this after the infection protocols.

Check Mark STEP #7 - Rebalance: We’ll feed those probiotics the food they need to grow and thrive!

In the Gut Recovery Program, functional medicine lab tests are optional (but available for you to self-order with a discount, should you want them). We will use assessments and get straight to healing. While labs can be a valuable tool, I know they’re not accessible to everyone. Additionally, they can be difficult to interpret without the added expense of a functional practitioner consultation, and cause a lot of decision paralysis. Instead, I’ve found that there are many protocols that are almost universally effective for people experiencing gut issues. That said, should you need modifications based on a test, specific symptom, or inability to swallow capsules, the program is designed to be tailored to your needs, and we will have Q&As throughout each step of the program, where you will be able to send in your questions ahead of time, for me, and my team nutritionist, to review and answer on video.

This program will focus on total gut restoration that will cover things beyond the standard recommendations of “take probiotics and drink bone broth.” Yes, we will do these things along the way, but we will go much, much deeper to address the root causes of leaky gut and food sensitivities.

We’ll remove specific reactive foods to set the stage for healing, prime your detox pathways so that you can safely eliminate infections and pathogens from the body, optimize digestion and motility and restore gut integrity, to build resilience and tolerance.

We’ll then refuel the microbiome for complete and lasting gut healing, instead of looking for band aid “solutions” that provide only short-term relief.

When you have completed the 7 steps, we will transition into a maintenance phase, so you will be able to introduce most foods back in, and will know how to stay healthy!

I offered this program to a small group of people for the first time in 2022, to ensure all program members experienced the best outcomes. They completed both our Intake and Outtake survey, designed to track targeted symptoms before and after the program, and they reported these incredible results. After we launched the program to the public for the first time almost two years ago, we were blown away by the feedback we received from participants...

Past participants in the Gut Recovery Program have experienced some amazing results:


I personally expected that most gut-related symptoms would improve with the program, but was amazed at how many other seemingly unrelated symptoms were resolved as well!

How would your life change if you experienced these results for yourself?

Here’s what others have said about the Gut Recovery Program:

“I am a poster child for Dr Wentz’s Gut Recovery Protocol. I believe I have every single condition and pathogen that she addresses in her program. I am so grateful to have participated in her program as it has been life changing and, quite honestly, life saving for me. Dr. Wentz is the first person to have linked all my problems, illnesses and symptoms together. That is why I feel this program has been the best investment I have made in years to really address the root causes contributing to my ill health. Thank you for making it affordable and easy to understand. I have learned so much even though I have been studying these topics on my own for many years. I believe in natural, holistic approach to health whenever possible. Dr. Wentz truly cares about others and their journey back to health. She is so willing to share her research, her protocols, and knowledge. It turned out to be even more than I expected and I am so very grateful that I had a chance to participate. Thank you Dr. Wentz and also your whole team!!” - Linda L.

“Wow! The GRP is going well for me, and I have learned so much! In the past couple of years, I couldn’t fit into a lot of my clothes because of bloating/gas and now I can! Plus, my gut feels better!!” - Ellie

Your suggestions have been the only things that seem to work for me. I healed my sulfur and histamine sensitivities. Thank you!!” - Montana V.

“Dr. Wentz is amazing! She is a thorough researcher and provides a lot of information in her programs [including the Gut Recovery Program]. I have been to natural doctors and the information Dr. Wentz provides is so much more detailed! Her protocols, including a healthy diet and supplements are very gentle. The shakes/food/recipes are very healthy, but I am never hungry. Following her protocols requires some lifestyle changes, but the results are worth it! I would not hesitate to take more courses from Dr. Wentz.” - Katie R.

"[...] I feel great! I sleep (which has been rare over the past 7 years since I hit menopause), I'm back to exercising most days and my anxiety is almost non-existent. Nausea has gone, eczema improved, rarely a stomach upset, hair is thick and lustrous. My skin is still fragile but I'm working on that with my naturopath. I don't have brain fog anymore and my memory is so much better. I feel and look so much better (according to my kids)." - Janette

"My improvements: decreased my gut issues, I'm less fatigued, experience less mental fog and confusion, my stomach problems have significantly decreased, not to mention I'm happier, thanks Dr Izabella you are wonderful and I've so much gratitude for you because the Thyroid Hashimoto's knowledge you have given me is Invaluable." - Stella

Just sign up for the gut health protocol it will change your life forever and will be the best thing you could do for your health. Even if you think your gut is fine, it’s probably not if you eat anything from the standard American diet.” - Jenny N.

If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.

Do you experience any of these symptoms?

Gut Symptoms

If you answered “yes”, this Gut Recovery Program can help you heal!

Here’s what Ellen S. had to say about the program:

“I am very grateful for all the work Dr. Wentz and staff have put into offering the Gut Recovery Program. Although it is an investment, It offers a much cheaper possibility for healing leaky gut, then seeing a Functional Medicine practitioner privately. I'm appreciative there was an option for me to put in the extra work/learning and make it more affordable for myself. I learned an enormous amount of important information, for instance needing to prioritize getting rid of H. Pylori first, to then heal SIBO, etc. I have a few weeks left because I'm utilizing a slower option of doing the program. But without having finished yet, I still have some valuable improvements. My bloating has really improved and in general my digestion is better. I have lost weight in my belly, enough to go down 1 pant size. My brain fog and fatigue have improved. I can't wait to see the totality of improvements when I finish.”

My commitment is to helping you heal and share solutions that I have learned. Even for the most “difficult cases”, there is hope. Using the latest functional medicine protocols and patterns I’ve observed from people who were still struggling despite going gluten free and “trying everything”, I created my latest program.

Rebecca said this about one of my programs:

“This program gave me the confidence and push to take back control of my life. The support of others, the team, and materials. I’ve had the cookbook and protocol books for a few months but never just went for it. It has been the best 30 days. I haven’t felt better in over two years. Although the diet was tough at first, I feel so much better and don’t crave those other foods anymore. Thank you for helping me get my weight, health, and life back. This program is a life saver. Being a new mom and having fatigue, weight gain, mood swings and a whole bunch of symptoms, I never felt like myself. I couldn’t lose the weight, I couldn’t get anything under control. This has helped me take my life back.”

When you join the Gut Program, this could be your success story, too.

Over the span of 15 weeks, I’ll walk you slowly through 7 steps for healing with:

  • 50+ life-changing handouts with activities and strategies to address the root causes of gut issues, for lasting healing
  • Detailed supplement guides
  • Meal plans and recipe guides
  • 15+ short educational videos
  • Action plans for troubleshooting specific digestive symptoms (30+ assessments)
  • 45+ goal-oriented emails to support you as you work on healing your gut
  • Q&A videos throughout each step, with yours truly, and my Root Cause-trained Nutritionist (Group size is limited so you get all your questions answered!)
  • Our exclusive Gut Recovery Program Facebook support group
  • Support from the Gut Recovery Program team
  • Access to the Knowledge Database, which contains responses to many questions from past Gut Recovery Program participants and Q&A sessions
  • …and so much more!

There will also be a Welcome Week before the program officially begins, to ensure you are prepared to get the most out of the program, as well as a Wrap Up Week before we conclude, to provide you with all the information you need to maintain your happy, healthy gut long term.

If this sounds like a lot to do over a few short months, at no point do I want you to feel stressed out or overwhelmed by the information, nor the protocols. We’ll be taking baby steps!

I know it can be scary to start something new, especially when you’ve been disappointed by other programs in the past that promised incredible results and left you feeling worse than when you started. But I want you to know that I have poured my heart, soul, and years of experience into creating a program that will walk you through each step of healing in a carefully planned way, and will offer you the support of me and my community, so you’ll never feel alone. I promise, healing is possible!

Yilda experienced immediate relief in her gut symptoms and inflammation, using my healing protocols:

“From day one my bowel movements were deep and complete and for the record I don’t suffer from constipation however I notice improvement right away. My bloating disappeared...this is huge! My belly is not angry anymore. I lost belly inches, my clothes felt better. People told me that my face didn’t look swollen anymore. Overall it was a great program. We had excellent coaching and a schedule that allow us to prepare and plan ahead to reduced the stress of new changes. Love the new version of the root cause smoothie...way better compare to the original, actually it was my favorite recipe!”

And Ellie loved the easy-to-follow approach and value of the program:

“The step by step approach, and Dr. Wentz and her team's guidance and support have been the most helpful for me. I am so glad I signed up for the GRP! The step by step approach has been very helpful! The program gave me the tools to easily tailor the steps to meet my needs. I appreciated the support of Dr. Wentz and her very knowledgeable team. I would recommend the GRP to others. The cost of the program and supplements was something that I had to get comfortable with in the beginning. I now feel that the cost of the program was a good value. I feel that Rootcology provides great supplements and love that they're tailored to meet the needs of those with Hashimoto's. The kits simplified ordering and I greatly appreciated those.”

Most people will see a significant improvement in symptoms week by week. If however, you still have residual symptoms at the end of the program, we’ll revisit them and I will give you troubleshooting direction. I’ve also created a Symptom Journal so you can track your progress, and really tune into the improvements you are making.

Together, we’ve got this!

If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.

Here’s what you will get when you enroll…


Feeling overwhelmed? Tried everything, but nothing’s worked? I get it. My latest program is for the busy mom, working professional, and everyday person, so that they can find their root cause and start living symptom-free.

I want to set you up for total success and help you feel good again, so I carefully developed this online program to provide you with:

The Kick-Off Video
You will learn how to prepare for and get the most from this program, so you will have the best success!

portal-iconInteractive Portal Access
Including lessons, workbooks, and video modules that will train and equip you with tools to heal.

assessment-iconGut Assessment
This targeted questionnaire will help you determine your current gut health, tailor your program to your symptoms, and track your healing progress, every step of the way.

QA-iconHelpful Q&A Videos
Submit your questions for me and my team, and discover how to make the most out of transforming your body… from the inside out.

support-iconSupportive Community
You’ll have access to a private Facebook group of fellow Gut Recovery Program members, where you can ask questions, learn from, and support one another.

goals-iconGoal Emails and Accountability
You’ll receive goal-oriented emails along with encouragement and key information, broken down into tiny, bite-sized pieces to help you thrive during the program (and not leave you feeling overwhelmed).

recipes-iconEasy to Implement Meal Plans
I’ll share my favorite recipes, shopping lists, and meal plans. I did the work upfront to make this as stress free as possible for you! 🙂

steps-iconStep by Step Guidance
I’ll provide resources and tips every step of the way, so you can learn how to fit the Gut Recovery Program into your daily routine.

supplements-iconSuperior Supplements
Get access to my supplement brand, Rootcology, at a 25% discount for all of my Gut Recovery Program Members.

And so much more!

What if you really could fit this into the nooks and crannies of your life, get amazing results, and feel good again? I’ll show you exactly how to do this when you enroll.

Still Not Sure if This Program Is for You?

If you’re ready but afraid you can’t afford it…

Getting your health back doesn’t have to be a life-altering, overwhelming process.

It doesn’t have to break the bank either.

Joining this program costs just $495 – $4/day – an incredible deal!

That’s less than the cost of medical bills from one doctor visit. 

An initial visit with a functional medicine practitioner averages around $450-$1,000, and in most functional healing plans, you’ll start with labs to help determine a treatment plan. These can cost hundreds (even thousands) of dollars, and functional labs are often not covered by insurance.

If we were to undertake gut testing to uncover all of the potential root causes, here are the common tests we would run – some of them can run over $1,000 each!:

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) breath test
  • Stool testing (for pathogens)
  • Organic acid testing (for fungal infections)
  • Food sensitivity testing
  • Tests for various viral infections

For just these tests alone you’ll have spent $2,200 - $5000+ dollars and have to wait up to four weeks (including 1 week sample shipping time) just to get your results back. That’s a lot of time and money spent while you’re at home still dealing with all of your gut symptoms, before you even begin on a protocol to resolve the issues.

Then, you’ll have 10-12 follow up visits (around $300-$500 each) as you work through your root causes - and you still have to pay for supplements and medications to treat them! Supplement costs can vary when working with an experienced practitioner, but they are generally between $300-$3,000. I won’t even mention the cost of working with someone who ends up making you feel worse. 🙁 

I have heard from too many people who have said that they had easily spent over $10,000 on doctors, lab testing, and supplements, yet they were still sick. 

I’ve also seen others try to do it on their own with just diet alone, and end up even sicker than before, as they continue to lose more foods!

This happened to me as well, and it really breaks my heart to see others going through this, as there are solutions out there that can help you heal. I am always thinking about ways I can help more people heal, and this program has been in the works for 7+ years now. It's based on the things that helped many people heal using my original Hashimoto’s Protocols (published in the 2017 NYT Bestseller Hashimoto’s Protocol), and dedicated to the clients that were NOT helped by the Hashimoto’s Protocols. I studied the health files of those who got better, and those that didn’t get better with the standard probiotics, enzymes and bone broth protocols, and kept seeking out more knowledge until I could understand the patterns that were holding people back from healing.

The Gut Recovery Program focuses on diet, lifestyle, and supplements, so there is an additional investment in quality foods, as well as targeted supplements, which range from $135-$1060 to be used over three months

The cost will vary depending on the results of your assessment, and I promise the supplements are worth it, because you’re worth it! I’ll walk you through exactly which supplements will help you heal and how they will support you, so that you can have complete confidence in your investment. And, we will introduce them in phases, so you only have to purchase what you need, when you need it.

We’ll be getting to the root cause of your gut issues and autoimmune condition…which is not something you’ll find from most conventional practitioners.

What if this program was the one you’ve been searching for all along?

What if this step is the one that finally brings you long-term healing?

Try it.

You have nothing to lose but symptoms.

Don’t take my work for it…read what Kathleen M. had to say about the program:

The entire GRP program was extremely helpful to me! I loved all of the educational tools from the vast amount of teaching articles, assessments, audio teachings, weekly accountability through emails and the wonderfully supportive people running the Facebook group and answering our many questions. Everyone was so patient, kind and knowledgeable. I loved also being able to personally ask Dr. Wentz questions regarding my health struggles and receive her feedback along with her interpretation on my testing. I never knew that gut healing needs to be done in stages and that we cannot just ‘throw L-glutamine’ at the gut. To learn there is a step by step process to healing the gut and introducing new foods and healing supplements in a calculated way was eye opening to me. I loved everything about this course! You all did an amazing job and again everyone was so patient and kind! Yes definitely I would recommend it because the GRP course was like nothing else I have come across before. I learned there is a calculated process to healing the gut which removes inflammatory foods and toxins and then gradually adds back in supportive foods and supplements along with learning to listen to your body and not push beyond the messages your body is telling you. If you get stuck and are unsure about a food, the process or the message your body is sending you, the FB group was always there to ask for insightful support.

Just like Kathleen, you can begin to learn what your body is telling you about your health and get the resources you need to finally heal your gut and feel your best!

If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.

This program is for you if:

  • You’re ready to restore your gut health and lay the foundation for long term healing
  • You’ve tried other gut healing recommendations, such as: healing diets, juicing, and bone broth, or antimicrobials, but have been left disappointed
  • You want to heal your gut and symptoms, but don’t know where to start
  • You’re committed to caring for you and to investing in yourself
  • You want to learn more about how to take charge of your condition
  • You thrive in being a part of a community
  • You don’t want to be stuck on a restrictive diet forever

This program is not for you if:

  • You are medically unstable and in need of urgent medical attention (please see a doctor ASAP)
  • You are experiencing acute GI symptoms, such as uncontrolled diarrhea with fever/vomiting, or rectal bleeding+
  • You are pregnant, nursing, or you are taking certain medications, including blood thinners, diuretics or steroid medications
  • You are not willing or unable to change your diet or lifestyle
  • You want someone else to “heal” you without participating in your healing
  • You are medically unstable and in need of urgent medical attention (please see a doctor ASAP)
  • You have inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. We hope to welcome members with Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis for future releases of the program, once we add in the relevant protocols.

(Please consult with your practitioner before starting this, or any new program. +At this time, we do not have the materials and resources to best support IBD clients, however, we hope to support you in future programs!)

Isn’t it time to give yourself the gift of health?

With the resources I provide and the dedication you bring to the program, we can finally find the root cause of your condition and start healing.

I hope you’ll join me — and others like you — to reclaim your health and live the life you’ve dreamt of living.

Program Guarantee


If for whatever reason, you decide that the Gut Recovery Program is not a good fit for you and you want a refund, all you have to do is email our customer service department at info@thyroidpharmacist.com. Simply let us know within 30 days of purchase, and we’ll get back to you within 24–48 business hours. This will allow you to have access through the prep week and check out 3 complete weeks of the program before deciding.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Gut Program

Which program should I start with?
If you have lingering weight gain, skin issues, fatigue, hormonal issues, anxiety, and pain symptoms that didn’t seem to budge with diet, exercise, and the usual conventional and integrative protocols, my Root Cause Reset can help. The Reset focuses on optimizing liver health, and while I usually recommend that people begin their healing journey with support for the liver, it truly all works in synergy. This program can be a great next step after you’ve worked on healing your gut.

If you’re still struggling with brain fog, fatigue, forgetfulness, anxiety, irritability, cold intolerance, trouble sleeping, low libido, nervousness, depression… or other lingering symptoms of adrenal dysfunction, the Adrenal Transformation Program may be the perfect next step for you.

If you’ve already worked on your liver and adrenal health, and you are still struggling with symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux/GERD, gas, bloating, stomach pain and more, the Gut Recovery Program is going to be your next step to healing.

How will the program be tailored to me?
The program will utilize detailed assessments and intake forms for each participant, as well as Q&As with Dr. Wentz and the Gut Recovery Program team throughout each step, to guide your healing.

Do I have to follow the protocol’s schedule?
The program begins February 17th and runs through June 1st. There is an additional welcome week February 10th-15th that is designed to get your onboarded and ready to begin the program with the group. The program’s protocol is designed for maximum success in the given time frame. All participants will be starting the program on the same date, and there will be goals and resources to follow over a specific timeline. You’ll be able to download content to work at your own pace, however I recommend sticking to the program schedule to get the most benefit out of the program.

How much time is required each day?
Depending on the day, how committed you are, and how many of the interventions are completely new to you, it will vary from person to person. The people who have the best results set aside some time every day to plan the next step and make sure they are prepared, calm and have time to rest and recover. This is a special time to give your health your full attention.

We will be sending daily emails during the Welcome week, so you can prepare for the program. Then, you’ll receive an email every Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the seven program steps. It’s recommended to allow at least one hour on the day each email is sent, to review the program materials, and allow additional time throughout the week to implement the dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Are the supplements / diet Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) friendly?
We will be following a diet based on AIP and low oxalate foods, but it is NOT the same thing as Autoimmune Paleo. Recipes and supplements may contain ingredients that are not AIP and that you haven’t previously tolerated. This is okay in most cases, as we will introduce supplements and foods in phases, so that they can be better tolerated.

A primary goal of this program is to resolve the root causes leading to intolerances, so that members are able to tolerate a variety of foods and ingredients, and implement a more diverse diet (with a focus on clean and organic ingredients). We have carefully outlined the program schedule to introduce each supplement at specific stages, where you will be less likely to have a reaction, due to addressing root causes. Many of the foods avoided on AIP are not inherently “bad”, but are inflammatory due to having a leaky gut. As we heal the gut, you will be able to tolerate more things.

Is this diet right for me?
If you’re on the Standard American Diet (SAD), we recommend starting the Root Cause Intro or Paleo diet first, either via my programs or books, or on your own (covered in my Root Cause Reset, Adrenal Transformation Program, or Hashimoto’s Protocol book). This is not to say that you can’t complete the Gut Recovery Program when starting from a SAD diet, but the diet is a requirement for success and can be a challenging adjustment for those who are new to dietary interventions. So, please keep in mind if you have not already started on a healing diet, you may find the change and removal of foods to be overwhelming, and added stress is not good for your gut (or thyroid!).

Can I do this program if I am a vegan / vegetarian / pescatarian?
Unfortunately, the dietary recommendations in the program are not compatible with a vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian diet at this time.

While the vegan, vegetarian, and pescatarian diets can be helpful for a variety of conditions, I have found that about 30 percent of people feel worse on the vegan diet with Hashimoto’s, while only 27 percent feel better. This is in contrast to 88 percent feeling better gluten free!

Unfortunately, vegan/vegetarian sources of protein such as legumes (beans), dairy, grains, soy and some seeds may be incompatible with trying to heal a leaky gut, and are not included in the Gut Recovery diet.

Eggs, some seeds, and nuts would be the preferred sources of protein for vegetarians. However, some people with Hashimoto’s may be intolerant to those as well, especially in the early stages of starting a healing diet, so we will be avoiding them for the duration of the program. As such, it is important to try to add nutrient-dense meats to maximize healing during this time.

How long do I have access to the course materials and email support?
The Gut Recovery Program is a 15 week course (we’ll also have 1 week of prep, before you begin). You will have access to our support team through email and Facebook, as well as uninterrupted access to the portal and all its contents, for a full year from your date of purchase. We highly recommend downloading the course materials during this time, so you can access them indefinitely. You will have access to the Facebook support group for 7 months, starting from Day 1 of the program.

I don’t want to join Facebook, do I have to?
Upon signing up, you’ll receive a link to our private Facebook group, where members can communicate with other members, as well as our support team.

If you do not have Facebook, it may be beneficial to set up a temporary account to be a part of the group discussion. However, all necessary information to complete the program will be available within the Gut Recovery Program portal, so it is not a requirement.

Can I participate if I live outside of the United States?
Yes, you can participate if you’re living outside of the United States!

All content and resources will be available in the program portal for you to review at a time that is convenient for you.

We have set up a Canadian-specific list of recommended supplements, as well as relationships with European-based dispensaries that can ship to other countries. There will be guides available for supplement alternatives to help you order. However, you may want to get a head-start on ordering supplements as sourcing and shipping may vary from the standard recommendations. Additionally, please consider your country’s importation taxes as well as the currency exchange rate.

What is the cost of supplements?
Supplements for this program will be recommended in phases, based on my 7 Steps of Gut Recovery. You will do an assessment to help you determine the need for each supplement within each Step.

I’ve developed Kits for the steps with multiple recommended supplements, for comprehensive coverage and convenience at a discounted price. However, please keep in mind that you may not need every single supplement within each Kit.

Based on your assessment results, you can also order the supplements individually with your 10% off program member discount. This may help you further minimize costs, depending which supplements you need.

Those with more symptoms will likely need more supplements. 

Here is a breakdown of the cost at each step, with your 25% off discount:

  • Remove Reactive Foods: Step 1 - $0-62.23 (0-1 supplement)
  • Recalibrate: Step 2 - $24.72-$179.97 (1-5 supplements)
  • Resolve Infections: Step 3A - $0-$175.44 (0-4 supplements)
  • Resolve Infections: Step 3B - $14.97-$153.40 (1-5 supplements)
  • Restore Enzymes: Step 4 - $29.97-$129.50 (1-4 supplements)
  • Reseal & Repair: Step 5 - $65.22 (1 supplement - highly recommended)
  • Reseed: Step 6 - $0-$185.97 (0-4 supplements)
  • Rebalance: Step 7 - $0-$112.47 (0-4 supplements)

Approximate total cost of supplements: $135-1064

We will also have optional opportunities to order labs and additional supportive supplements at a discount, based on your needs. 

Are supplements required?
Yes, this program does require utilizing various supplements throughout in order to achieve successful outcomes, when indicated. Standard recommendations like following an AIP diet, eating fermented foods, drinking bone broth, etc. can be helpful for supporting the gut. However, this program targets the root causes of gut and autoimmune issues versus band-aid solutions, and supplements are an efficient and effective way to prepare the gut for healing, kill infections, and support gut motility and the microbiome. You will go through an assessment that will help you discover the supplements that are most likely beneficial.

What is the return policy for supplements?
My Rootcology supplement line offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all products. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with a product, it may be returned to Rootcology within 30 days of purchase for a full refund, minus shipping/handling fees. Return shipping is paid by the customer.

What if I want to do the program but have an allergy to one of the supplement ingredients, or can’t swallow pills?
If you have a known allergy to an ingredient in any of the supplements, please do not take them. If you have known sensitivities to the supplement ingredients, one thing to keep in mind is that we will be addressing the root causes of many sensitivities as we progress through the program, so that you will be able to better tolerate specific supplements and ingredients, before we introduce them. If you have sensitivities/allergies to supplement ingredients, or can’t swallow pills, we can help you find alternative solutions.

Many sensitivities are due to having a leaky gut. As we heal the gut, you will be able to tolerate more things. That said, if you suspect you are reacting to a supplement at any time through the course of the program, you would want to discontinue that supplement.

How long will it take for my products to arrive?
You will be given access to the Gut Recovery Program portal and introductory content immediately after purchasing. Modules will be released step-by-step thereafter, following the course schedule.

Rootcology orders will be shipped within 3 business days of receiving your supplement order. Please allow an additional 2 to 3 business days for the product to be delivered. Items on backorder or shipping from multiple locations may require additional processing time. For non-U.S. supplement orders, please check the shipping estimates with the shops you are purchasing from.

What’s the shelf life of the supplements?
Generally, Rootcology products “expire” 18-36 months after the manufacturing date, which is marked on the bottom of the container. After that, the products are not unsafe, however, they may start to lose their potency.

Is there a support line or chat available? What support is offered?
We’ll have Q&As throughout each step of the program, where you will be able to send in your questions ahead of time, for me and my Root Cause-trained Nutritionist to review and answer on video. You will also have access to my support team dedicated specifically to this program. They will be ready to answer your questions via email, however, please be advised that while they can provide support by directing members to resources and clarifying information, my team is unable to answer specific questions not covered in the program materials, provide personalized health advice, or interpret lab results, as they are not practitioners, and you deserve the personalized care of a focused primary care physician. We hope you understand.

Additionally, you will have unlimited access to a searchable database of Q&As from past participants of my Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program, answered by yours truly! There will also be an exclusive Facebook group for program members. Comments posted in the Facebook group are responded to by our customer service team and nutritionist, and are a wonderful way to get support from others in the program.

Is Dr. Wentz actually involved in the program?
Yes! In addition to developing the program, Dr. Wentz has been working behind the scenes of her programs over the last 7 years, but with limited bandwidth for Q&A and Facebook participation, due to having a small child at home. So, she trained two coaches in her protocols for the Adrenal Transformation Program and Root Cause Reset. As this is a brand new program and her son is now in school, Dr. Wentz is involved with not just program development and behind the scenes, but also Q&As and the Facebook group.

What infections does the program help?
The Gut Recovery Program is designed to address the most common infections I have seen in those with Hashimoto’s, including: 

  • H. pylori - In a recent analysis of GI-MAP stool test results in my clients and program participants, 33 percent had an H. pylori infection present. In a comprehensive 2015 survey I did with 2,232 people with Hashimoto’s, 41 percent of respondents reported feeling better with H. pylori treatment (50 percent saw improvement in pain, 34 percent improvement in labs, 40 percent improvement in mood, and 51 percent improvement in their energy.) Resolving H. pylori can also help reduce histamine reactions.
  • Blastocystis hominis (Blasto) & other protozoa - In our 2015 test data using the BioHealth 401H stool test, 29 percent had the parasite Blasto. In the GI-MAP test, 16 percent showed detection of Blasto (I feel the GI-MAP test, given it is a single stool sample, under-reports parasitic infection.) Research has found that eradicating Blasto often leads to the remission of both chronic hives and IBS. Many of my clients have also been able to reduce their TSH and TPO antibodies by eliminating Blasto (two small studies have been posted on this so far, but I have seen it often in clients). Some have seen a reduction in food sensitivities or even remission of Hashimoto’s. Many people think that this parasite is impossible to get rid of, but I disagree and have poop tests to prove it. 😉 
  • SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) - Though less research is available, one study found that 54 percent of people with Hashimoto’s also had SIBO, and I’ve seen SIBO commonly in my clients. The good news in this study was that 70.4 percent of those treated (with antibiotics) later tested negative for SIBO. I’ve found that treating SIBO can resolve gastrointestinal symptoms as well as reduce thyroid antibodies. Many people think that this condition is unsolvable too, but the key is to support the downstream and upstream effects, like motility and poor stomach acid, to truly address this. 
  • Yeast - In my 2015 survey, 25 percent of respondents said that they had been diagnosed with a yeast overgrowth condition. In our GI-MAP analysis, 19 percent showed some detection of Candida albicans. When there is an overgrowth of Candida, it exerts its opportunistic or harmful effects, and health issues can arise. One mechanism that Candida uses to exert these effects is by releasing toxins that result in various symptoms. It can also be a root cause of oxalate reactions.
  • Strep - In my GI-MAP test results analysis, 58 percent of samples had Streptococcus present. Anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), low stomach acid, and stress have been tied to Streptococcus, and I routinely see many connections between these common symptoms in my clients and overgrowth with this opportunistic bacteria. 
  • Viruses - You may have heard that viruses like EBV can lead to the development of thyroid issues and autoimmunity. You may have heard that there’s nothing you can do, or you may have heard about various protocols, but have not succeeded. In my experience, EBV reactivates when we are low in folate, have excess yeast, and in the presence of other infections.

      What if I already have done SIBO, GI-MAP or other tests?
      You can submit the tests to be interpreted by me. If you have completed an intake already, we can help you understand your test results, or refer you for more guidance if needed. 

      Can you help me order gut tests?
      Yes, program participants will be able to order gut tests if desired, using our professional discount. You will have access to functional medicine food sensitivity testing, stool testing, urine tests, and SIBO breath testing. 

      How will this program affect any medications I am taking?
      The Gut Recovery Program supplements are generally safe to take while on thyroid medications. It is, however, recommended that you separate thyroid medications and supplements as instructed by your practitioner or pharmacist. (Most are to be taken 30 minutes to 1 hour after your thyroid medication; magnesium, calcium, and iron, 4 hours after.)

      Additionally, I recommend working with your doctor to test your thyroid function every 4-12 weeks during the program, as this may improve while you work on the root causes, and you may become overmedicated with thyroid hormones. 

      Lifestyle changes can result in improved thyroid function and/or an increased absorption of thyroid hormone medications, leading to a lower required dose and possible symptoms of hyperthyroidism at a dose that was previously stable. Please discuss lifestyle changes with your physician and ensure that your thyroid function is monitored every 6-8 weeks while making lifestyle changes. Symptoms of overmedication include, but are not limited to: rapid or irregular heartbeat, nervousness, irritability or mood swings, muscle weakness or tremors, diarrhea, menstrual irregularities, hair loss, weight loss, insomnia, chest pain, and excessive sweating. Do not start, change, increase, decrease or discontinue your medications without consulting with your physician.

      This program is not for those taking certain medications, including blood thinners, diuretics, or steroid medications. Please consult your physician before starting this or any new program.

      Can I participate if I have IBS?
      Yes! The program is designed to get to the root cause of diarrhea and constipation.

      Can I participate if I have GERD?
      Yes! The program is designed to get to the root cause of GERD! 

      Can I participate if I have Celiac disease?
      Studies have found that about 1 in 5 people with Hashimoto’s also have Celiac disease. Most autoimmune conditions have common root causes, and a lot of times the things that are recommended for one autoimmune condition will help with others. I’ve personally seen my protocols help many clients with Celiac disease, so you can definitely benefit from this program.

      Who should NOT do the program?
      This program is not for you if:

      • You are medically unstable and in need of urgent medical attention (please see a doctor ASAP)
      • You are experiencing acute GI symptoms, such as uncontrolled diarrhea with fever/vomiting, or rectal bleeding+
      • You are taking certain medications, including blood thinners, diuretics or steroid medications
      • You are not willing or unable to change your diet or lifestyle
      • You want someone else to “heal” you without participating in your healing
      • You have inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. We hope to welcome members with Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis for future releases of the program, once we add in the relevant protocols.

      Please consult with your practitioner before starting this, or any new program. 

      When will I start seeing results?
      It may take a week or longer for you to feel any changes. Depending on what your lifestyle, diet, and health were like before the program, it’s hard to give an exact timeframe. Some people who are already following an Autoimmune Paleo diet will begin to see improvements in food tolerance and a reduction in symptoms a few weeks in, once we begin to address root causes. Others who are radically changing their diet may experience detox symptoms at first, and will begin feeling more energy and clarity, and reduced digestive and detox symptoms throughout the course of the program. There are recommendations for supplements and interventions to help minimize these symptoms as your body adjusts.

      I have an autoimmune disorder. What is realistic to expect from this program?
      People with autoimmune disorders can greatly benefit from the Gut Recovery Program, as intestinal permeability and related gut symptoms are always an issue with autoimmune conditions. Most participants will be able to restore gut health and reduce symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, digestive distress and poor mood (among others) and increase their general well being by following this program.

      Do you have a payment plan?
      Yes, we have recently added a new checkout option, so you can join the program with three monthly payments! You will still get access to the portal and course materials right away, and can begin with the rest of the group. This is a great option for those who are on a budget, or are otherwise unable to invest in the full cost of the course, at one time.

      Disclaimer: This is a digital product only. All content is delivered via online portal. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is for informational purposes. Please be sure to consult your physician before taking this or any other product. Consult your physician for any health problems or before starting a new program.

      *Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 10am - 6pm ET.

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